Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-0025 |
1899-02-03 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0026 |
1899-02-10 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0027 |
1899-02-17 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0028 |
1899-02-24 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0029 |
1899-03-03 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0030 |
1899-03-10 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 9
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0031 |
1899-03-13 |
Mon |
Berlin |
The Verses of Nietzsche and Two Ballads of Maeterlinck |
S-0032 |
1899-03-17 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 10
AKA: | History from the 16th Century to the Present Time With Special Consideration Given to Spiritual Life |
S-0033 |
1899-04-14 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0034 |
1899-04-21 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0034a |
1899-04-22 |
Sat |
Berlin |
On the Occasion of Kant's Birthday |
S-0035 |
1899-04-28 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0036 |
1899-05-05 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0037 |
1899-05-12 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0038 |
1899-05-19 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0039 |
1899-05-26 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0040 |
1899-06-02 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0041 |
1899-06-09 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 9
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0042 |
1899-06-16 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 10
AKA: | German Literature of the Last 50 Years |
S-0043 |
1899-08-28 |
Mon |
30 |
Berlin |
Goethe and the Present Time |
S-0044 |
1899-09-26 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Faust, a Life's Confession |
S-0045 |
1899-10-03 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | Contemporary Poetry (Six Recitations by Max Laurence with an Introduction to Literary-Historical Mood by Dr.Rudolf Steiner) |
S-0046 |
1899-10-10 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | Contemporary Poetry (Six Recitations by Max Laurence with an Introduction to Literary-Historical Mood by Dr.Rudolf Steiner) |
S-0047 |
1899-10-13 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0048 |
1899-10-20 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0049 |
1899-10-24 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | Contemporary Poetry (Six Recitations by Max Laurence with an Introduction to Literary-Historical Mood by Dr.Rudolf Steiner) |
S-0050 |
1899-10-27 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0051 |
1899-11-03 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0052 |
1899-11-05 |
Sun |
Berlin |
Art and Literature in Relation to Natural Science |
S-0054 |
1899-11-10 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0055 |
1899-11-14 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | Contemporary Poetry (Six Recitations by Max Laurence with an Introduction to Literary-Historical Mood by Dr.Rudolf Steiner) |
S-0056 |
1899-11-17 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0057 |
1899-11-21 |
Tue |
Berlin |
J. H. Mackay, Karl Henckell, J. Hart, Bruno Welle, Gustave Renner, Emanuel von Bodmann, Paul Bornstein, Clara Mueller, Ada Negri
AKA: | Contemporary Poetry (Six Recitations by Max Laurence with an Introduction to Literary-Historical Mood by Dr.Rudolf Steiner) |
S-0058 |
1899-11-24 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0058a |
1899-11-28 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Introduction to an Evening of J. H. Mackay |
S-0059 |
1899-12-01 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0060 |
1899-12-05 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Stephan George, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Caesar Flaischlen, Johannes Schlaf, Arno Holz, Rainer Maria Rilke, Hans Bethge, Richard Schaukal Ending with Humorous Parodies of: Otto Erich Hartleben, Arno Holz, Otto Ernst, Otto Julius Bierbaum, Paul Scheerbart
AKA: | Contemporary Poetry (Six Recitations by Max Laurence with an Introduction to Literary-Historical Mood by Dr.Rudolf Steiner) |
S-0061 |
1899-12-08 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 9
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0062 |
1899-12-15 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 10
AKA: | History of the French Revolution with Special Attention Given to Spiritual Streams Before and During it |
S-0063 |
1900-01-12 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0064 |
1900-01-19 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0065 |
1900-01-26 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0066 |
1900-02-02 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0067 |
1900-02-09 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0068 |
1900-02-16 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0069 |
1900-02-23 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0070 |
1900-02-25 |
Sun |
Berlin |
Gerhart Hauptmann |
S-0071 |
1900-03-02 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0072 |
1900-03-09 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 9
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0073 |
1900-03-16 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 10
AKA: | Reports and Discussions on Scientific Themes of the Economic, Trade Union and Spiritual Life |
S-0074 |
1900-03-17 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Pedagogy, Indications for Effective College Instruction |
S-0075 |
1900-04-20 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0076 |
1900-04-27 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0077 |
1900-05-04 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0078 |
1900-05-11 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0079 |
1900-05-18 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0080 |
1900-05-25 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0080a |
1900-05-29 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Gerhart Hauptmann |
S-0081 |
1900-06-01 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0082 |
1900-06-08 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0083 |
1900-06-15 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 9
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0084 |
1900-06-17 |
Sun |
Berlin |
Gutenberg's Deed as Landmark in Cultural Development |
S-0085 |
1900-06-22 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 10
AKA: | The History of Art and Culture in the 19th Century |
S-0086 |
1900-08-28 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Goethe Celebration |
S-0087 |
1900-09-13 |
Thu |
5 |
Berlin |
A Memorial Address: The Personality of Friedrich Nietzsche
AKA: | Friedrich Nietzsche, a Fighter Against His Time |
Also: | Friedrich Nietzsche, A Fighter Against His Own Time |
S-0088 |
1900-09-15 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Friedrich Nietzsche, Philosopher and Poet |
S-0089 |
1900-09-18 |
Tue |
Berlin |
Nietzsche's Lonely Spiritual Path |
S-0090 |
1900-09-22 |
Sat |
Berlin |
On Nietzsche |
S-0090a |
1900-09-23 |
Sun |
Berlin |
Modern Culture and Modern Education, with Special Consideration to the Working Class |
S-0091 |
1900-09-29 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Goethe's Secret Revelation |
S-0092 |
1900-10-06 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
S-0094 |
1900-10-11 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life |
S-0095 |
1900-10-12 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 1
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0096 |
1900-10-13 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
S-0096a |
1900-10-14 |
Sun |
Berlin |
Friedrich Hebbel |
S-0096b |
1900-10-17 |
Wed |
Berlin |
Gottfried Keller |
S-0097 |
1900-10-18 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0098 |
1900-10-19 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 2
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0099 |
1900-10-20 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
S-0100 |
1900-10-25 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0101 |
1900-10-26 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 3
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0102 |
1900-10-27 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
S-0103 |
1900-11-01 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0104 |
1900-11-02 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 4
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0105 |
1900-11-03 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
S-0106 |
1900-11-08 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0107 |
1900-11-09 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 5
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0108 |
1900-11-10 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
S-0109 |
1900-11-15 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0110 |
1900-11-16 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 6
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0111 |
1900-11-17 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
S-0112 |
1900-11-22 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0113 |
1900-11-23 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 7
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0114 |
1900-11-24 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
S-0115 |
1900-11-25 |
Sun |
Berlin |
Friedrich Nietzsche as Poet of the Modern Outlook |
S-0116 |
1900-11-29 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | Exercises for Beginners in the Verbal Exchange of Ideas, with Respect to the Practical Life) |
S-0117 |
1900-11-30 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Giordano Bruno and Modern Rome |
S-0118 |
1900-11-30 |
Fri |
Berlin |
Lecture 8
AKA: | The History of Culture in Broad Outline from the Beginning of Human Culture up to the Present Time |
S-0119 |
1900-12-01 |
Sat |
Berlin |
Lecture 9
S-0120 |
1900-12-06 |
Thu |
Berlin |
Eulogy for Ludwig Jacobowski (died Dec. 2nd.) |