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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 Schmidt No.   Date    * DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-2634 1912-09-22   Sun  139    Basel Lecture 8
From:  The Gospel of St. Mark
AKA:  The Gospell of St.Mark
Also:  The Gospel of Mark
Germ:  Das Markus-Evangelium
.  S-2635 1912-09-23   Mon  139    Basel Lecture 9
From:  The Gospel of St. Mark
AKA:  The Gospell of St.Mark
Also:  The Gospel of Mark
Germ:  Das Markus-Evangelium
.  S-2636 1912-09-24   Tue  139    Basel Lecture 10
From:  The Gospel of St. Mark
AKA:  The Gospell of St.Mark
Also:  The Gospel of Mark
Germ:  Das Markus-Evangelium
.  S-2637 1912-09-25   Wed      Basel The Function of Spiritual Science for the Futur   
.  S-2638 1912-09-26   Thu      Basel Spiritual Science and Human Life   
.  S-2818 1913-09-22   Mon  250f    Basel Regular General Meeting of the St. John Society
Also:  The Building-Up of the Anthroposophical Society. From the Beginning to the Outbreak of the First World War
Germ:  Der Aufbau der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs
.  S-2847 1913-12-01   Mon      Basel The Science of the Spirit and the Spiritual Aims of Our Times
AKA:  Science of the Spirit
.  S-2902 1914-03-13   Fri      Basel Spiritual Science and its Relationship to Religious and Social Streams of the Present   
.  S-2908 1914-04-04   Sat      Basel Funeral Oration at the Cremation of the Remains of Christian Morgenstern   
.  S-2925 1914-05-05   Tue  154    Basel The Presence of the Dead in our Life
From:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
AKA:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
Also:  How does One Win Through to an Understanding of the Spiritual World? The Pouring-In of Spiritual Impulses from out of the World of the Deceased
Germ:  Wie erwirbt man sich Verständnis für die geistige Welt? Das Einfließen geistiger Impulse aus der Welt der Verstorbenen
.  S-2934 1914-06-01   Mon  152    Basel The Four Sacrifices of Christ
Also:  Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha
Germ:  Vorstufen zum Mysterium von Golgatha
.  S-2993 1914-12-27   Sun  156    Basel The Birth of Christ Within Us
From:  The Festivals and Their Meaning: I Christmas
AKA:  Christmas
Also:  Occult Reading and Occult Hearing
Germ:  Okkultes Lesen und okkultes Hören
.  S-2997 1914-12-31   Thu      Basel Lecture 2nd Regular Meeting of the St. John Group   
.  S-3004 1915-01-10   Sun      Basel Funeral Oration for Lina Grosheintz-Rohrer   
.  S-3015 1915-02-05   Fri      Basel Funeral Oration for Fritz Mitscher   
.  S-3050 1915-04-09   Fri      Basel The Essence of Spiritual Science and Knowledge of the Supersensible World   
.  S-3051 1915-04-10   Sat      Basel The Building in Dornach and its Form as a Home for Spiritual Science   
.  S-3126 1915-09-24   Fri      Basel Funeral Oration for Mrs. Gertrud Noss   
.  S-3172 1915-12-28   Tue      Basel Tree of Knowledge and the Christmas Tree
From:  Tree of Knowledge and the Christmas Tree
e.Book  S-3182 1916-01-12   Wed      Basel The Supersensible Being of Man
From:  Reincarnation and Immortality
.  S-3183 1916-01-14   Fri  none    Basel The Harmony between Spiritual Science and Natural Science   
.  S-3269 1916-10-04   Wed      Basel The Supersensible Life of the Eternal in the Human Soul from the Point of View of Spiritual Science   
.  S-3270 1916-10-06   Fri      Basel The Riddle of Man in Philosophy and in Spiritual Investigation   
.  S-3287 1916-10-31   Tue      Basel Commemorative Words at the Cremation of Jacques de Jaager   
.  S-3308 1916-12-08   Fri      Basel Human Soul and Human Destiny in Connection with Universal Evolution from the Point of View of Spiritual Science
AKA:  xxx?
