Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-2784 |
1913-05-20 |
Tue |
none |
Stuttgart |
The Necessity of Developing the Power of Discernment |
S-2785 |
1913-05-20 |
Tue |
152 |
Stuttgart |
The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha (Part II)
S-2842 |
1913-11-22 |
Sat |
148 |
Stuttgart |
Erster Vortrag, Stuttgart, 22. November 1913
S-2843 |
1913-11-23 |
Sun |
148 |
Stuttgart |
Zweiter Vortrag (Notizen), Stuttgart, 23. November 1913
S-2844 |
1913-11-24 |
Mon |
281 |
Stuttgart |
Spiritual Science and Denomination
S-2845 |
1913-11-24 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
Spiritual Science and Material Possessions |
S-2895 |
1914-03-04 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Seeking at Present |
S-2896 |
1914-03-05 |
Thu |
152 |
Stuttgart |
Three Events...Preceding...Golgotha
Also: | Prerequisite Stages to the Mystery of Golgotha |
Germ: | Vorstufen zum Mysterium von Golgatha |
S-2897 |
1914-03-06 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
The Inner Being of Man and Life Between Death and a New Birth |
S-2898 |
1914-03-06 |
Fri |
286 |
Stuttgart |
Questions and Answers |
S-2899 |
1914-03-07 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Evolution of Architecture at the Turn of Each Millennnium |
S-2954 |
1914-09-30 |
Wed |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Spiritual Background of WW-I
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-2984 |
1914-12-03 |
Thu |
174a |
Stuttgart |
Words of Rudolf Steiner from the Year 1914
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 6, Middle Europe Between East and West |
Germ: | Mitteleuropa Zwischen Ost und West. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VI |
S-2985 |
1914-12-06 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Richard Wagner's "Ring of the Nibelungen" and "Parsival" |
S-3019 |
1915-02-13 |
Sat |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Christ Impulse as Bearer of the Union of the Spiritual and the Bodily 1
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3020 |
1915-02-14 |
Sun |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Christ Impulse as Bearer of the Union of the Spiritual and the Bodily 2
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3021 |
1915-02-15 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
Why are the Folks in Schiller and Fichte Called Barbarians? |
S-3022 |
1915-02-16 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Morning Introduction to Readings of the Poetry of Friedrich Lienhard |
S-3023 |
1915-02-16 |
Tue |
281 |
Stuttgart |
What Part of the Being of Man is Eternal?
Also: | The Art of Recitation and Declamation |
Germ: | Die Kunst der Rezitation und Deklamation |
S-3150 |
1915-11-22 |
Mon |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Mystery of Death
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3151 |
1915-11-23 |
Tue |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Birth of the Ego Consciousness after Death -or- Inward Experiences after Death
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3152 |
1915-11-24 |
Wed |
174b |
Stuttgart |
Cosmic Considerations
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3153 |
1915-11-25 |
Thu |
none |
Stuttgart |
German Idealistic Philosophy -or- Kant, Schelling, Hegel, and Goethe |
S-3154 |
1915-11-26 |
Fri |
281 |
Stuttgart |
Introduction to Readings of Poems by Friedrich Lienhard and Wilhelm Jordan
Also: | The Art of Recitation and Declamation |
Germ: | Die Kunst der Rezitation und Deklamation |
S-3155 |
1915-11-26 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
The Eternal Strength of the Human Soul According to Spiritual Science |
S-3208 |
1916-03-12 |
Sun |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Characteristics of Russian Folks, The Political Goals of Western Occultism, the Task of Germans
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3209 |
1916-03-13 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
A Forgotten Support for Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought |
S-3210 |
1916-03-14 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
How Will the Eternal Power of the Human Soul Develop? |
S-3211 |
1916-03-15 |
Wed |
174b |
Stuttgart |
Thinking and Willing, Occult Organizations
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3345 |
1917-02-25 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Man a a Being of Spirit and Soul |
S-3365 |
1917-05-11 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
Funeral Oration for Pauline Dieterle |
S-3366 |
1917-05-11 |
Fri |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Modern Soul's Need for Anthroposophy, Natural Science
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3367 |
1917-05-12 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Immortality of the Soul, Fate and the Course of Human Life |
S-3368 |
1917-05-13 |
Sun |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Difficulty for Modern Man to Find a Way into the Spiritual World
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3369 |
1917-05-14 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
Human Soul and Human Body, Nature and Spirit |
S-3370 |
1917-05-15 |
Tue |
174b |
Stuttgart |
Body, Soul, and Spirit in Post-Atlantean Times
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3487 |
1918-02-23 |
Sat |
174b |
Stuttgart |
Alternating Conditions of Human Consciousness
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3488 |
1918-02-24 |
Sun |
174b |
Stuttgart |
Michael and the Spirit of the Times
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3489 |
1918-02-25 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul
S-3490 |
1918-02-26 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-3491 |
1918-02-26 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious
S-3509 |
1918-04-23 |
Tue |
174b |
Stuttgart |
Life Between Death and a New Birth, Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition, Lucifer, Ahriman
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3510 |
1918-04-24 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Free Will, Immortality
S-3511 |
1918-04-25 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
The Historical Evolution of Humanity
S-3512 |
1918-04-26 |
Fri |
174b |
Stuttgart |
The Expectant Mood in Life
Also: | Cosmic and Human History 7, The Spiritual Background of the First World War |
Germ: | Die geistigen Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges. Kosmische und Menschliche Geschichte Band VII |
S-3700a |
1919-04-20 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
"Aufrufs an das deutsche Volk und an die Kulturwelt" |
S-3701 |
1919-04-21 |
Mon |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Prelude to the Threefold Commonwealth
S-3702 |
1919-04-22 |
Tue |
330 |
Stuttgart |
"Aufrufs an das deutsche Volk und an die Kulturwelt"
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3703 |
