Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age,
Mystics of the Renaissance,
Mysticism and Modern Thought,
Mystics After Modernism,
Eleven European Mystics,
Die Mystik Im Aufgange des Neuteitlichen Geisteslebens und Ihr Verhaeltnis Zur Modernen Weltenschauung.
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1901; GA 7 / Bn 7 / CW 7)
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This book originated in lectures Steiner gave to a small circle of
theosophists and constitutes the earliest public exposition of his
spiritual scientific research. In it Steiner deals with the impact
of modern scientific thinking on our spiritual experiences and the
conflict between reason and revelation. He looks at how eleven European
mystics resolved the dichotomy between their inner spiritual perceptions
and individual freedom and the age of invention and discovery then coming
to birth. It was originally published in German as,
Die Mystik Im Aufgange des Neuzeitlichen Geisteslebens
und Ihr Verhaeltnis zur Modernen Weltanschauung.
The individuals considered are:
Meister Eckhart,
Johannes Tauler,
Heinrich Suso,
Jan van Ruysbroeck,
Cardinal Nicolas of Cusa,
Agrippa of Nettesheim,
Valentin Weigel,
Jacob Boehme,
Giordano Bruno, and
Angelus Silesius.
Known Publications:
- Die Mystik Im Aufgange des Neuzeitlichen Geisteslebens
Und Ihr Verhältnis zur Modernen Weltanschauung,
German language editions: 1901, 1924, 1924, 1936, 1960, 1987
- Mystics of the Renaissance,
Theosophical Publishing Society, London,
and G. P. Putnam's Sons, London and New York, 1911, 278 pp.,
translated from the first German edition of 1901 by Bertram
- Mysticism and Modern Thought,
Anthroposophical Publishing Co.,
London, and Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1928, 214 pp.,
translated from the 2nd or 3rd German edition of 1923 or 1924
by George Metaxa
- Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age,
Rudolf Steiner Publications, Englewood, N. J., 1960,
242 pp. plus index, translated from the 2nd or 3rd German
edition of 1923 or 1924 by Karl E. Zimmer
- Eleven European Mystics,
Rudolf Steiner Publications, Blauvelt,
N. Y., c.1970, 242 pp. plus index, translated by Karl E. Zimmer.
This edition appears to be a paperback version of the above
Zimmer translation.
- Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age,
Garber Communications, Blauvelt, N. Y., c.1985, 253 pp.,
0-8334-1786-X, Paper
- Mystics After Modernism,
Anthroposoophic Press, Hudson, N. Y., 2000, 208 pp.,
translated from the German by Karl E. Zimmer,
- Reprinted by Kessinger Publications
GA 7 / Bn 7 / CW 7 ... Selections ...
Ein Überblick über die wesentlichen
Erscheinungsformen der abendändischen Mystik von Meister
Eckhart bis Angelus Silesius. Die Besonderheit der in diesem Band
vorgestellten Betrachtungsweise liegt vor allem darin, dass
Rudolf Steiner einen inneren Zusammenhang zwischen den mystischen
Strömungen gegen Ende des Mittelalters und der Entwicklung
der modernen Naturwissenschaft aufzuzeigen vermag.
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age
This book deals with the impact of modern scientific thinking on our
spiritual experiences, and the conflict between reason and revelation.
He looks at how eleven European mystics resolved the dichotomy between
their inner spiritual perceptions and individual freedom, and the age
of invention and discovery then coming to birth. It was translated by
Karl E. Zimmer, and originally publish in 1980.
Eleven European Mystics
This book is the fruit of Steiner's lecturing activity. The substance
of it was contained in a series of lectures he gave in Berlin beginning
just after Michaelmas in 1900, when he was thirty-nine. Steiner later
wrote, “By means of the ideas of the mystics from Meister Eckhart
to Jacob Boehme, I found expression for the spiritual perceptions which,
in reality, I decided to set forth. I then summarized the series of
lectures in the book,
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age.”
The books in this area can be compared side by side in the same browser
window. Select any combination of chapters, prefaces, appendixes, etc.,
from any of the editions found here.