Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-2823 |
1913-10-05 |
Sun |
148 |
Oslo |
Vierter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 5. Oktober 1913
S-2824 |
1913-10-06 |
Mon |
148 |
Oslo |
Lecture V
From: |
The Fifth Gospel |
AKA: | The Fifth Gospel |
Also: | From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel |
Germ: | Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium |
S-2824 |
1913-10-06 |
Mon |
148 |
Oslo |
Lecture V
From: |
The Fifth Gospel |
AKA: | The Fifth Gospel |
Also: | From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel |
Germ: | Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium |
S-2824 |
1913-10-06 |
Mon |
148 |
Oslo |
F?nfter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 6. Oktober 1913
S-4663 |
1921-11-23 |
Wed |
304 |
Oslo |
Educational Methods Based on Anthroposophy 1
AKA: | Lectures for the "Educational Association" Education and Teaching Methods Based on Anthroposophy |
Also: | Teaching Methods and Lesson Methods from an Anthroposophical Foundation |
Germ: | Erziehungsmethoden und Unterrichtsmethoden auf anthroposophischer Grundlage |
S-4664 |
1921-11-24 |
Thu |
304 |
Oslo |
Educational Methods Based on Anthroposophy 2
AKA: | Lectures for the "Educational Association" Education and Teaching Methods Based on Anthroposophy |
Also: | Teaching Methods and Lesson Methods from an Anthroposophical Foundation |
Germ: | Erziehungsmethoden und Unterrichtsmethoden auf anthroposophischer Grundlage |
S-4665 |
1921-11-24 |
Thu |
209 |
Oslo |
Cosmic Forces in Man
From: |
Cosmic Forces in Man |
Also: | The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ |
Germ: | Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 9: Nordische und mitteleuropäische Geistimpulse. Das Fest der Erscheinung Christi |
S-4666 |
1921-11-25 |
Fri |
79 |
Oslo |
The Reality of the Higher Worlds
AKA: | Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being |
Also: | The Reality of the Higher Worlds |
Germ: | Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten |
S-4667 |
1921-11-26 |
Sat |
79 |
Oslo |
Paths to Knowledge of Higher Worlds
S-4668 |
1921-11-27 |
Sun |
Oslo |
Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance |
S-4669 |
1921-11-27 |
Sun |
209 |
Oslo |
The Soul Life of Man ...
From: |
Cosmic Forces in Man |
AKA: | Cosmic Forces in Man |
Also: | The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ |
Germ: | Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 9: Nordische und mitteleuropäische Geistimpulse. Das Fest der Erscheinung Christi |
S-4670 |
1921-11-28 |
Mon |
79 |
Oslo |
Foundations of Anthroposophy
From: |
Foundations of Anthroposophy |
AKA: | Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being |
Also: | The Reality of the Higher Worlds |
Germ: | Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten |
S-4671 |
1921-11-29 |
Tue |
79 |
Oslo |
Jesus or Christ
AKA: | Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being |
Also: | The Reality of the Higher Worlds |
Germ: | Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten |
S-4672 |
1921-11-29 |
Tue |
79 |
Oslo |
Man in the Light of Anthroposophy
From: |
Foundations of Anthroposophy |
AKA: | Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being |
Also: | The Reality of the Higher Worlds |
Germ: | Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten |
S-4673 |
1921-11-30 |
Wed |
79 |
Oslo |
The Central Question of Economic Life
S-4674 |
1921-12-01 |
Thu |
79 |
Oslo |
World Development in the Light of Anthroposophy
From: |
Foundations of Anthroposophy |
AKA: | Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being |
Also: | The Reality of the Higher Worlds |
Germ: | Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten |
S-4675 |
1921-12-02 |
Fri |
79 |
Oslo |
Renewal of Culture
From: |
The Renewal of Culture |
AKA: | Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being |
Also: | The Reality of the Higher Worlds |
Germ: | Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten |
S-4676 |
1921-12-03 |
Sat |
Oslo |
Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance |
S-4677 |
1921-12-04 |
Sun |
209 |
Oslo |
The Mission of the Scandanavian Peoples
From: |
Cosmic Forces in Man |
AKA: | Cosmic Forces in Man |
Also: | The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ |
Germ: | Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 9: Nordische und mitteleuropäische Geistimpulse. Das Fest der Erscheinung Christi |
S-5278 |
1923-05-14 |
Mon |
Oslo |
Eternal Soul of Man in the Light of Anthroposophy
S-5279 |
1923-05-15 |
Tue |
Oslo |
Human Evolution and Education According to Anthroposophy |
S-5280 |
1923-05-16 |
Wed |
226 |
Oslo |
On the Nature and Destiny of Man and World
From: |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution |
AKA: | Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution |
Also: | The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development |
Germ: | Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung |
S-5281 |
1923-05-17 |