1919-04-22 |
Tue |
330 |
Stuttgart |
"Aufrufs an das deutsche Volk und an die Kulturwelt"
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3704 |
1919-04-23 |
Wed |
296 |
Stuttgart |
Education and Social Change
Also: | The Question of Education as a Social Question |
Germ: | Die Erziehungsfrage als soziale Frage |
S-3704a |
1919-04-23 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Meeting with the Shop Committee of the Waldorf Astoria Cigarette Factory |
S-3705 |
1919-04-23 |
Wed |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Esoteric Prelude to an Exoteric Consideration of the Social Question I
S-3706 |
1919-04-24 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
"Aufrufs an das deutsche Volk und an die Kulturwelt" |
S-3707 |
1919-04-24 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Lecture for the Workers at the Bosch Factory |
S-3709 |
1919-04-25 |
Fri |
330 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture for the Workers at the Daimler Factory
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3708 |
1919-04-26 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Lecture for the Workers at the Delmonte Factory |
S-3710 |
1919-04-27 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Lecture to a Committee |
S-3712 |
1919-04-28 |
Mon |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Heart of the Social Question
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3713 |
1919-04-29 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Achievements of the Workers and Their Future Practical Consequences
AKA: | Proletarian Demands and Their FuturePractical Realization |
S-3715 |
1919-04-30 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Achievements of the Workers and Their Future Practical Consequences
AKA: | Proletarian Demands and Their FuturePractical Realization |
S-3716 |
1919-05-01 |
Thu |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Esoteric Prelude to an Exoteric Consideration of the Social Question II
S-3717 |
1919-05-03 |
Sat |
330 |
Stuttgart |
Social Needs and Practical Goals
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3718a |
1919-05-06 |
Tue |
277 |
Stuttgart |
Introduction to a Eurythmy Permormance
Also: | Eurythmy: The Revelation of the Speaking Soul |
Germ: | Eurythmie. Die Offenbarung der sprechenden Seele |
S-3720 |
1919-05-07 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Meeting with a Worker's Group |
S-3722 |
1919-05-08 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 1st Meeting with Workers |
S-3725 |
1919-05-11 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture I
S-3726 |
1919-05-13 |
Tue |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Future of Capital and Human Labor
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3728 |
1919-05-16 |
Fri |
330 |
Stuttgart |
Details on the Reorganization of the Social Organism
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3729 |
1919-05-18 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture II
S-3729a |
1919-05-19 |
Mon |
Stuttgart |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-3731 |
1919-05-22 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Discussion with Workers in Stuttgart |
S-3732 |
1919-05-25 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Introduction to the First Public Eurythmy Performance in Stuttgart |
S-3733 |
1919-05-25 |
Sun |
Stuttgart |
Questions and Answers at a Gathering of Industrial Councils |
S-3735 |
1919-05-28 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Second Evening Discussion with the Worker's Parliamentary Commitees of Major Companies in Stuttgart |
S-3736 |
1919-05-29 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
A Discussion with Workers |
S-3737 |
1919-05-29 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
A Meeting with a Threefold Group |
S-3738 |
1919-05-30 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
Questions and Answers with a Threefold Group |
S-3739 |
1919-05-31 |
Sat |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Impulse Towards the Threefold Order
S-3740 |
1919-06-01 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture III
S-3743 |
1919-06-05 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 3rd Discussion with Workers in Stuttgart |
S-3744 |
1919-06-06 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
A Protest Meeting |
S-3745 |
1919-06-07 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
A Meeting with a Threefold Group |
S-3746 |
1919-06-08 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogy, from the Standpoint of the History of Culture
S-3747 |
1919-06-09 |
Mon |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3752 |
1919-06-14 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 4th Meeting with the Workers in Stuttgart |
S-3753 |
1919-06-15 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3754 |
1919-06-16 |
Mon |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Threefold Social Order and Freedom of the Human Spirit
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3755 |
1919-06-18 |
Wed |
330 |
Stuttgart |
Freedom of the Spirit, Equality Under the Law, Brotherhood in Commerce
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3756 |
1919-06-19 |
Thu |
330 |
Stuttgart |
Education and Social Change
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3757 |
1919-06-21 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
A Meeting for the Threefold Social Order |
S-3758 |
1919-06-22 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Materialism and the Manifestation of the Spirit -or- Fruitful and Destructive Decisions in the History of Humanity
AKA: | Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3760 |
1919-06-24 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 5th Discussion with Workers in Stuttgart |
S-3761 |
1919-06-27 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
Anthroposophy and the Social Question. The Work of Spiritual Science in Recent Years and its Task in the Present |
S-3763 |
1919-06-29 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Anthroposophy, Social and Pedagogic Questions
AKA: | Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3765 |
1919-07-01 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Meeting with a Commission |
S-3766 |
1919-07-02 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 6th Discussion with Workers in Stuttgart |
S-3767 |
1919-07-04 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
A Gathering |
S-3768 |
1919-07-06 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Anthroposophy, Social and Pedagogic Questions
AKA: | Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3769 |
1919-07-08 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
A Discussion |
S-3770 |
1919-07-09 |
Wed |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Path to Supersensible Experience
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |