Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-4375 |
1921-01-28 |
Fri |
Solothurn |
Anthroposophy |
S-0264a |
1902-01-12 |
Sun |
Spandau |
Science and the Struggle of the Workers (together with Rosa Luxemburg) |
S-0301a |
1902-02-23 |
Sun |
Spandau |
Ferdinand Freiligarth |
S-1111 |
1905-09-07 |
Thu |
St. Gallen |
The Message of Theosophy in the Present |
S-1111a |
1905-09-08 |
Fri |
St. Gallen |
Lecture |
S-1173 |
1905-11-12 |
Sun |
St. Gallen |
Our Planetary System Seen from a Spiritual World-Outlook |
S-1213 |
1906-01-07 |
Sun |
St. Gallen |
Founding of the Ekkehard Branch |
S-1214 |
1906-01-07 |
Sun |
St. Gallen |
The Wisdom Teaching of Christianity |
S-1389 |
1906-09-24 |
Mon |
St. Gallen |
Haeckel's Riddle of the Universe and Research into the Infinite |
S-1390 |
1906-09-25 |
Tue |
St. Gallen |
The First Four Sentences of "Light on the Path" |
S-1659 |
1908-01-13 |
Mon |
St. Gallen |
The Course of Human Life from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science |
S-1660 |
1908-01-14 |
Tue |
St. Gallen |
Branch Lecture |
S-1838 |
1908-10-11 |
Sun |
St. Gallen |
Branch Lecture |
S-1839 |
1908-10-11 |
Sun |
St. Gallen |
Life and Health from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science |
S-2106 |
1909-11-21 |
Sun |
108 |
St. Gallen |
Problems of the Law of Karma
Also: | Answering the Questions of Life and the World through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Beantwortung von Welt- und Lebensfragen durch Anthroposophie |
S-2107 |
1909-11-21 |
Sun |
St. Gallen |
Human Reincarnation and Fate |
S-2388 |
1911-02-26 |
Sun |
127 |
St. Gallen |
The Influence of Theosophy in Life
Also: | The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation. The Christ-Event as the Middle-Point of Earth Evolution |
Germ: | Die Mission der neuen Geistesoffenbarung. Das Christus-Ereignis als Mittelpunktsgeschehen der Erdenevolution |
S-2521 |
1912-01-12 |
Fri |
St. Gallen |
Faith, Love, Hope |
S-2666 |
1912-12-19 |
Thu |
130 |
St. Gallen |
Lecture VI. The Starry Heaven Above Me - The Moral Law Within Me
From: |
The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz |
AKA: | The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz |
Also: | Esoteric Christianity and the Spiritual Guidance of Humanity |
Germ: | Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit |
S-3281 |
1916-10-25 |
Wed |
St. Gallen |
Anthroposophy and the Riddle of the Life of Man |
S-3282 |
1916-10-26 |
Thu |
168 |
St. Gallen |
The Opposition to Spiritual Science
Also: | The Present and the Bygone in the Human Spirit |
Germ: | Gegenwärtiges und Vergangenes im Menschengeiste |
S-3433 |
1917-11-15 |
Thu |
178 |
St. Gallen |
Lecture I
From: |
Geographic Medicine |
AKA: | Geographic Medicine |
Also: | Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2 |
Germ: | Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II |
S-3434 |
1917-11-16 |
Fri |
178 |
St. Gallen |
Lecture II
From: |
Geographic Medicine |
AKA: | Geographic Medicine |
Also: | Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2 |
Germ: | Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II |
S-3989 |
1920-02-12 |
Thu |
St. Gallen |
Education |
S-4373 |
1921-01-25 |
Tue |
St. Gallen |
The Threefold Social Order |
S-5230a |
1923-04-12 |
Thu |
St. Gallen |
A Picture of Fate or Providence |
S-5231 |
1923-04-12 |
Thu |
St. Gallen |
What was the Goetheanum and What is Anthroposophy? |
S-5462a |
1923-10-22 |
Mon |
St. Gallen |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-1731 |
1908-03-30 |
Mon |
Stockholm |
The Rosicrucians |
S-1732 |
1908-03-30 |
Mon |
Stockholm |
Goethe's Esoteric Answer to the Riddle of the Universe |
S-1734 |
1908-04-01 |
Wed |
Stockholm |
The Rosicrucians |
S-1735 |
1908-04-01 |
Wed |
Stockholm |
The Governing Thought in "The Ring of the Nibelungs" |
S-1736 |
1908-04-02 |
Thu |
Stockholm |
Theosophy and the Social Question |
S-1737 |
1908-04-02 |
Thu |
Stockholm |
Initiation |
S-1738 |
1908-04-03 |
Fri |
Stockholm |
The Mystery of Golgotha |
S-2132 |
1910-01-02 |
Sun |
Stockholm |
The Mystery of Death as the Key to the Riddle of Life |
S-2130 |
1910-01-03 |
Mon |
Stockholm |
