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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 Schmidt No.   Date    * DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-3156 1915-11-28   Sun  64    Munich The Arena of Thought as Consequence of German Idealism in Retrospect over these Fateful Times
Also:  From Destiny-Burdened Times
Germ:  Aus schicksaltragender Zeit
.  S-3157 1915-11-29   Mon  174a    Munich The Riddle of Death
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3159 1915-11-29   Mon      Munich The Eternal Strength of the Human Soul According to Spiritual Science   
.  S-3158 1915-11-30   Tue      Munich Comments on the Life of Sophie Stinde   
.  S-3212 1916-03-17   Fri      Munich On the Development of German Intellectual Life. A Forgotten Support for Spiritual Science Within It   
.  S-3213 1916-03-18   Sat  174a    Munich Central Europe between East and West
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3214 1916-03-19   Sun      Munich Healthy Soul Life and Spiritual Investigation   
.  S-3215 1916-03-20   Mon  174a    Munich The Weaving and Living Activities of the Human Etheric and Astral Bodies
AKA:  Things of Present and Past in the Spirit of Man
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3371 1917-05-18   Fri      Munich Immortality of the Soul, Human Life   
.  S-3372 1917-05-19   Sat  174a    Munich Laws of Human Evolution
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3373 1917-05-20   Sun  174a    Munich Laws of Human Development
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3374 1917-05-21   Mon      Munich The Riddle of the Soul and the Riddle of the Universe   
.  S-3374a 1917-05-23   Wed      Munich Branch Lecture   
.  S-3479 1918-02-14   Thu  174a    Munich Michaels Battle and Its Reflection On Earth -- I
From:  The Mission of the Archangel Michael
AKA:  The Mission of the Archangel Michael
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
e.Book  S-3480 1918-02-15   Fri  271    Munich Its Realisation Through Art
From:  The Physical-Superphysical: Its Realisation Through Art
Also:  Art and Knowledge of Art. Foundations of a New Aesthetic
Germ:  Kunst und Kunsterkenntnis. Grundlagen einer neuen Ästhetik
.  S-3481 1918-02-16   Sat      Munich Man as a Being of Soul and Spirit   
.  S-3482 1918-02-17   Sun  174a    Munich Michaels Battle and Its Reflection On Earth -- II
From:  The Mission of the Archangel Michael
AKA:  The Mission of the Archangel Michael
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3483 1918-02-17   Sun  271    Munich Perceptible and Supersensible in Art
Also:  Art and Knowledge of Art. Foundations of a New Aesthetic
Germ:  Kunst und Kunsterkenntnis. Grundlagen einer neuen Ästhetik
.  S-3484 1918-02-18   Mon      Munich Revelations of the Unconscious   
.  S-3485 1918-02-19   Tue      Munich Eurythmy   
.  S-3515 1918-05-01   Wed      Munich Supersensible Man, Freewill, Immortality of the Soul   
.  S-3516 1918-05-02   Thu  174a    Munich Folksoul, Folkspirit, The Divine
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3517 1918-05-03   Fri  none    Munich Mankind's Historical and Moral Life   
.  S-3518 1918-05-04   Sat  174a    Munich Futurology 1
Also:  Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West
Germ:  Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI
.  S-3519 1918-05-05   Sun  271    Munich The Source of Artistic Fantasy and the Source of Supersensible Knowledge
Also:  Art and Knowledge of Art. Foundations of a New Aesthetic
Germ:  Kunst und Kunsterkenntnis. Grundlagen einer neuen Ästhetik
e.Book  S-3520 1918-05-06   Mon  271    Munich The Sources of Artistic Imagination and the Sources of Supersensible Knowledge
From:  The Sources of Artistic Imagination and The Sources of Supersensible Knowledge
Also:  Art and Knowledge of Art. Foundations of a New Aesthetic
Germ:  Kunst und Kunsterkenntnis. Grundlagen einer neuen Ästhetik
.  S-4741 1922-01-16   Mon      Munich The Essence of Anthroposophy   
.  S-4838 1922-05-15   Mon      Munich Anthroposophy and Spiritual Knowledge   
.  S-2443 1911-09-27   Wed  130    Neuchatel Rosicrucian Christianity - Lecture 1
From:  Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  Rosicrucian Christianity
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2444 1911-09-28   Thu  130    Neuchatel Rosicrucian Christianity - Lecture 2
