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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 Schmidt No.   Date    * DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-5401 1923-08-21   Tue      Penmaenmawr Questions and Answers   
.  S-5402 1923-08-22   Wed  227    Penmaenmawr Dream Life
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5403 1923-08-23   Thu  227    Penmaenmawr The Relation of Man to the Three Worlds
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5404 1923-08-24   Fri  227    Penmaenmawr The Ruling of Spirit in Nature
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5405 1923-08-24   Fri  284    Penmaenmawr Art and its Future Task -or- Concerning Art and its Future
Also:  Images of Occult Seals and Pillars. The Munich Congress of Whitson 1907 and its Consequences
Germ:  Bilder okkulter Siegel und Säulen. Der Münchner Kongress Pfingsten 1907 und seine Auswirkungen
.  S-5406 1923-08-25   Sat  227    Penmaenmawr The Interplay of Various Worlds
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5407 1923-08-26   Sun  227    Penmaenmawr During Sleep and after Death
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5408 1923-08-26   Sun      Penmaenmawr Margaret McMillan and Pedagogy   
.  S-5409 1923-08-26   Sun  279    Penmaenmawr A Lecture on Eurythmy
From:  A Lecture on Eurythmy
Also:  Eurythmy as visible Speech
Germ:  Eurythmie als sichtbare Sprache
.  S-5410 1923-08-27   Mon  227    Penmaenmawr Experiences between Death and Rebirth
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5411 1923-08-28   Tue  227    Penmaenmawr Man's Life after Death in the Spiritual Cosmos
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
e.Book  S-5412 1923-08-28   Tue  319    Penmaenmawr Anthroposophy Therapy
AKA:  The Healing Process
Also:  Medicine and the Anthroposophical Knowledge of the Human Being
Germ:  Anthroposophische Menschenerkenntnis und Medizin
.  S-5413 1923-08-29   Wed  227    Penmaenmawr Experience of the World's Past
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5414 1923-08-30   Thu  227    Penmaenmawr The Evolution of the World in Connection with the Evolution of Man
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5415 1923-08-31   Fri  227    Penmaenmawr The Entry of Man into the Era of Freedom
From:  The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  The Spiritual and Physical Evolution of the World and Humanity in Past, Present and Future in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-5416 1923-08-31   Fri  227    Penmaenmawr Farewell Address(extract)
AKA:  Evolution of Consciousness
Also:  Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Geistespunkt der Anthroposophie
Germ:  Die geistige und physische Welt- und menschheitsentwickelung in der Vergangenheit
.  S-1681 1908-02-07   Fri      Pforzheim Public Lecture   
.  S-1819 1908-08-18   Tue      Pforzheim Founding of a Branch   
.  S-1907 1909-01-17   Sun  108    Pforzheim Way of Knowledge
From:  The Way of Knowledge
Also:  Answering the Questions of Life and the World through Anthroposophy
Germ:  Die Beantwortung von Welt- und Lebensfragen durch Anthroposophie
.  S-1908 1909-01-17   Sun      Pforzheim Natural Science at a Crossroad   
.  S-2156 1910-01-30   Sun  118    Pforzheim Human Development, The Return of Christ in the Etheric
Also:  The Event of the Christ-Appearance in the Etheric World
Germ:  Das Ereignis der Christus-Erscheinung in der ätherischen Welt
.  S-2157 1910-01-30   Sun      Pforzheim The Nature of Death and of Sleep   
.  S-2345 1911-01-04   Wed      Pforzheim Supersensible Investigation and the Spiritual Life of the Present Time   
.  S-2900 1914-03-07   Sat  152    Pforzheim The Pre-Earthly Deeds of Christ, the Pforzheim Lecture
AKA:  The Pre-Earthly Deeds of Christ
Also:  Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha
Germ:  Vorstufen zum Mysterium von Golgatha
.  S-2901 1914-03-08   Sun      Pforzheim Christ in the 20th Century   
.  S-1500 1907-02-23   Sat      Prague The Education of the Child in the Light of Anthroposophy   
.  S-1606 1907-11-02   Sat      Prague The Mission of Theosophy in our Time   
.  S-1607 1907-11-03   Sun      Prague Questions and Answers   
.  S-1608 1907-11-03   Sun      Prague Initiation in the Rosicrucian Sense   
.  S-1871 1908-11-18   Wed      Prague Man, Wife and Child in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-1872 1908-11-19   Thu      Prague Branch Lecture   
.  S-2122 1909-12-14   Tue      Prague Buddha and Christ   
.  S-2123 1909-12-15   Wed      Prague The Four Gospels with Emphasis on St. Luke   
.  S-2400 1911-03-19   Sun      Prague How Does One Disprove Spiritual Science?
