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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 Schmidt No.   Date    * DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-2328 1910-12-12   Mon  124    Munich Lecture 3
From:  The Ego
AKA:  Background to the Gospel of St.Mark
Also:  Excursus in the Field of the Gospel of Mark
Germ:  Exkurse in das Gebiet des Markus-Evangeliums
.  S-2328 1910-12-12   Mon  124    Munich The Lord of the Soul
From:  The Universal Human
AKA:  Background to the Gospel of St.Mark
Also:  Excursus in the Field of the Gospel of Mark
Germ:  Exkurse in das Gebiet des Markus-Evangeliums
.  S-2375 1911-02-11   Sat  127    Munich The Son of God and the Son of Man
From:  The Son of God and the Son of Man
Also:  The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation. The Christ-Event as the Middle-Point of Earth Evolution
Germ:  Die Mission der neuen Geistesoffenbarung. Das Christus-Ereignis als Mittelpunktsgeschehen der Erdenevolution
.  S-2376 1911-02-12   Sun      Munich Predisposition, Talent, and the Education of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-2377 1911-02-13   Mon      Munich The Teaching and Mission of Moses   
.  S-2378 1911-02-14   Tue  none    Munich Mysteries of Heredity and Talents 2 -or- Heredity   
.  S-2413 1911-05-03   Wed  127    Munich Inherited Sin and Grace
AKA:  The Concepts of Original Sin and Grace
Also:  The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation. The Christ-Event as the Middle-Point of Earth Evolution
Germ:  Die Mission der neuen Geistesoffenbarung. Das Christus-Ereignis als Mittelpunktsgeschehen der Erdenevolution
.  S-2427 1911-08-18   Fri  129    Munich Lecture 1
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2427 1911-08-18   Fri  129    Munich Lecture 1
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2428 1911-08-19   Sat  129    Munich Lecture 2
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2428 1911-08-19   Sat  129    Munich Lecture 2
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2429 1911-08-20   Sun  129    Munich Lecture 3
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2429 1911-08-20   Sun  129    Munich Lecture 3
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2430 1911-08-21   Mon  129    Munich Lecture 4
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2430 1911-08-21   Mon  129    Munich Lecture 4
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2431 1911-08-22   Tue      Munich Morning on an Exhibition of Paintings by Frau M. Strakosch   
.  S-2432 1911-08-22   Tue  129    Munich Lecture 5
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2432 1911-08-22   Tue  129    Munich Lecture 5
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2433 1911-08-23   Wed  129    Munich Lecture 6
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2433 1911-08-23   Wed  129    Munich Lecture 6
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2434 1911-08-24   Thu  129    Munich Lecture 7
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2434 1911-08-24   Thu  129    Munich Lecture 7
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2435 1911-08-25   Fri  129    Munich Lecture 8
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2435 1911-08-25   Fri  129    Munich Lecture 8
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2436 1911-08-26   Sat  129    Munich Lecture 9
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2436 1911-08-26   Sat  129    Munich Lecture 9
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2437 1911-08-27   Sun  129    Munich Lecture 10
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2437 1911-08-27   Sun  129    Munich Lecture 10
From:  Wonders of the World
AKA:  Wonders of the World, Soul Trials, Spiritual Revelations
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2438 1911-08-28   Mon      Munich Morning on Friedrich Lienhard   
.  S-2439 1911-08-28   Mon  129    Munich On the Occasion of Goethe's Birthday
From:  On the Occasion of Goethe's Birthday
Also:  Wonders of the World, Trials of the Soul, and Revelations of the Spirit
Germ:  Weltenwunder, Seelenprüfungen und Geistesoffenbarungen
.  S-2475 1911-11-17   Fri      Munich Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-2476 1911-11-18   Sat  130    Munich Lecture V. The Christ Impulse as Living Reality
From:  The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2476 1911-11-18   Sat  130    Munich The Christ Impulse as Living Reality - Lecture 1
From:  Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2477 1911-11-19   Sun      Munich From Paracelsus to Goethe   
.  S-2478 1911-11-20   Mon  130    Munich The Christ Impulse as Living Reality - Lecture 2
From:  Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2517 1912-01-08   Mon      Munich How is Theosophy Refuted?   
.  S-2518 1912-01-09   Tue  130    Munich Cosmic Ego and Human Ego
From:  Esoteric Studies: Cosmic Ego and Human Ego
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2519 1912-01-10   Wed      Munich How does One Justify Theosophy?   