Thu |
Oslo |
Founding of the Norwegian Anthroposophical Society |
S-5282 |
1923-05-17 |
Thu |
Oslo |
The Message of Anthroposophy
S-5282 |
1923-05-17 |
Thu |
Oslo |
The Pentecost of the World
S-5283 |
1923-05-17 |
Thu |
226 |
Oslo |
Life between Death and a New Incarnation
From: |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution |
AKA: | Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution |
Also: | The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development |
Germ: | Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung |
S-5284 |
1923-05-18 |
Fri |
276 |
Oslo |
Lecture VII
From: |
The Arts and Their Mission |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and Art |
Also: | Things Artistic and their Mission in the World. The Genius of Language. The World of the self-revealing streaming Appearances - Anthroposophy and Art. Anthroposophy and Poetry |
Germ: | Das Künstlerische in seiner Weltmission. Der Genius der Sprache. Die Welt des sich offenbarenden strahlenden Scheins Anthroposophie und Kunst. Anthroposophie und Dichtung |
S-5284 |
1923-05-18 |
Fri |
276 |
Oslo |
Colours as Revelations of the Psychic in the World
From: |
Colour |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and Art |
Also: | Things Artistic and their Mission in the World. The Genius of Language. The World of the self-revealing streaming Appearances - Anthroposophy and Art. Anthroposophy and Poetry |
Germ: | Das Künstlerische in seiner Weltmission. Der Genius der Sprache. Die Welt des sich offenbarenden strahlenden Scheins Anthroposophie und Kunst. Anthroposophie und Dichtung |
S-5285 |
1923-05-18 |
Fri |
226 |
Oslo |
Our Experiences at Night, Life after Death
From: |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution |
AKA: | Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution |
Also: | The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development |
Germ: | Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung |
S-5286 |
1923-05-19 |
Sat |
226 |
Oslo |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution - 1
From: |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution |
AKA: | Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution |
Also: | The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development |
Germ: | Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung |
S-5287 |
1923-05-20 |
Sun |
276 |
Oslo |
Lecture VIII
From: |
The Arts and Their Mission |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and Art |
Also: | Things Artistic and their Mission in the World. The Genius of Language. The World of the self-revealing streaming Appearances - Anthroposophy and Art. Anthroposophy and Poetry |
Germ: | Das Künstlerische in seiner Weltmission. Der Genius der Sprache. Die Welt des sich offenbarenden strahlenden Scheins Anthroposophie und Kunst. Anthroposophie und Dichtung |
S-5288 |
1923-05-20 |
Sun |
226 |
Oslo |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution - 2
From: |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution |
AKA: | Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution |
Also: | The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development |
Germ: | Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung |
S-5289 |
1923-05-21 |
Mon |
226 |
Oslo |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution - 3
From: |
Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution |
AKA: | Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution |
Also: | The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development |
Germ: | Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung |
S-4949 |
1922-08-16 |
Wed |
305 |
Oxford |
The Necessity for a Spiritual Insight
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4950 |
1922-08-17 |
Thu |
305 |
Oxford |
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4951 |
1922-08-18 |
Fri |
305 |
Oxford |
Spiritual Disciplines of Yesterday and To-day
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4952 |
1922-08-18 |
Fri |
277 |
Oxford |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance
Also: | Eurythmy: The Revelation of the Speaking Soul |
Germ: | Eurythmie. Die Offenbarung der sprechenden Seele |
S-4953 |
1922-08-19 |
Sat |
305 |
Oxford |
Body Viewed from the Spirit
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4954 |
1922-08-19 |
Sat |
305 |
Oxford |
Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance for Children
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4955 |
1922-08-20 |
Sun |
214 |
Oxford |
The Attainment of Spiritual Knowledge
From: |
Esoteric Development |
Also: | The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten |
S-4955 |
1922-08-20 |
Sun |
214 |
Oxford |
Part 2, Lecture I
From: |
The Mystery of the Trinity |
Also: | The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten |
S-4956 |
1922-08-21 |
Mon |
305 |
Oxford |
How Knowledge Can Be Nurture
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4957 |
1922-08-22 |
Tue |