.  S-3316 1916-12-21   Thu  173    Basel Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny
From:  The Festivals and Their Meaning: I Christmas
AKA:  Christmas
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 4, The Karma of Untruthfulness, Part One, Contemporary-Historical Examinations
Germ:  Zeitgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. Das Karma der Unwahrhaftigkeit - Erster Teil. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band IV
.  S-3316 1916-12-21   Thu  173    Basel Lecture Eight
From:  The Karma of Untruthfulness Volume One
AKA:  Christmas
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 4, The Karma of Untruthfulness, Part One, Contemporary-Historical Examinations
Germ:  Zeitgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. Das Karma der Unwahrhaftigkeit - Erster Teil. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band IV
.  S-3412 1917-10-18   Thu  72    Basel The Human Soul in the Supersensible Realm and Its Relationship to the Body
From:  Freedom - Immortality - Social Life
.  S-3413 1917-10-19   Fri  72    Basel Anthroposophy Does not Disturb Any Religious Confession
From:  Freedom - Immortality - Social Life
.  S-3437 1917-11-23   Fri  72    Basel What Spiritual Science Has to Say About the Eternal Aspect of the Human Soul and the Nature of Freedom
From:  Freedom - Immortality - Social Life
AKA:  appears in 2000 GA 72
.  S-3438 1917-11-24   Sat  72    Basel The Science of the Supersensible and the Moral-Social Ideas
From:  Freedom - Immortality - Social Life
.  S-3586 1918-10-30   Wed  72    Basel The Nature of the Human Soul and the Nature of the Human Body
From:  Freedom - Immortality - Social Life
.  S-3587 1918-10-31   Thu  72    Basel How Natural Sciences Justify the Supersensible Knowledge
From:  Freedom - Immortality - Social Life
.  S-3594 1918-11-08   Fri      Basel Moral, Social and Religious Life in the Light of Supersensible Universal Knowledge   
.  S-3618 1918-12-22   Sun  187    Basel The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul
From:  The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul
AKA:  How can Mankind Find the Christ Again?
Also:  How can Humanity find the Christ again? The Threefold Shadow-Existence of our Times and the New Christ-Light
Germ:  Wie kann die Menschheit den Christus wiederfinden? Das dreifache Schattendasein unserer Zeit und das neue Christus-Licht
.  S-3618 1918-12-22   Sun  187    Basel The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul
From:  How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?
AKA:  How can Mankind Find the Christ Again?
Also:  How can Humanity find the Christ again? The Threefold Shadow-Existence of our Times and the New Christ-Light
Germ:  Wie kann die Menschheit den Christus wiederfinden? Das dreifache Schattendasein unserer Zeit und das neue Christus-Licht
.  S-3658 1919-02-13   Thu      Basel True Form of the Social Question   
.  S-3659 1919-02-14   Fri      Basel More on the Social Question   
.  S-3667 1919-02-28   Fri      Basel The Social Question as a Question of Commerce, Rights, and Culture or Spirit   
.  S-3689 1919-04-02   Wed      Basel Advancement of Workers and Future Practical Results   
.  S-3694 1919-04-09   Wed  329    Basel Basel Student Organization, Social Will, Advancement of the Workers
Also:  The Liberation of the Human Being as the Foundation of a Social Renewal
Germ:  Die Befreiung des Menschenwesens als Grundlage für eine soziale Neugestaltung
.  S-3884 1919-10-20   Mon  329    Basel Anthroposophy, Culture, Present, Future
Also:  The Liberation of the Human Being as the Foundation of a Social Renewal
Germ:  Die Befreiung des Menschenwesens als Grundlage für eine soziale Neugestaltung
.  S-3902 1919-11-10   Mon  329    Basel Spirit as Guide through the Perceptible and Imperceptible World
Also:  The Liberation of the Human Being as the Foundation of a Social Renewal
Germ:  Die Befreiung des Menschenwesens als Grundlage für eine soziale Neugestaltung
.  S-3913 1919-11-25   Tue  297    Basel The Social Pedagogical Significance of Spiritual Science
AKA:  The Spirit of the Waldorf School
Also:  The Waldorf School and Its Spirit
Germ:  Die Waldorfschule und ihr Geist
.  S-3915 1919-11-27   Thu  297    Basel Spiritual Science and the Art of Education
Also:  The Waldorf School and Its Spirit
Germ:  Die Waldorfschule und ihr Geist
.  S-3961 1920-01-05   Mon  334    Basel Methods and Goals of Spiritual Science
AKA:  Social Issues, Meditative Thinking, and the Threefold Social Order
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-3962 1920-01-06   Tue  334    Basel The Foundation of Physical and Mental Health in Spiritual Science
AKA:  Social Issues, Meditative Thinking, and the Threefold Social Order
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-3963 1920-01-07   Wed  334    Basel Ethical and Religious Forces in the Light of Spiritual Science
AKA:  Social Issues, Meditative Thinking, and the Threefold Social Order
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-4088 1920-04-20   Tue  301    Basel Introduction
AKA:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4089 1920-04-21   Wed  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4090 1920-04-22   Thu  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4091 1920-04-23   Fri  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4097 1920-04-26   Mon  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4098 1920-04-26   Mon  334    Basel The Threefold Social Order
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-4101 1920-04-28   Wed  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4102 1920-04-29   Thu  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4108 1920-05-03   Mon  301    Basel Zoology and Botany Lessons for 9 - 12 year-olds
AKA:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4109 1920-05-04   Tue  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4110 1920-05-04   Tue  334    Basel Anthroposophy 1
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-4111 1920-05-05   Wed  301    Basel The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4112 1920-05-05   Wed  334    Basel Anthroposophy 2
