Rudolf Steiner
Passages from two lectures given in Berlin, 30th
March and 1st April 1918
From notes unrevised by the lecturer.
Published by kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland,
and in agreement with the Rudolf Steiner Press.
Berlin, 30th March
Anyone who has rightly understood what was brought forward in recent
lectures, describing how the human soul can determine its own
relationship to the super-sensible worlds, and how it can work freely
at this relationship, need not be disturbed because it is also true
that man is dependent upon the universe, upon the entire environment.
Human life really swings to and fro between these two things —
the free establishment of a relationship to the super-sensible world,
and the dependence on the environment, the entire universe —
notably because man is bound between birth and death to a particular
physical body. One part of this dependence upon the universe we shall
consider in these days in a special connection — a connection
that can be near to the human soul at the present time.
From much that you have made your own of spiritual science it will
have become clear to you that our entire earth, which we as whole
humanity inhabit, is a kind of great living being, and that we
ourselves are included as members within this great living being. In
various lectures I have spoken about particular living phenomena of
this being, our earth. In the most manifold ways is the life of the
earth expressed. In this way, among others: that certain
relationships exist between particular regions of the earth and man,
as dweller on the earth. Just as it is a truth, though a very
superficial one, that humanity is a single whole, it is also a truth
that the parts of humanity spread out over the regions of the earth
are differentiated — not only through the many influences
investigated by external science and geography, but through much more
mysterious influences coming from particular regions of the earth’s
surface. There do exist certain inner relationships, not lying
entirely on that surface of things which is scientifically
investigated, between man and the soil he inhabits, the part of the
earth from which he springs. This can be best seen from the fact that
such relationships develop — not in shorter, but in longer
historic periods. This could be seen in the alteration undergone by
European people who migrate to America and settle there. Of course
the time since America was settled by Europeans is still so short
that this appears at present only in indications — but it is
strongly and definitely indicated. The outer form of European people
changes, through life in America not at once, but in the course of
generations. In the formation of arms and hands, for instance, and in
the face, Europeans gradually come to resemble the old American
Indians. But you should not picture this crudely, but in slight
Such things in a broad way call our attention to
the connections between the mighty organism of the earth and its
separate members, its particular inhabitants. We know that man as he
lives on the earth is connected with super-sensible beings, with the
beings of the higher Hierarchies. We know that what is called the
‘nation-soul’ is not the empty abstraction of which
materialistic people speak, but a kind of Archangel-being. We need
only read the Christiania cycle on the
[Published in English by
the Rudolf Steiner Press. (New edition, winter 1970)] and we
shall find that the nation-soul is a real being, in which a man is as
it were imbedded. Altogether, man is continually connected with the
higher and lower beings of the Hierarchies. Today, and in the
following days, we shall consider this connection from one particular
point of view — as is always necessary with such things.
It is necessary to be clear that for the spiritual-scientific
observer of the world what is called in a materialistic sense
‘matter’ does not exist; this too is resolved into
spirit, if it is observed in a really thorough-going way. I have
often used a comparison to make clear how these things are. Take
water; when it freezes, it is ice, and looks quite different. Ice is
ice, water is water; but ice is also water, only in a different form.
It is much the same with what is called ‘matter’; it is
spirit in another form, spirit that has passed into another form as
water does in ice. When we speak in spiritual science of material
processes, we are looking at something spiritual then too. Active
spirit is everywhere. That active spirit comes to expression in
material processes as well belongs to one particular form in which
spirit becomes manifest. But it is active spirit everywhere. When we
are considering more material phenomena, we are still describing ways
in which the spirit works, where these appear in some realm as
external processes, more or less materially.
In man there are continually material processes going on, which are
really spiritual processes. Man eats. He takes up into his own
organism substances from the external world. Solid materials, which
are transformed into liquids, are taken into the human organism and
thereby altered. Man’s organism consists indeed of all possible
substances, which he takes from outside; but he does not only take
them into himself, as he does so they go through a certain process.
His own warmth is conditioned by the warmth he receives and by the
processes through which the substances he consumes pass. We breathe,
and thereby take in oxygen; but not only this, for since we are
involved by the process of breathing with what happens in the
external world, in the atmosphere, we participate too in the rhythm
of the outer world. (I have even once expressed this in figures.)
Thus with the rhythmic processes which go on in our own organism we
stand in a definite relationship with the environment. Through these
processes, which are such that external processes of nature play into
our being and work on in it, it comes about that the influences
become effective, which are exercised on individual men for instance
by the nation-spirit. We do not only breathe in oxygen. Something
spiritual lives in the breathing of oxygen, and in it the
nation-spirit. We do not only eat; substances are transformed in us,
and this material process is also a spiritual one. As we take in and
transform substances, the nation-spirit can live in this process. The
life of the nation-spirit with us is not merely something abstract,
but is expressed in our daily activity and the life of our organism.
The material processes are at the same time an expression of the ways
in which spirit works. The nation-spirit has to make this detour,
entering us through breathing, nourishment and so on.