305 |
Oxford |
The Teacher as Artist in Education
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4958 |
1922-08-22 |
Tue |
214 |
Oxford |
Part 2, Lecture II
From: |
The Mystery of the Trinity |
AKA: | Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World |
Also: | The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten |
S-4958 |
1922-08-22 |
Tue |
214 |
Oxford |
Man's Life on Earth
From: |
Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds |
AKA: | Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World |
Also: | The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten |
S-4958 |
1922-08-22 |
Tue |
214 |
Oxford |
Lecture II
S-4959 |
1922-08-23 |
Wed |
305 |
Oxford |
The Organisation of the Waldorf School
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4960 |
1922-08-24 |
Thu |
305 |
Oxford |
Boys and Girls at the Waldorf School
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4961 |
1922-08-25 |
Fri |
305 |
Oxford |
The Teachers of the Waldorf School
From: |
Spiritual Ground of Education |
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4962 |
1922-08-26 |
Sat |
305 |
Oxford |
Lecture 10
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Social Question |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4963 |
1922-08-27 |
Sun |
214 |
Oxford |
Part 2, Lecture III
From: |
The Mystery of the Trinity |
Also: | The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten |
S-4964 |
1922-08-28 |
Mon |
305 |
Oxford |
Lecture 11
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Social Question |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4964a |
1922-08-28 |
Mon |
305 |
Oxford |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-4965 |
1922-08-29 |
Tue |
305 |
Oxford |
Lecture 12
AKA: | Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Social Question |
Also: | The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life |
Germ: | Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben |
S-2217a |
1910-04-18 |
Mon |
118 |
Palermo |
The Return of Christ
From: |
The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric |
AKA: | The Reappearence of Christ in the Etheric |
Also: | The Event of the Christ-Appearance in the Etheric World |
Germ: | Das Ereignis der Christus-Erscheinung in der ätherischen Welt |
S-2218 |
1910-04-?? |
Palermo |
Empedocles |
S-1321 |
1906-05-25 |
Fri |
94 |
Paris |
The Birth of the Intellect and the Mission of Christianity
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1322 |
1906-05-26 |
Sat |
94 |
Paris |
The Mission of Manicheism
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1323 |
1906-05-27 |
Sun |
94 |
Paris |
God, Man, Nature
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1324 |
1906-05-28 |
Mon |
94 |
Paris |
Involution and Evolution
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1325 |
1906-05-29 |
Tue |
94 |
Paris |
Yoga In East and West
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1326 |
1906-05-30 |
Wed |
94 |
Paris |
Yoga In East and West (conclusion)
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1327 |
1906-05-31 |
Thu |
94 |
Paris |
The Gospel of St. John
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1328 |
1906-06-01 |
Fri |
94 |
Paris |
The Christian Mystery
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1329 |
1906-06-02 |
Sat |
94 |
Paris |
The Astral World
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1330 |
1906-06-02 |
Sat |
Paris |
On Clairvoyant Organs |
S-1331 |
1906-06-03 |
Sun |
Paris |
Opening Words at 3rd Annual European Theosophical Congress |
S-1332 |
1906-06-03 |
Sun |
Paris |
Discussion |
S-1333 |
1906-06-04 |
Mon |
35 |
Paris |
Transactions, 3rd Annual Conference of the European Theosophical Societies
Also: | Philosophy and Anthroposophy: Collected Essays 1904-1923 |
Germ: | Philosophie und Anthroposophie: Gesammelte Aufsätze 1904-1923 |
S-1334 |
1906-06-05 |
Tue |
Paris |
Closing Words at the 3rd Annual European Theosophical Congress |
S-1335 |
1906-06-06 |
Wed |
94 |
Paris |
The Astral World (continued)
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1336 |
1906-06-07 |
Thu |
94 |
Paris |
The Devachanic World (Heaven)
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1337 |
1906-06-08 |
Fri |
94 |
Paris |
The Devachanic World (continued)
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1338 |
1906-06-09 |
Sat |
94 |
Paris |
The Logos and the Word
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1339 |
1906-06-10 |
Sun |
94 |
Paris |
The Logos and Man
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1340 |
1906-06-11 |
Mon |
94 |
Paris |
The Evolution of Planets and Earth
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1341 |
1906-06-12 |
Tue |
94 |
Paris |
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Human Will
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1342 |
1906-06-13 |
Wed |
94 |
Paris |
Redemption and Liberation
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1343 |
1906-06-14 |
Thu |
94 |
Paris |