From:  Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  Rosicrucian Christianity
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2665 1912-12-18   Wed  130    Neuchatel Lecture VII. The Mission of Gautama Buddha on Mars
From:  The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  From Buddha to Christ
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2665 1912-12-18   Wed  130    Neuchatel The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
From:  Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
AKA:  From Buddha to Christ
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-1712 1908-03-09   Mon  none    Nijmegen Degrees of Higher Knowledge   
.  S-1713 1908-03-09   Mon  none    Nijmegen The Initiation of the Rosicrucians   
.  S-1714 1908-03-10   Tue  none    Nijmegen On Rosicrucian Esotericism and the Development of the Cosmos   
.  S-2145 1910-01-16   Sun      Norrkoping The Mystery of Death as the Key to the Riddle of Life   
.  S-2600 1912-05-28   Tue  155    Norrkoping Anthroposophical Ethics I
From:  Anthroposophical Ethics (1928)
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2600 1912-05-28   Tue  155    Norrkoping Lecture I
From:  The Spiritual Foundation of Morality
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2601 1912-05-29   Wed  155    Norrkoping Anthroposophical Ethics II
From:  Anthroposophical Ethics (1928)
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2601 1912-05-29   Wed  155    Norrkoping Lecture II
From:  The Spiritual Foundation of Morality
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2602 1912-05-30   Thu  155    Norrkoping Anthroposophical Ethics III
From:  Anthroposophical Ethics (1928)
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2602 1912-05-30   Thu  155    Norrkoping Lecture III
From:  The Spiritual Foundation of Morality
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2602 1912-05-30   Thu  155    Norrkoping Anthroposophical Ethics ... St. Francis, Lecture III
From:  Anthroposophical Ethics ... St. Francis, Lecture III
AKA:  Theosophical Morality
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
e.Book  S-2939 1914-07-12   Sun  155    Norrkoping Lecture One
From:  Christ and the Human Soul
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
e.Book  S-2939 1914-07-12   Sun  155    Norrkoping Lecture 1
From:  How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
e.Book  S-2940 1914-07-13   Mon  none    Norrkoping Theosophy and Christianity
AKA:  Anthroposophy and Christianity
e.Book  S-2941 1914-07-14   Tue  155    Norrkoping Lecture Two
From:  Christ and the Human Soul
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
e.Book  S-2941 1914-07-14   Tue  155    Norrkoping Lecture 2
From:  How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
e.Book  S-2942 1914-07-15   Wed  155    Norrkoping Lecture Three
From:  Christ and the Human Soul
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
e.Book  S-2942 1914-07-15   Wed  155    Norrkoping Lecture 3
From:  How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2943 1914-07-16   Thu      Norrkoping The St. John Building   
.  S-2944 1914-07-16   Thu  155    Norrkoping Lecture Four
From:  Christ and the Human Soul
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-2944 1914-07-16   Thu  155    Norrkoping Lecture 4
From:  How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical
AKA:  Christ and the Human Soul
Also:  Christ and the Human Soul. Concerning the Meaning of Life. Theosophical Morality. Anthroposophy and Christianity
Germ:  Christus und die menschliche Seele. Über den Sinn des Lebens. Theosophische Moral. Anthroposophie und Christentum
.  S-0955 1904-11-18   Fri      Nuremberg The Freedom of Man   
.  S-0956 1904-11-19   Sat      Nuremberg Occultism and the Theosophical Society   
.  S-0956a 1904-11-20   Sun      Nuremberg Branch Lecture   
.  S-1000b 1905-01-11   Wed      Nuremberg Public Lecture   
.  S-1116 1905-09-19   Tue      Nuremberg Nature and Origin of Man   
.  S-1184 1905-11-25   Sat      Nuremberg Goethe's Gospel   
.  S-1260 1906-02-20   Tue      Nuremberg Goethe's Gospel   
.  S-1313 1906-04-28   Sat      Nuremberg The Wisdom Teaching of Christianity
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1392 1906-09-27   Thu      Nuremberg Brotherhood and the Struggle for Existence   
.  S-1470 1907-01-21   Mon      Nuremberg How Can We Understand Sickness and Death?   