The particular nation-spirits, which have been
described in
The Mission of the Folk-Souls
and differentiated
from other points of view, work on men in different ways, which
concern the processes I have just indicated. In this way the nations
of the north acquire their particular character. This depends on the
nation-spirits. If we try to observe by means of spiritual science
along what paths the particular nation-spirits work, the following
results, among others, are obtained.
Man breathes. Through this he stands in a
continuous connection with the surrounding air; he breathes it in and
breathes it out. And when in a particular case the nation-spirit,
through the configuration of the earth and through the most varied
relationships, chooses out the path of the breathing — and
calls forth the special form and character of the nation in question
through the breathing — then it can be said ‘the
nation-spirit works through the air upon this nation’.
This is actually the case, in an outstanding degree, with those
peoples who at one time or another have inhabited the Italian
peninsula. Upon the Italian peninsula the air is the medium for the
effects of the nation-spirit upon men. It can be said: the air of
Italy is the means through which the nation-spirit impresses his
influence on the human beings who inhabit the Italian peninsula, to
give that particular configuration, through which they are ‘the
Italian people’ or were ‘the Roman people’ and so
on. What are apparently material effects can be studied in their
spiritual foundations, on the ways of spiritual science.
It can be asked: how is it with the other nation-spirits? What means
are chosen by the nation-spirits, in order to bring to expression
national characteristics, if we look at other regions of the earth?
Among the peoples who have inhabited presently France, or who inhabit
it today, the nation-spirit takes a path through the fluid element,
through all that does not only enter our bodies as fluid, but works
as fluid within them. Through the nature of what comes into contact
with, and works upon, the human organism, the nation-spirit vibrates
and hovers, determining in this way the national character in
question. This is the case among the peoples who have inhibited
present-day France or inhabit it today.
However, we do not grasp the matter fully, if we
look at this relationship of man to his environment only from one
side; to do so would produce a very one-sided picture. You must
remember what I have often said; man is twofold, the head and the
rest of the organism have their distinct activities. The influence
which I have just described, upon the Italian and French peoples,
works only upon the remainder of the organism, outside the head; and
from the head there proceeds another influence. Only through the
co-operation of the influence from the head, and that from the rest
of the organism, there arises what is expressed in the national
character in its completeness. The influence from the head is
neutralised, so to speak, by the influence from the rest of the
organism. Thus what the inhabitant of Italy breathes in through the
air — what through the breathing gives a special character to
the rest of the organism, outside the head — with this, for
him, there works from the head the configuration of the nervous
system of the head, in its spiritual differentiation, in so far as
man is ‘nerve-man of the head’. — In France this is
different. What lives in the organism as rhythm is a
particular rhythm for the organism as a whole, and a special one for
the head; the head has its own rhythm. While in Italy it is the nerve
activity of the head which works together with the influence of the
air upon man, in France it is the rhythmic movement of the head, the
vibration of rhythm in the head, which works together with the
influence of the fluid element in the organism. Thus the national
character is built up — through the particular way in which the
activity of the individual, in the head, joins forces with what is
effected by the nation-spirit, working from the environment.
As the nation-spirit of Italy through the air,
that of France through the watery element, so the nation-spirit of
Britain goes through all that is earthy, above all through
salt and its compounds in the organism. What is solid is the
chief thing. While the fluid element is at work in the French
national character, we have in Britain the effects of the
solidifying, salting element, passing through everything which comes
into the organism through air and nourishment. This produces the
special character of the British people. But here too something works
from the head neutralising what comes from the environment. Just as
there is rhythm both in the rest of the organism and in the head, so
too there is digestion, metabolism, both in the rest of the organism
and in the head. The way in which the head performs its metabolism,
the particular character of this exchange of substances, joins forces
with the salting element in the organism, and this brings about the
British national character. As the nation-soul works through the
salting element, there comes to meet it, from the head, the head’s
peculiar metabolism. You will be able to study all the special traits
of a national character, if you take into consideration these
particular metamorphoses in the way in which the nation-souls work.
With America it is different again; there a
sub-earthly element is at work. While with Britain we have to do with
the earthy, the salty, in the American national character a
sub-earthly element has its effect, something vibrating under the
earth; this has there an especial influence upon the organism. The
nation-spirit brings about the national character of the American
people by working upwards through the sub-earthly magnetic and
electric currents. And again, something comes from the head to meet
this influence, to neutralise the effect of the sub-earthly magnetic
and electric currents; there rays out to meet it, real human Will.
That is the peculiarity of the American national character. While
with the British national character we must say: it depends
essentially upon the earthy element, in so far as man takes this into
his organism, which then enters into mutual relationship with the
metabolism of the head — in the same way, the will that
comes to expression in this people, among the Americans, works with
what comes up from the sub-earthly, shaping thus the American
national character.