.  S-2520 1912-01-11   Thu  143    Munich Overcoming Nervousness
From:  Overcoming Nervousness
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2520 1912-01-11   Thu  143    Munich Nervous Conditions in Our Time
From:  Nervous Conditions in Our Time
AKA:  Overcoming Nervousness
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2551 1912-02-24   Sat      Munich The Hidden Depth of Soul Life   
.  S-2552 1912-02-25   Sun  143    Munich Reflections of Consciousness, Super-consciousness and Sub-consciousness
From:  Reflections of Consciousness, Super-consciousness and Sub-consciousness
AKA:  Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2552 1912-02-25   Sun  143    Munich Anthroposophy and Psychoanalysis I
From:  Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
AKA:  Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2553 1912-02-26   Mon      Munich The Origin of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-2554 1912-02-27   Tue  143    Munich Hidden Forces of Soul-Life
From:  Hidden Forces of Soul-Life
AKA:  Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2554 1912-02-27   Tue  143    Munich Anthroposophy and Psychoanalysis II
From:  Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
AKA:  Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2595 1912-05-16   Thu  143    Munich A Lecture, Towards a Synthesis of World Views
Also:  Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ
Germ:  Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus
.  S-2596 1912-05-17   Fri      Munich The Essence of Scientifically Spiritual Knowledge and its Significance for Life   
.  S-2617a 1912-07-23   Tue      Munich Commemorative Address for Caroline von Sivers-Braun   
.  S-2618 1912-08-25   Sun  138    Munich Lecture I
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2619 1912-08-26   Mon  138    Munich Lecture II
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2620 1912-08-27   Tue  138    Munich Lecture III
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2621 1912-08-28   Wed  138    Munich Lecture IV
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2622 1912-08-29   Thu  138    Munich Lecture V
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2623 1912-08-30   Fri  138    Munich Lecture VI
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2624 1912-08-30   Fri  138    Munich Theosophy and the Spiritual Life of the Present Time
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2625 1912-08-31   Sat  138    Munich Lecture VII
From:  Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment
AKA:  Of Initiation. Of Eternity and the Fleeting Moment. Of Spirit Light and Darkness of Life
Also:  On Initiation. On Eternity and the Present Moment. On the Light of the Spirit and the Darkness of Life
Germ:  Von der Initiation. Von Ewigkeit und Augenblick. Von Geisteslicht und Lebensdunkel
.  S-2653 1912-11-25   Mon      Munich Truths of Spiritual Research
From:  Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research
.  S-2654 1912-11-26   Tue  140    Munich Life Between Death and Rebirth 1
From:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2654 1912-11-26   Tue  140    Munich Das Leben Zwischen dem Tode und Einer Neuen Geburt
From:  Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
e.Book  S-2655 1912-11-27   Wed  none    Munich The Errors of Spiritual Investigation
From:  The Errors of Spiritual Investigation
.  S-2656 1912-11-28   Thu  140    Munich Life Between Death and Rebirth 2
From:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2656 1912-11-28   Thu  140    Munich Das Leben Zwischen dem Tode und Einer Neuen Geburt
From:  Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2731 1913-03-09   Sun  none    Munich How Can We Gain Knowledge of the Supersensible Worlds?
From:  How Can We Gain Knowledge of the Supersensible Worlds?
.  S-2732 1913-03-10   Mon  140    Munich Life Between Death and Rebirth 1
From:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2732 1913-03-10   Mon  140    Munich Uber das Leben Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt
From:  Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2733 1913-03-11   Tue      Munich Raphael in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-2734 1913-03-12   Wed  140    Munich Life Between Death and Rebirth 2
From:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2734 1913-03-12   Wed  140    Munich Vom Durchgang des Menschen Nach dem Tode Durch die Spharen des Kosmos
From:  Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt
AKA:  Life Between Death and Rebirth
Also:  Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death
Germ:  Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod
.  S-2800 1913-08-24   Sun      Munich Lecture 1
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2801 1913-08-24   Sun  147    Munich Lecture I
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2802 1913-08-25   Mon      Munich Lecture 2
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2803 1913-08-25   Mon  147    Munich Lecture II
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2804 1913-08-26   Tue      Munich Lecture 3
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2805 1913-08-26   Tue  147    Munich Perception of the Elemental World
From:  Perception of the Elemental World
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2805 1913-08-26   Tue  147    Munich Lecture III
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2806 1913-08-27   Wed      Munich Lecture 4
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2807 1913-08-27   Wed  147    Munich Lecture IV
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2808 1913-08-28   Thu  277a    Munich Introductory Words to the First Eurythmy Performance
Also:  The Birth and Development of Eurythmy
Germ:  Die Entstehung und Entwickelung der Eurythmie
.  S-2809 1913-08-28   Thu      Munich Lecture 5
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2810 1913-08-28   Thu  147    Munich Lecture V
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2811 1913-08-29   Fri      Munich Lecture 6
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2812 1913-08-29   Fri  147    Munich Lecture VI
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2813 1913-08-30   Sat      Munich Lecture 7
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2814 1913-08-30   Sat  147    Munich Lecture VII
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2815 1913-08-31   Sun      Munich Lecture 8
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 1
.  S-2816 1913-08-31   Sun  147    Munich Lecture VIII
From:  Secrets of the Threshold
AKA:  Secrets of the Threshold 2
Also:  The Secrets of the Threshold
Germ:  Die Geheimnisse der Schwelle
.  S-2849 1913-12-07   Sun      Munich Spiritual Science and the Spiritual World, a Glance at the Goals of our Time   
.  S-2850 1913-12-08   Mon  148    Munich Erster Vortrag, Mnchen, 8. Dezember 1913
From:  Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-2851 1913-12-09   Tue      Munich Theosophy and "Anti-Sophy"   
.  S-2852 1913-12-10   Wed  148    Munich Zweiter Vortrag, Mnchen, 10. Dezember 1913
From:  Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-2905 1914-03-29   Sun      Munich The Origin of Evil and Anger in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-2906 1914-03-30   Mon  152    Munich The Evolution of Architecture and Three Preliminary Steps to the Occurrence at Golgotha
Also:  Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha
Germ:  Vorstufen zum Mysterium von Golgatha
.  S-2907 1914-03-31   Tue      Munich On Death   
.  S-2951 1914-09-13   Sun  174a    Munich The Occult Background of WW-I, The Punic War
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-2982 1914-12-01   Tue      Munich The "Barbarians" of Schiller and Fichte   
.  S-2983 1914-12-02   Wed      Munich The Human Soul, Fate, and Death   
.  S-3042 1915-03-21   Sun      Munich The Roots and Blossom of German Spiritual Life   
.  S-3043 1915-03-22   Mon      Munich What Part of the Being of Man is Immortal?   
.  S-3044 1915-03-23   Tue  174a    Munich Life After Death, Differences of European Peoples and Their Relationship to their Folksouls
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  1
Translated Lectures:  5
Untranslated Lectures:  32
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  63
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6767

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