From:  Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research
.  S-2401 1911-03-20   Mon  128    Prague The Being of Man
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2402 1911-03-21   Tue  128    Prague Human Duality
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2403 1911-03-22   Wed  128    Prague Co-operation in the Human Duality
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2404 1911-03-23   Thu  128    Prague Man's Inner Cosmic System
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2405 1911-03-24   Fri  128    Prague The Systems of Supersensible Forces
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2406 1911-03-25   Sat      Prague How Does One Defend Spiritual Science?
From:  Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research
.  S-2407 1911-03-26   Sun  128    Prague The Blood as Manifestation and Instrument of the Human Ego
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2408 1911-03-27   Mon  128    Prague The Conscious Life of Man
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2409 1911-03-28   Tue  128    Prague The Human Form and its Co-ordination of Forces
From:  An Occult Physiology
AKA:  Occult Physiology
Also:  An Occult Physiology
Germ:  Eine okkulte Physiologie
.  S-2410 1911-03-28   Tue      Prague Founding of the Bolzano Branch   
.  S-2584 1912-04-28   Sun      Prague Hidden Depths in the Life of the Soul   
.  S-2585 1912-04-29   Mon      Prague Branch Lecture   
.  S-2586 1912-04-30   Tue      Prague The Character of Eternity and the Nature of the Human Soul in the Light of Spiritual Science   
.  S-2693 1913-01-28   Tue      Prague Truths and Errors in Spiritual Research   
.  S-2920 1914-04-16   Thu      Prague How does the Human Soul find its True Being?   
.  S-2921 1914-04-17   Fri  154    Prague Understanding the Spiritual World (Part One)
From:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
AKA:  The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path
Also:  How does One Win Through to an Understanding of the Spiritual World? The Pouring-In of Spiritual Impulses from out of the World of the Deceased
Germ:  Wie erwirbt man sich Verständnis für die geistige Welt? Das Einfließen geistiger Impulse aus der Welt der Verstorbenen
.  S-3064 1915-05-13   Thu      Prague The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of Nature and the Hierarchies
From:  The Mystery of Death
.  S-3065 1915-05-14   Fri      Prague Supersensible Knowledge and its Soul Strengthening Power in These Fateful Times   
.  S-3066 1915-05-15   Sat  159    Prague Central Europe between East and West
From:  The Mystery of Death
Also:  The Secret of Death. The Nature and Meaning of Middle Europe and the European Volk Spirits
Germ:  Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europäischen Volksgeister
.  S-3532 1918-06-12   Wed  273    Prague Goethe's Relationship to his 'Faust'
From:  Goethe's Personal Relationship to his 'Faust'
Also:  Spiritual-Scientific Commentary on Goethe's Faust in Two Volumes: 2 - The Faust Problem
Germ:  Geisteswissenschaftliche Erläuterungen zu Goethes 'Faust', in 2 Bdn., Bd.2, Das Faust-Problem
.  S-3533 1918-06-14   Fri  none    Prague How Is It Possible to Recognize the Human Soul's Supersensible Life and Nature?   
.  S-5264 1923-04-27   Fri  84    Prague Immortality of the Soul in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  What's the Goetheanum About, and What's Anthroposophy?
Germ:  Was wollte das Goetheanum und was soll die Anthroposophie?
.  S-5265 1923-04-28   Sat  224    Prague Lecture I
From:  The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny
AKA:  Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny
Also:  The Human Soul and its Connection with the Divine-Spiritual Individuals. The Internalization of the Festivals of the Year
Germ:  Die menschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten. Die Verinnerlichung der Jahresfeste
.  S-5266 1923-04-29   Sun      Prague Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5267 1923-04-29   Sun  224    Prague Lecture II
From:  The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny
Also:  The Human Soul and its Connection with the Divine-Spiritual Individuals. The Internalization of the Festivals of the Year
Germ:  Die menschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten. Die Verinnerlichung der Jahresfeste
.  S-5268 1923-04-30   Mon  84    Prague Human Evolution and Human Education in the Light of Anthroposophy
Also:  What's the Goetheanum About, and What's Anthroposophy?
Germ:  Was wollte das Goetheanum und was soll die Anthroposophie?