The Apocalypse
From: |
An Esoteric Cosmology |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-1343 |
1906-06-14 |
Thu |
94 |
Paris |
From: |
Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse |
AKA: | An Esoteric Cosmology |
Also: | Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John |
Germ: | Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium |
S-2775 |
1913-05-04 |
Sun |
Paris |
founding of the St. Michael Group |
S-2776 |
1913-05-05 |
Mon |
150 |
Paris |
Macrocosm and Microcosm
From: |
Macrocosm and Microcosm |
Also: | The World of the Spirit and its Intrusion on Physical Existence. The Influence of the Dead in the World of the Living |
Germ: | Die Welt des Geistes und ihr Hereinragen in das physische Dasein. Das Einwirken der Toten in der Welt der Lebenden |
S-2777 |
1913-05-09 |
Fri |
Paris |
Lecture for Members |
S-2931 |
1914-05-25 |
Mon |
154 |
Paris |
Faith and Knowledge
From: |
The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path |
AKA: | The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path |
Also: | How does One Win Through to an Understanding of the Spiritual World? The Pouring-In of Spiritual Impulses from out of the World of the Deceased |
Germ: | Wie erwirbt man sich Verständnis für die geistige Welt? Das Einfließen geistiger Impulse aus der Welt der Verstorbenen |
S-2932 |
1914-05-26 |
Tue |
154 |
Paris |
Poet and Thinker
From: |
The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path |
AKA: | The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path |
Also: | How does One Win Through to an Understanding of the Spiritual World? The Pouring-In of Spiritual Impulses from out of the World of the Deceased |
Germ: | Wie erwirbt man sich Verständnis für die geistige Welt? Das Einfließen geistiger Impulse aus der Welt der Verstorbenen |
S-2933 |
1914-05-27 |
Wed |
152 |
Paris |
Progress in the Knowledge of Christ, possibly misdated?should be 26 May?
Also: | Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha |
Germ: | Vorstufen zum Mysterium von Golgatha |
S-5735 |
1924-05-23 |
Fri |
239 |
Paris |
Lecture V
From: |
Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V |
AKA: | Anthroposophy as a Comprehensive Image of Man and World, and as a Moral and Religious Impulse |
Also: | Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5 |
Germ: | Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5 |
S-5736 |
1924-05-24 |
Sat |
239 |
Paris |
Lecture VI
From: |
Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V |
AKA: | Anthroposophy as a Comprehensive Image of Man and World, and as a Moral and Religious Impulse |
Also: | Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5 |
Germ: | Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5 |
S-5737 |
1924-05-25 |
Sun |
37 |
Paris |
General Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society in France |
S-5738 |
1924-05-25 |
Sun |
239 |
Paris |
Lecture VII
From: |
Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V |
AKA: | Anthroposophy as a Comprehensive Image of Man and World, and as a Moral and Religious Impulse |
Also: | Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5 |
Germ: | Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5 |
S-5739 |
1924-05-26 |
Mon |
Paris |
Lecture to the "First Class"
AKA: | Lectures for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum |
S-5740 |
1924-05-26 |
Mon |
84 |
Paris |
How Does On Obtain Knowledge of the Supersensible World?
Also: | What's the Goetheanum About, and What's Anthroposophy? |
Germ: | Was wollte das Goetheanum und was soll die Anthroposophie? |
S-5741 |
1924-05-27 |
Tue |
Paris |
Lecture to the "First Class"
AKA: | Lectures for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum |
S-5742 |
1924-05-27 |
Tue |
Paris |
Lecture for Physicians |
S-5395 |
1923-08-18 |
Sat |
Penmaenmawr |
Introductory Address at the Summer School |
S-5396 |
1923-08-19 |
Sun |
227 |
Penmaenmawr |
First Steps towards Imaginative Knowledge
From: |
The Evolution of Consciousness |
AKA: | The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy |
Also: | Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie |
Germ: | Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit |
S-5397 |
1923-08-19 |
Sun |
Penmaenmawr |
Conversation on the Future of the Anthroposophical Society in England |
S-5398 |
1923-08-20 |
Mon |
227 |
Penmaenmawr |
Inspiration and Intuition
From: |
The Evolution of Consciousness |
AKA: | The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy |
Also: | Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie |
Germ: | Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit |
S-5399 |
1923-08-20 |
Mon |
Penmaenmawr |
Questions and Answers |
S-5400 |
1923-08-21 |
Tue |
227 |
Penmaenmawr |
Initiation-Knowledge -- New and Old
From: |
The Evolution of Consciousness |
AKA: | The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy |
Also: | Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie |
Germ: | Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit |