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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 Schmidt No.   Date    * DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-2823 1913-10-05   Sun  148    Oslo Vierter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 5. Oktober 1913
From:  Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium
AKA:  The Fifth Gospel
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-2824 1913-10-06   Mon  148    Oslo Lecture V
From:  The Fifth Gospel
AKA:  The Fifth Gospel
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-2824 1913-10-06   Mon  148    Oslo Lecture V
From:  The Fifth Gospel
AKA:  The Fifth Gospel
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-2824 1913-10-06   Mon  148    Oslo F?nfter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 6. Oktober 1913
From:  Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium
AKA:  The Fifth Gospel
Also:  From Akashic Research: The Fifth Gospel
Germ:  Aus der Akasha Forschung: Das Funfte Evangelium
.  S-4663 1921-11-23   Wed  304    Oslo Educational Methods Based on Anthroposophy 1
AKA:  Lectures for the "Educational Association" Education and Teaching Methods Based on Anthroposophy
Also:  Teaching Methods and Lesson Methods from an Anthroposophical Foundation
Germ:  Erziehungsmethoden und Unterrichtsmethoden auf anthroposophischer Grundlage
.  S-4664 1921-11-24   Thu  304    Oslo Educational Methods Based on Anthroposophy 2
AKA:  Lectures for the "Educational Association" Education and Teaching Methods Based on Anthroposophy
Also:  Teaching Methods and Lesson Methods from an Anthroposophical Foundation
Germ:  Erziehungsmethoden und Unterrichtsmethoden auf anthroposophischer Grundlage
.  S-4665 1921-11-24   Thu  209    Oslo Cosmic Forces in Man
From:  Cosmic Forces in Man
Also:  The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ
Germ:  Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 9: Nordische und mitteleuropäische Geistimpulse. Das Fest der Erscheinung Christi
.  S-4666 1921-11-25   Fri  79    Oslo The Reality of the Higher Worlds
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4667 1921-11-26   Sat  79    Oslo Paths to Knowledge of Higher Worlds
From:  Paths to Knowledge of Higher Worlds
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4668 1921-11-27   Sun      Oslo Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-4669 1921-11-27   Sun  209    Oslo The Soul Life of Man ...
From:  Cosmic Forces in Man
AKA:  Cosmic Forces in Man
Also:  The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ
Germ:  Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 9: Nordische und mitteleuropäische Geistimpulse. Das Fest der Erscheinung Christi
.  S-4670 1921-11-28   Mon  79    Oslo Foundations of Anthroposophy
From:  Foundations of Anthroposophy
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4671 1921-11-29   Tue  79    Oslo Jesus or Christ
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4672 1921-11-29   Tue  79    Oslo Man in the Light of Anthroposophy
From:  Foundations of Anthroposophy
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4673 1921-11-30   Wed  79    Oslo The Central Question of Economic Life
From:  The Central Question of Economic Life
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4674 1921-12-01   Thu  79    Oslo World Development in the Light of Anthroposophy
From:  Foundations of Anthroposophy
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4675 1921-12-02   Fri  79    Oslo Renewal of Culture
From:  The Renewal of Culture
AKA:  Self-Consciousness: The Spiritual Human Being
Also:  The Reality of the Higher Worlds
Germ:  Die Wirklichkeit der höhren Welten
.  S-4676 1921-12-03   Sat      Oslo Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-4677 1921-12-04   Sun  209    Oslo The Mission of the Scandanavian Peoples
From:  Cosmic Forces in Man
AKA:  Cosmic Forces in Man
Also:  The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 9: Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses. The Festival of the Appearance of Christ
Germ:  Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 9: Nordische und mitteleuropäische Geistimpulse. Das Fest der Erscheinung Christi
.  S-5278 1923-05-14   Mon      Oslo Eternal Soul of Man in the Light of Anthroposophy
From:  The Eternal Soul of Man From the Point of View of Anthroposophy
.  S-5279 1923-05-15   Tue      Oslo Human Evolution and Education According to Anthroposophy   
.  S-5280 1923-05-16   Wed  226    Oslo On the Nature and Destiny of Man and World
From:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution
AKA:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution
Also:  The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development
Germ:  Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung
.  S-5281 1923-05-17   Thu      Oslo Founding of the Norwegian Anthroposophical Society   
.  S-5282 1923-05-17   Thu      Oslo The Message of Anthroposophy
From:  The Festivals and Their Meaning III Ascension and Pentecost
AKA:  The Festivals and their Meaning
.  S-5282 1923-05-17   Thu      Oslo The Pentecost of the World
From:  Three Lectures on Easter and Pentecost
AKA:  The Festivals and their Meaning
.  S-5283 1923-05-17   Thu  226    Oslo Life between Death and a New Incarnation
From:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution
AKA:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution
Also:  The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development
Germ:  Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung
.  S-5284 1923-05-18   Fri  276    Oslo Lecture VII
From:  The Arts and Their Mission
AKA:  Anthroposophy and Art
Also:  Things Artistic and their Mission in the World. The Genius of Language. The World of the self-revealing streaming Appearances - Anthroposophy and Art. Anthroposophy and Poetry
Germ:  Das Künstlerische in seiner Weltmission. Der Genius der Sprache. Die Welt des sich offenbarenden strahlenden Scheins – Anthroposophie und Kunst. Anthroposophie und Dichtung
.  S-5284 1923-05-18   Fri  276    Oslo Colours as Revelations of the Psychic in the World
From:  Colour
AKA:  Anthroposophy and Art
Also:  Things Artistic and their Mission in the World. The Genius of Language. The World of the self-revealing streaming Appearances - Anthroposophy and Art. Anthroposophy and Poetry
Germ:  Das Künstlerische in seiner Weltmission. Der Genius der Sprache. Die Welt des sich offenbarenden strahlenden Scheins – Anthroposophie und Kunst. Anthroposophie und Dichtung
.  S-5285 1923-05-18   Fri  226    Oslo Our Experiences at Night, Life after Death
From:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution
AKA:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution
Also:  The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development
Germ:  Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung
.  S-5286 1923-05-19   Sat  226    Oslo Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution - 1
From:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution
AKA:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution
Also:  The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development
Germ:  Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung
.  S-5287 1923-05-20   Sun  276    Oslo Lecture VIII
From:  The Arts and Their Mission
AKA:  Anthroposophy and Art
Also:  Things Artistic and their Mission in the World. The Genius of Language. The World of the self-revealing streaming Appearances - Anthroposophy and Art. Anthroposophy and Poetry
Germ:  Das Künstlerische in seiner Weltmission. Der Genius der Sprache. Die Welt des sich offenbarenden strahlenden Scheins – Anthroposophie und Kunst. Anthroposophie und Dichtung
.  S-5288 1923-05-20   Sun  226    Oslo Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution - 2
From:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution
AKA:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution
Also:  The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development
Germ:  Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung
.  S-5289 1923-05-21   Mon  226    Oslo Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution - 3
From:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution
AKA:  Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution
Also:  The Human Being, Human Destiny, and World Development
Germ:  Menschenwesen, Menschenschicksal und Welt- Entwickelung
.  S-4949 1922-08-16   Wed  305    Oxford The Necessity for a Spiritual Insight
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4950 1922-08-17   Thu  305    Oxford Yoga
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4951 1922-08-18   Fri  305    Oxford Spiritual Disciplines of Yesterday and To-day
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4952 1922-08-18   Fri  277    Oxford Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance
Also:  Eurythmy: The Revelation of the Speaking Soul
Germ:  Eurythmie. Die Offenbarung der sprechenden Seele
.  S-4953 1922-08-19   Sat  305    Oxford Body Viewed from the Spirit
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4954 1922-08-19   Sat  305    Oxford Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance for Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4955 1922-08-20   Sun  214    Oxford The Attainment of Spiritual Knowledge
From:  Esoteric Development
Also:  The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time
Germ:  Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten
.  S-4955 1922-08-20   Sun  214    Oxford Part 2, Lecture I
From:  The Mystery of the Trinity
Also:  The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time
Germ:  Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten
.  S-4956 1922-08-21   Mon  305    Oxford How Knowledge Can Be Nurture
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4957 1922-08-22   Tue  305    Oxford The Teacher as Artist in Education
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4958 1922-08-22   Tue  214    Oxford Part 2, Lecture II
From:  The Mystery of the Trinity
AKA:  Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World
Also:  The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time
Germ:  Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten
.  S-4958 1922-08-22   Tue  214    Oxford Man's Life on Earth
From:  Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds
AKA:  Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World
Also:  The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time
Germ:  Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten
.  S-4958 1922-08-22   Tue  214    Oxford Lecture II
From:  Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds
AKA:  Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World
Also:  The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time
Germ:  Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten
.  S-4959 1922-08-23   Wed  305    Oxford The Organisation of the Waldorf School
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4960 1922-08-24   Thu  305    Oxford Boys and Girls at the Waldorf School
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4961 1922-08-25   Fri  305    Oxford The Teachers of the Waldorf School
From:  Spiritual Ground of Education
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Spiritual and Emotional Development of Children
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4962 1922-08-26   Sat  305    Oxford Lecture 10
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Social Question
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
e.Book  S-4963 1922-08-27   Sun  214    Oxford Part 2, Lecture III
From:  The Mystery of the Trinity
Also:  The Secret of the Trinity: The Human Being and His Relationship to the Spiritual World in the Course of Time
Germ:  Das Geheimnis der Trinität: Der Mensch und sein Verhältnis zur Geisteswelt im Wandel der Zeiten
.  S-4964 1922-08-28   Mon  305    Oxford Lecture 11
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Social Question
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4964a 1922-08-28   Mon  305    Oxford Discussion
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-4965 1922-08-29   Tue  305    Oxford Lecture 12
AKA:  Oxford Holiday Conferences "Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life". The Social Question
Also:  The Soul-Spiritual Foundational Forces of the Art of Education. Spiritual Values in Education and Social Life
Germ:  Die geistig-seelischen Grundkräfte der Erziehungskunst. Spirituelle Werte in Erziehung und sozialem Leben
.  S-2217a 1910-04-18   Mon  118    Palermo The Return of Christ
From:  The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
AKA:  The Reappearence of Christ in the Etheric
Also:  The Event of the Christ-Appearance in the Etheric World
Germ:  Das Ereignis der Christus-Erscheinung in der ätherischen Welt
.  S-2218 1910-04-??         Palermo Empedocles   
.  S-1321 1906-05-25   Fri  94    Paris The Birth of the Intellect and the Mission of Christianity
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1322 1906-05-26   Sat  94    Paris The Mission of Manicheism
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1323 1906-05-27   Sun  94    Paris God, Man, Nature
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1324 1906-05-28   Mon  94    Paris Involution and Evolution
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1325 1906-05-29   Tue  94    Paris Yoga In East and West
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1326 1906-05-30   Wed  94    Paris Yoga In East and West (conclusion)
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1327 1906-05-31   Thu  94    Paris The Gospel of St. John
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1328 1906-06-01   Fri  94    Paris The Christian Mystery
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1329 1906-06-02   Sat  94    Paris The Astral World
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1330 1906-06-02   Sat      Paris On Clairvoyant Organs   
.  S-1331 1906-06-03   Sun      Paris Opening Words at 3rd Annual European Theosophical Congress   
.  S-1332 1906-06-03   Sun      Paris Discussion   
.  S-1333 1906-06-04   Mon  35    Paris Transactions, 3rd Annual Conference of the European Theosophical Societies
Also:  Philosophy and Anthroposophy: Collected Essays 1904-1923
Germ:  Philosophie und Anthroposophie: Gesammelte Aufsätze 1904-1923
.  S-1334 1906-06-05   Tue      Paris Closing Words at the 3rd Annual European Theosophical Congress   
.  S-1335 1906-06-06   Wed  94    Paris The Astral World (continued)
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1336 1906-06-07   Thu  94    Paris The Devachanic World (Heaven)
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1337 1906-06-08   Fri  94    Paris The Devachanic World (continued)
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1338 1906-06-09   Sat  94    Paris The Logos and the Word