Lecture 1
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2131 |
1910-01-04 |
Tue |
Stockholm |
Lecture 2
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2133 |
1910-01-05 |
Wed |
Stockholm |
Lecture 3
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2134 |
1910-01-06 |
Thu |
Stockholm |
The Passage of Humans Through the Worlds of Sense, Soul, Spirit |
S-2135 |
1910-01-07 |
Fri |
Stockholm |
Lecture 4
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2136 |
1910-01-08 |
Sat |
Stockholm |
Lecture 5
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2139 |
1910-01-09 |
Sun |
Stockholm |
European Mysteries and Their Initiates |
S-2137 |
1910-01-10 |
Mon |
Stockholm |
Lecture 6
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2138 |
1910-01-11 |
Tue |
Stockholm |
Lecture 7
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2140 |
1910-01-12 |
Wed |
Stockholm |
The Appearance of Christ in the Etheric |
S-2141 |
1910-01-12 |
Wed |
Stockholm |
Lecture 8
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2142 |
1910-01-13 |
Thu |
Stockholm |
Lecture 9
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2143 |
1910-01-14 |
Fri |
Stockholm |
Lecture 10
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2144 |
1910-01-15 |
Sat |
Stockholm |
Lecture 11
AKA: | The Gospel of St. John and the Other Three Gospels |
S-2579 |
1912-04-16 |
Tue |
143 |
Stockholm |
The Path through the Gospels and The Path of Inner Experience
From: |
The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
AKA: | The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Also: | Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Germ: | Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus |
S-2580 |
1912-04-17 |
Wed |
143 |
Stockholm |
The Path of Initiation
From: |
The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
AKA: | The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Also: | Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Germ: | Erfahrungen des Übersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus |
S-2581 |
1912-04-18 |
Thu |
Stockholm |
Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science |
S-2582 |
1912-04-19 |
Fri |
Stockholm |
Christ and the 20th Century |
S-2798 |
1913-06-09 |
Mon |
Stockholm |
Knowledge and Experience of Immortality in the Light of Theosophical Knowledge |
S-2799 |
1913-06-10 |
Tue |
150 |
Stockholm |
The Freedom (Problem) of the Soul in the Light of Spiritual-Scientific Knowledge
Also: | The World of the Spirit and its Intrusion on Physical Existence. The Influence of the Dead in the World of the Living |
Germ: | Die Welt des Geistes und ihr Hereinragen in das physische Dasein. Das Einwirken der Toten in der Welt der Lebenden |
S-1180 |
1905-11-20 |
Mon |
Strasburg |
The Wisdom Teaching of Christianity in the Light of Theosophy |
S-1222 |
1906-01-12 |
Fri |
Strasburg |
The Origin of World and Man |
S-1379 |
1906-09-14 |
Fri |
Strasburg |
Religion, Science, and Theosophy |
S-1487 |
1907-02-08 |
Fri |
Strasburg |
What Do Intellectuals Make of Theosophy? |
S-1488 |
1907-02-09 |
Sat |
Strasburg |
Education in Terms of Steps or Limits? |
S-1723 |
1908-03-21 |
Sat |
Strasburg |
Natural Science at a Crossroad |
S-1724 |
1908-03-22 |
Sun |
Strasburg |
Founding of the Goethe-Schiller Branch |
S-1822 |
1908-08-30 |
Sun |
Strasburg |
Branch Lecture |
S-1921 |
1909-01-30 |
Sat |
Strasburg |
The Course of Human Life From the Point of View of Spiritual Science |
S-1922 |
1909-01-31 |
Sun |
Strasburg |
Theosophy and the Duty of the Theosophical Society |
S-2148 |
1910-01-23 |
Sun |
125 |
Strasburg |
Words at the Novalis Lodge, Strasburg
Also: | Paths and Goals of Spiritual Human Beings. Life Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science |
Germ: | Wege und Ziele des geistigen Menschen. Lebensfragen im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft |
S-2149 |
1910-01-23 |
Sun |
272 |
Strasburg |
'Goethe's Faust' from the Point of View of Spiritual Science
S-2380 |
1911-02-18 |
Sat |
Strasburg |
The Living Center of Christianity |
S-2381 |
1911-02-19 |
Sun |
Strasburg |
The Moon |
S-2778 |
1913-05-13 |
Tue |