.  S-5649 1924-03-28   Fri      Prague The Investigation of the Spiritual World as Anthroposophy   
.  S-5650 1924-03-29   Sat  239    Prague Lecture I
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Karmic Relationships
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-5652 1924-03-30   Sun      Prague Lecture I
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume II
.  S-5651 1924-03-30   Sun      Prague Meeting with Czeck Members   
.  S-5653 1924-03-30   Sun  239    Prague Lecture II
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Karmic Relationships
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-5654 1924-03-31   Mon  239    Prague Lecture III
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Karmic Relationships
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-5655 1924-04-01   Tue      Prague Ethical Lifestyle Through Anthroposophy   
.  S-5656 1924-04-02   Wed      Prague The Art of Eurythmy, Rehearsal   
.  S-5657 1924-04-03   Thu  241c    Prague Lecture to the First Class-A
AKA:  Lectures for the Members of the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum
Also:  Lectures to the First Class, part 3
Germ:  Esoterische Unterweisungen für die Erste Klasse der Freien Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft am Goetheanum. Dritter Band
.  S-5658 1924-04-03   Thu      Prague Contemporary Science and Anthroposophy   
.  S-5659 1924-04-04   Fri      Prague Education Based on a True Understanding of Man   
.  S-5660 1924-04-05   Sat  241c    Prague Lecture to the First Class-B
AKA:  Lectures for the Members of the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum
Also:  Lectures to the First Class, part 3
Germ:  Esoterische Unterweisungen für die Erste Klasse der Freien Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft am Goetheanum. Dritter Band
.  S-5661 1924-04-05   Sat  239    Prague Lecture IV
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume V
AKA:  Karmic Relationships
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 5
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.5
.  S-0957 1904-11-20   Sun      Regensburg Lecture for an Invited Group   
.  S-1037 1905-03-11   Sat      Regensburg Universal Justice and the Fate of Humanity   
.  S-1208 1905-12-17   Sun      Regensburg Questions and Answers   
.  S-1306 1906-04-20   Fri      Regensburg Goethe's Gospel   
.  S-1391 1906-09-26   Wed      Regensburg The Nature of Death as Key to the Riddle of Life   
.  S-3563 1918-09-22   Sun      Reinach Words at the Grave of Maria Hahn   
.  S-3742 1919-06-03   Tue      Reutlingen Contemporary Social Demands, Practical Consequences   
.  S-1963 1909-03-25   Thu      Rome Lecture 1
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
.  S-1964 1909-03-26   Fri      Rome Lecture 2
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
.  S-1965 1909-03-27   Sat      Rome Lecture 3
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
.  S-1966 1909-03-28   Sun      Rome Lecture 4
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
.  S-1967 1909-03-29   Mon  109    Rome I
From:  The Principle of Spiritual Economy
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
Also:  The Principle of Spiritual Economy in connection with the question of Reincarnation. One Aspect of the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das Prinzip der spirituellen Ökonomie im zusammenhang mit Widerverkürperungsfragen. Ein Aspekt der geistigen Führung der Menschheit
.  S-1968 1909-03-30   Tue      Rome Lecture 6
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
.  S-1969 1909-03-31   Wed  109    Rome II
From:  The Principle of Spiritual Economy
AKA:  An Introduction to Theosophy
Also:  The Principle of Spiritual Economy in connection with the question of Reincarnation. One Aspect of the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity
Germ:  Das Prinzip der spirituellen Ökonomie im zusammenhang mit Widerverkürperungsfragen. Ein Aspekt der geistigen Führung der Menschheit
.  S-2214 1910-04-11   Mon  118    Rome The Nature of Man
Also:  The Event of the Christ-Appearance in the Etheric World
Germ:  Das Ereignis der Christus-Erscheinung in der ätherischen Welt
.  S-2215 1910-04-12   Tue  118    Rome Higher Worlds and Their Connection with Our World
Also:  The Event of the Christ-Appearance in the Etheric World
Germ:  Das Ereignis der Christus-Erscheinung in der ätherischen Welt
.  S-2216 1910-04-13   Wed  7    Rome The Relationship Between Great Personages Who are Connected with the Development of the Earth   
.  S-2217 1910-04-14   Thu      Rome The Earth Evolution   
.  S-1710 1908-03-08   Sun      Rotterdam The Esoteric Life   
.  S-1711 1908-03-08   Sun  none    Rotterdam Higher Knowledge and Rosicrucianism   
.  S-4406 1921-02-26   Sat  298    Rotterdam Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-4413 1921-03-02   Wed      Rotterdam Anthroposophy and Social Questions   
.  S-5068 1922-11-01   Wed      Rotterdam The Supersensible in Man and World
AKA:  Supersensible in Man and World
.  S-3914 1919-11-26   Wed      Schaffhausen Public Lecture   
.  S-5511 1923-12-16   Sun      Schaffhausen Introduction to Performance of the Christmas Plays   
.  S-5512 1923-12-18   Tue  300c    Schaffhausen Lecture 12
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-3788 1919-07-31   Thu      Schwenningen The Social Question   

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  1
Translated Lectures:  8
Untranslated Lectures:  56
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  36
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6787

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