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1339 1906-06-10   Sun  94    Paris The Logos and Man
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1340 1906-06-11   Mon  94    Paris The Evolution of Planets and Earth
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1341 1906-06-12   Tue  94    Paris Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Human Will
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1342 1906-06-13   Wed  94    Paris Redemption and Liberation
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1343 1906-06-14   Thu  94    Paris The Apocalypse
From:  An Esoteric Cosmology
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-1343 1906-06-14   Thu  94    Paris Cosmogony
From:  Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse
AKA:  An Esoteric Cosmology
Also:  Cosmogony. Popular Occultism. The Gospel of St. John. The Theosophy within the Gospel of St. John
Germ:  Kosmogonie. Populäre Okkultismus. Das Johannes-Evangelium. Die Theosophie an Hand des Johannes-Evangelium
.  S-2775 1913-05-04   Sun      Paris founding of the St. Michael Group   
e.Book  S-2776 1913-05-05   Mon  150    Paris Macrocosm and Microcosm
From:  Macrocosm and Microcosm
Also:  The World of the Spirit and its Intrusion on Physical Existence. The Influence of the Dead in the World of the Living
Germ:  Die Welt des Geistes und ihr Hereinragen in das physische Dasein. Das Einwirken der Toten in der Welt der Lebenden
.  S-2777 1913-05-09   Fri      Paris Lecture for Members   
.  S-2931 1914-05-25   Mon  154    Paris Faith and Knowledge
From:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
AKA:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
Also:  How does One Win Through to an Understanding of the Spiritual World? The Pouring-In of Spiritual Impulses from out of the World of the Deceased
Germ:  Wie erwirbt man sich Verständnis für die geistige Welt? Das Einfließen geistiger Impulse aus der Welt der Verstorbenen
.  S-2932 1914-05-26   Tue  154    Paris Poet and Thinker
From:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
AKA:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
Also:  How does One Win Through to an Understanding of the Spiritual World? The Pouring-In of Spiritual Impulses from out of the World of the Deceased
Germ:  Wie erwirbt man sich Verständnis für die geistige Welt? Das Einfließen geistiger Impulse aus der Welt der Verstorbenen
.  S-2933 1914-05-27   Wed  152    Paris Progress in the Knowledge of Christ, possibly misdated?should be 26 May?
Also:  Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha
Germ:  Vorstufen zum Mysterium von Golgatha
.  S-5735 1924-05-23   Fri  239    Paris Lecture V
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Anthroposophy as a Comprehensive Image of Man and World, and as a Moral and Religious Impulse
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-5736 1924-05-24   Sat  239    Paris Lecture VI
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Anthroposophy as a Comprehensive Image of Man and World, and as a Moral and Religious Impulse
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-5737 1924-05-25   Sun  37    Paris General Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society in France   
.  S-5738 1924-05-25   Sun  239    Paris Lecture VII
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Anthroposophy as a Comprehensive Image of Man and World, and as a Moral and Religious Impulse
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-5739 1924-05-26   Mon      Paris Lecture to the "First Class"
AKA:  Lectures for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum
.  S-5740 1924-05-26   Mon  84    Paris How Does On Obtain Knowledge of the Supersensible World?
Also:  What's the Goetheanum About, and What's Anthroposophy?
Germ:  Was wollte das Goetheanum und was soll die Anthroposophie?
.  S-5741 1924-05-27   Tue      Paris Lecture to the "First Class"
AKA:  Lectures for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum
.  S-5742 1924-05-27   Tue      Paris Lecture for Physicians   
.  S-5395 1923-08-18   Sat      Penmaenmawr Introductory Address at the Summer School   
.  S-5396 1923-08-19   Sun  227    Penmaenmawr First Steps towards Imaginative Knowledge
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5397 1923-08-19   Sun      Penmaenmawr Conversation on the Future of the Anthroposophical Society in England   
.  S-5398 1923-08-20   Mon  227    Penmaenmawr Inspiration and Intuition
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5399 1923-08-20   Mon      Penmaenmawr Questions and Answers   
.  S-5400 1923-08-21   Tue  227    Penmaenmawr Initiation-Knowledge -- New and Old
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  2
Translated Lectures:  14
Untranslated Lectures:  17
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  69
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6779

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