SZENE IM GEISTGEBIET (Scene in the Spiritual Realm)
the Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner
Musical Score By Adolph Arenson
Adolph Arenson composed the music for Steiner's four Mystery Dramas
at the request of Rudolf Steiner himself. We tracked down some of the
scores at the Rudolf Steiner Library in Ghent, New York. These
manuscripts were very old and in pretty bad shape, but we managed to
get some copies made. Note by note they were entered into a music
composition system (Sibelius 3.0), and then, using a synthesizer, the
score was rendered into a digital MP3 file. We also have print-outs
of the pages in the transcribed musical score. Now you can follow-along
as you listen to the music!
|  Page 1 of the Original Music Score Click image for large view | |