* * *
If we observe the East, which will gradually arise
out of chaos [March 1918 (Tr.)] and
shine out in its own true form — there one encounters something
peculiar. As the nation-spirit works through the air for the Italian
character, for the French people through the water, for the
Englishman through the earthy element and for the American from the
sub-earthly, so for the Russian, the Slav element, the nation-spirit
works through light. In the vibrating light the nation-spirit
significant in the East is in fact at work. When at last what will
grow in the future in the East has freed itself from its embryonic
wrappings, it will become evident that the nation-spirit in the East
works quite differently from the nation-spirit in the West. Though I
must say ‘the nation-spirit works through the light’ —
the curious thing is that he does not work directly through
the light vibrating to-wards us; he works through the light shining
down into the ground, and reflected back by it. It is this light
arising back from the earth which is used by the nation-spirit with
the Russian, in order to work upon him. But this does not work on the
organism in general, but upon the head itself, on the mood of
thought, on the way in which mental pictures and impressions are
formed, and so on. The way in which the nation-spirit works is here
just the opposite of that in the West, where he works from the rest
of the organism, and something encounters him from the head. In the
East he works through the light. The light that streams back from the
ground is medium for the nation-spirit, and this works principally
upon the head. And what here works back, comes from the rest of the
organism, particularly from the organism of the heart. It comes in
the opposite direction, towards the head, and alters the influence
which comes from there. (Today it is still in chaos, in embryonic
wrappings.) It is the rhythm of the breathing, which beats up towards
the head, and neutralises what comes from the nation-spirit on the
detour through light.
What comes out in this way, in the East that is nearest to us, is
present in a still greater degree when we go further eastwards. That
is the special quality of the Asiatic East; that the nation-spirit
partly still works through the light taken up by the ground and
thrown back by it, working on the head. Or the nation-spirit works as
well through something that is no longer light, that is indeed not
visible at all; the harmony of the spheres, which vibrates through
everything, and which for a spiritual humanity of the Asiatic East is
equivalent to the effect of a nation-spirit — when the
nation-spirit works directly through the harmony of the spheres,
which however is reflected by the earth and works upon the head.
Against this there works the rhythm of the breath; in this lies the
mystery of the fact that the seekers for the spirit in the East have
always sought through a special training of the breathing their
connection with the spirit. If you study Yoga, you will see that it
claims to develop the breathing in a special way. This depends upon
the fact that the individual as a member of humanity — not as
separate individual — seeks to find spirituality through the
nation-spirit; he seeks it in the way which is really founded in his
national character. Thus the further we go to the East, the more we
find this. Naturally it could be shown how something of this sort is
expressed in fine variations of such nationally characteristic
effects, and also in distortions of these effects, deviations from
them, in which entire peoples and races share, when there are
disharmonies, for example, in the accord between the effect of the
head and the effect of the rest of the organism ...
How is it with the peoples of Middle Europe? We
are speaking more of geographical relationships, and are not
considering ‘Middle Europe’ from a social or political
point of view. A central Europe is meant to which France and Italy do
not belong. It is the peculiarity of the nation-soul being that is at
work in Middle Europe that its effects come — as I have
described for other regions that these come through air, water, what
is of the nature of salt, and so on — immediately through
warmth. The nation-spirit chooses in Middle Europe the path
through warmth. Now this is not entirely fixed, but can have
individual variations. There can be human beings in Middle Europe
among whom this effect of the nation-spirit can be different;
sometimes upon the rest of the organism, sometimes upon the head. And
according to whether the warmth comes directly from the air outside,
or through food or through the breathing. This is all a medium for
the nation-spirit. What comes to meet this influence is again warmth.
Thus in Middle Europe warmth as an external influence is a medium for
the nation-spirit, and what comes to meet it is again individual
warmth, coming from within. What works in the organism as warmth,
through the nation-spirit, is encountered by the head’s own
warmth. If the nation-spirit’s warmth works through the head,
the warmth of the rest of the organism streams to meet it. Warmth
works towards warmth — and works especially in such a way that
it depends mainly upon the greater or slighter activity of the
senses, the capacity of perception. A man of livelier spirit, who
looks at the things around him lovingly, develops more warmth of his
own; a man who is hasty and superficial, who does not feel much when
he perceives, but passes everything by, develops less warmth of his
own. This life with the environment, when a human being has a heart,
or an open eye, for what is around him — this is what comes to
meet the warmth which works through the nation-spirit, so that warmth
encounters warmth. That is the peculiarity of the way in which the
nation-spirit works in Middle Europe, and much in the character of
its people depends on this. For warmth is so intimately related to
warmth. The other ways of working are not so closely related. Will is
not in the same way related to electricity, the salt-process is not
so closely related to the metabolism of the head, or the other
influences which have been described. Warmth produces the European
character which is also expressed in the capacity to be absorbed into
all sorts of things. (This is not a matter of value judgments —
anyone can regard it as he likes, as virtue or fault.) Warmth meeting
warmth; this produces malleability, plasticity, which can find its
way into everything, including other national characters. If we study
history, it shows how the particular German tribes have been absorbed
in other peoples, have adopted another element.
From what has been said today the great contrast between the Asiatic
East and America becomes most evident. Light, and even what lies
beyond light in the ethereal, is what the nation-spirit uses in the
East to approach man, although this light shines back from the earth;
while in the West it is the sub-earthly element. This can lead us
deeply into the organic and psychic life of the earth-organism in its
association with man.
* * *