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-4113 1920-05-06   Thu  301    Basel The Rhythmic Element in Education
AKA:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4114 1920-05-06   Thu  334    Basel Anthroposophy 3
Also:  From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism
Germ:  Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus
.  S-4115 1920-05-07   Fri  301    Basel Teaching History
AKA:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4120 1920-05-10   Mon  301    Basel Children's Play
AKA:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4121 1920-05-11   Tue  301    Basel Other Aspects
AKA:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Educational Art by Spiritual Science
Also:  The Renewal of the Pedagogical-Didactical Art through Spiritual Science
Germ:  Die Erneuerung der pädagogisch-didaktischen Kunst durch Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-4164 1920-07-14   Wed      Basel The Threefold Social Order   
.  S-4275 1920-10-25   Mon      Basel Eulogy for Harald Lille (died Oct. 22nd. 1920)   
.  S-4276 1920-10-27   Wed      Basel Eulogy for Caroline Wilhelm (died Oct. 23rd 1920)   
.  S-4301 1920-12-02   Thu      Basel Anthroposophical Spiritual Science, Its Results and Scientific Validation   
.  S-4302 1920-12-03   Fri      Basel Anthroposophical Spiritual Science, Its Value for Man and its Relationship to Art and Religion   
e.Book  S-4323 1920-12-23   Thu  202    Basel A Christmas Lecture
From:  The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia
AKA:  Search for the New Isis, the Divine Sophia
Also:  The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 2: The Bridge between the World-Spirituality and the Physical Aspect off the Human Being. The Search for a New Isis, the Divine Sophia
Germ:  Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 2: Die Brücke zwischen der Weltgeistigkeit und dem Physischen des Menschen. Die Suche nach der neuen Isis, der göttlichen Sophia
.  S-4374 1921-01-26   Wed      Basel Synthetic Geometry   
.  S-4379 1921-01-31   Mon  none    Basel The Task of the Goetheanum -or- Science, Art, Religion, and Anthroposophy   
e.Book  S-4380 1921-02-01   Tue  none    Basel The Threshold in Nature and Man -or- The Human Soul and the World of Nature   
.  S-4650 1921-11-02   Wed      Basel Anthroposophy and Science   
.  S-5228 1923-04-09   Mon  84    Basel Purpose of the Goetheanum and Anthroposophy
From:  What was the Purpose of the Goetheanum
Also:  What's the Goetheanum About, and What's Anthroposophy?
Germ:  Was wollte das Goetheanum und was soll die Anthroposophie?
.  S-5330 1923-06-29   Fri  261    Basel Words of Remembrance at the Cremation of Hermann Linde
Also:  Our Dead. Addresses, Words of Thought, and Meditative Verses, 1906-1924
Germ:  Unsere Toten. Ansprachen, Gedenkworte und Meditationssprüche 1906–1924
.  S-5575a 1924-01-11   Fri      Basel Words at the Cremation of Georga Wiese   
.  S-5721 1924-05-06   Tue      Basel Eulogy at the Cremation of Edith Maryon   
.  S-2825 1913-10-09   Thu      Bergen The Riddle of Life   
.  S-2826 1913-10-10   Fri  140    Bergen Lecture I
From:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2826 1913-10-10   Fri  140    Bergen Links Between the Living and the Dead
From:  Links Between the Living and the Dead
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2826 1913-10-10   Fri  140    Bergen Die Lebendige Wechselwirkung Zwischen Lebenden und Toten
From:  Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2826 1913-10-10   Fri  140    Bergen Eleven k?lcs?nhat?s ?l?k ?s holtak k?z?tt
From:  Eleven k?lcs?nhat?s ?l?k ?s holtak k?z?tt
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2827 1913-10-11   Sat  140    Bergen Lecture II
From:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2827 1913-10-11   Sat  140    Bergen The Transformation of Earthly Forces into Clairvoyant Faculties
From:  Links Between the Living and the Dead
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2827 1913-10-11   Sat  140    Bergen Die Umwandlung menschlich-irdischer Krafte zu Kraften hellseherischer Forschung
From:  Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt
AKA:  Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-0012 1897-12-07   Tue      Berlin The Literary Revolution from 1848 to the Present
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0014 1897-12-21   Tue      Berlin From Heinrich Laub to Paul Heyse
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0015 1898-01-04   Tue      Berlin The Spiritual Life in Germany before the Franco-Prussian War
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0016 1898-01-18   Tue      Berlin The Literary Struggles in the New Regime
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0017 1898-01-23   Sun      Berlin Gathering on Maurice Maeterlinck before a Performance of his "L'Intruse"   
.  S-0018 1898-02-01   Tue      Berlin The Significance of Ibsen and Nietzsche for Modern Spiritual Life
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0019 1898-02-15   Tue      Berlin The Influence of the Worldview of the Times on the Technique of Poetry
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0020 1898-03-08   Tue      Berlin The Spiritual Life of the Present
AKA:  The Mainstream of German Literature from the Revolution (1848) to the Present
.  S-0021 1898-12-12   Mon      Berlin Pedagogy in Higher Education and Public Life   
.  S-0022 1899-01-13   Fri      Berlin Lecture 1
AKA:  History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life
.  S-0023 1899-01-20   Fri      Berlin Lecture 2
AKA:  History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life
.  S-0024 1899-01-27   Fri      Berlin Lecture 3
AKA:  History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  3
Translated Lectures:  29
Untranslated Lectures:  44
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  27
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6780

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