.  S-1471 1907-01-22   Tue      Nuremberg Blood is a Very Special Fluid   
.  S-1629 1907-12-01   Sun  98    Nuremberg Man's Relationship with the Surrounding World
From:  Man's Relationship with the Surrounding World
Also:  Nature and Spirit Beings - Their Effects in Our Visible World
Germ:  Natur- und Geisteswesen - ihr Wirken in unserer sichtbaren Welt
.  S-1630 1907-12-01   Sun      Nuremberg Natural Science at a Crossroad   
.  S-1631 1907-12-02   Mon  none    Nuremberg Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
From:  Anthroposophy - Midsummer 1930 Volume 5 Number 2
AKA:  Wagner
.  S-1779 1908-06-17   Wed  104    Nuremberg Introductory Lecture
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1780 1908-06-18   Thu  104    Nuremberg Lecture I
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1781 1908-06-19   Fri  104    Nuremberg Lecture II
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1782 1908-06-20   Sat  104    Nuremberg Lecture III
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1783 1908-06-21   Sun  104    Nuremberg Lecture IV
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1784 1908-06-22   Mon  104    Nuremberg Lecture V
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1785 1908-06-23   Tue  104    Nuremberg Lecture VI
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1786 1908-06-24   Wed  104    Nuremberg Lecture VII
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1787 1908-06-25   Thu  104    Nuremberg Lecture VIII
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1788 1908-06-26   Fri  104    Nuremberg Lecture IX
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1789 1908-06-27   Sat  104    Nuremberg Lecture X
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1789a 1908-06-28   Sun      Nuremberg Questions and Answers   
.  S-1790 1908-06-29   Mon  104    Nuremberg Lecture XI
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1791 1908-06-30   Tue  104    Nuremberg Lecture XII
From:  The Apocalypse of St. John
AKA:  Theosophy in the Hands of the Apocalypse
Also:  The Apocalypse of Joh
Germ:  Die Apokolypse des Johannes
.  S-1892 1908-12-15   Tue      Nuremberg The Mystery of Human Temperament   
.  S-1893 1908-12-16   Wed  108    Nuremberg A Chapter of Occult History
From:  A Chapter of Occult History
Also:  Answering the Questions of Life and the World through Anthroposophy
Germ:  Die Beantwortung von Welt- und Lebensfragen durch Anthroposophie
.  S-1935 1909-02-13   Sat      Nuremberg Practical Training in Thought   
.  S-1936 1909-02-14   Sun      Nuremberg Branch Lecture   
.  S-2120 1909-12-12   Sun  none    Nuremberg The Moon and Anthroposophical Rhythms   
.  S-2121 1909-12-13   Mon      Nuremberg Asceticism and Illness   
.  S-2303 1910-11-12   Sat  60    Nuremberg Morality and Karma
From:  Morality and Karma
Also:  The Answers of Spiritual Science to the Biggest questions of Existence
Germ:  Antworten der Geisteswissenschaft auf die großen Fragen des Daseins
.  S-2304 1910-11-13   Sun  125    Nuremberg The Wisdom Contained in Ancient Documents and in the Gospels
From:  The Wisdom Contained in Ancient Documents and in the Gospels
Also:  Paths and Goals of Spiritual Human Beings. Life Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science
Germ:  Wege und Ziele des geistigen Menschen. Lebensfragen im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft
.  S-2305 1910-11-14   Mon      Nuremberg Predisposition, Talent, and the Education of Children
AKA:  The Education of the Child
.  S-2306 1910-11-15   Tue      Nuremberg Galileo, Giordano Bruno, and Goethe   
.  S-2488 1911-12-01   Fri      Nuremberg From Jesus to Christ   
.  S-2487 1911-12-02   Sat  130    Nuremberg The Third Revelation
From:  Faith, Love, and Hope: The Third Revelation
AKA:  Faith, Love, and Hope
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2489 1911-12-03   Sun  130    Nuremberg Towards the Sixth Epoch
From:  Faith, Love, and Hope: Towards the Sixth Epoch
AKA:  Faith, Love, and Hope
Also:  Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2834 1913-11-08   Sat      Nuremberg Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Goal of our Time   
.  S-2835 1913-11-09   Sun  148    Nuremberg The Fifth Gospel 1
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-2836 1913-11-10   Mon      Nuremberg Theosophy and "Anti-Sophy"   
.  S-2837 1913-11-11   Tue  148    Nuremberg From Jesus to Christ   
.  S-3037 1915-03-11   Thu      Nuremberg Why are the Folks in Schiller and Fichte Called Barbarians?   
.  S-3038 1915-03-12   Fri  64    Nuremberg What Part of the Being of Man is Immortal?
Also:  From Destiny-Burdened Times
Germ:  Aus schicksaltragender Zeit

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  9
Translated Lectures:  13
Untranslated Lectures:  43
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  44
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6778

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