140 |
Strasburg |
Life After Death
From: |
Life Between Death and Rebirth |
AKA: | Life Between Death and Rebirth |
Also: | Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death |
Germ: | Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod |
S-2778 |
1913-05-13 |
Tue |
140 |
Strasburg |
Das Leben Nach dem Tode
From: |
Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt |
AKA: | Life Between Death and Rebirth |
Also: | Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death |
Germ: | Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod |
S-2779 |
1913-05-14 |
Wed |
Strasburg |
Truths and Errors in Spiritual Research |
S-4818 |
1922-04-19 |
Wed |
304 |
Stratford |
Drama and Education 1
AKA: | Celebrating the Committee "New Ideals in Education" |
Also: | Teaching Methods and Lesson Methods from an Anthroposophical Foundation |
Germ: | Erziehungsmethoden und Unterrichtsmethoden auf anthroposophischer Grundlage |
S-4819 |
1922-04-21 |
Fri |
none |
Stratford |
New Ideals in Education 2
AKA: | Celebrating the Committee "New Ideals in Education" |
S-4820 |
1922-04-23 |
Sun |
304 |
Stratford |
Drama and Education 2
AKA: | Celebrating the Committee "New Ideals in Education" |
Also: | Teaching Methods and Lesson Methods from an Anthroposophical Foundation |
Germ: | Erziehungsmethoden und Unterrichtsmethoden auf anthroposophischer Grundlage |
S-0815b |
1904-04-07 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Branch Meeting |
S-0815a |
1904-04-08 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
What Do Intellectuals Make of Theosophy?
AKA: | What Do Intellectuals Understand about Spiritual Science? |
S-0818 |
1904-04-22 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
Goethe as a Theosophist |
S-0819 |
1904-04-23 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Pentecost and the Liberation of the Human Spirit |
S-0886 |
1904-09-21 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
German Rendering of a Public Lecture by Mrs. Besant on "Theosophy and Christianity" |
S-0887 |
1904-09-22 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
German Rendering of a Public Lecture by Mrs. Besant on "The Work of a Theosophical Branch" |
S-0961 |
1904-11-24 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Lecture for Members |
S-0995 |
1905-01-03 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Lecture |
S-1000a |
1905-01-10 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Lecture |
S-1061 |
1905-04-04 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
The Nature of Man |
S-1062 |
1905-04-05 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Branch Lecture |
S-1063 |
1905-04-05 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
The Origin of Man |
S-1064 |
1905-04-07 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
The Future of Man and the Great Initiates |
S-1115 |
1905-09-17 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Lecture |
S-1185 |
1905-11-26 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Branch Lecture |
S-1186 |
1905-11-27 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
Haeckel, The Riddle of the Universe and Theosophy |
S-1187 |
1905-11-28 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
The Social Question and Theosophy |
S-1223 |
1906-01-14 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Branch Lecture |
S-1224 |
1906-01-15 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
The Wisdom Teaching of Christianity |
S-1225 |
1906-01-16 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Ideals for Humanity, Ideals for Initiates |
S-1272 |
1906-03-12 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
The Christian Mysteries |
S-1273 |
1906-03-13 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Repeated Earth Lives as Key to the Riddle of Man |
S-1274 |
1906-03-14 |
Wed |
97 |
Stuttgart |
The Law of Karma, the Reason for the Origination of Illness and Genetic Heredity
Also: | The Christian Mystery |
Germ: | Das christliche Mysterium |
S-1314 |
1906-04-29 |
Sun |
97 |
Stuttgart |
Lucifer, Intellect, New Clairvoyance
Also: | The Christian Mystery |
Germ: | Das christliche Mysterium |