Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-3771 |
1919-07-10 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
The Threefold Social Order |
S-3772 |
1919-07-11 |
Fri |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Supersensible Being of Man and the Evolution of Mankind
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3773 |
1919-07-13 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Anthroposophy, Social and Pedagogic Questions
AKA: | Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3774 |
1919-07-16 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
A Meeting with Worker Representatives from the Stuttgart Area |
S-3775 |
1919-07-17 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 7th Discussion with Workers in Stuttgart |
S-3776 |
1919-07-19 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-3777 |
1919-07-20 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Anthroposophy, Social and Pedagogic Questions
AKA: | Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3780 |
1919-07-23 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
The Task of a Factory Council |
S-3781 |
1919-07-24 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance |
S-3782 |
1919-07-25 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
The Threefold Social Order |
S-3786 |
1919-07-29 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Meeting with a Tech. Commission |
S-3787 |
1919-07-30 |
Wed |
330 |
Stuttgart |
The Heart of the Social Question
Also: | The Renewal of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Neugestaltung des sozialen Organismus |
S-3789 |
1919-08-02 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Lecture to Technicians |
S-3790 |
1919-08-03 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Anthroposophy, Social and Pedagogic Questions
AKA: | Spiritual Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3800a |
1919-08-20 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Welcome to the Participants in the Pedagogic Course |
S-3801 |
1919-08-21 |
Thu |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture I
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3802 |
1919-08-21 |
Thu |
294 |
Stuttgart |
Introduction - Aphoristic remarks on Artistic Activity, Arithmetic, Reading, and Writing
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3803 |
1919-08-21 |
Thu |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3804 |
1919-08-22 |
Fri |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture II
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3805 |
1919-08-22 |
Fri |
294 |
Stuttgart |
On Language - the Oneness of man with the Universe
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3806 |
1919-08-22 |
Fri |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3807 |
1919-08-23 |
Sat |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture III
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3808 |
1919-08-23 |
Sat |
294 |
Stuttgart |
On the Plastically Formative Arts, Music, and Poetry
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3809 |
1919-08-23 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3810 |
1919-08-24 |
Sun |
297 |
Stuttgart |
The Intent of the Waldorf School
AKA: | The Spirit of the Waldorf School |
Also: | The Waldorf School and Its Spirit |
Germ: | Die Waldorfschule und ihr Geist |
S-3811 |
1919-08-25 |
Mon |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture IV
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3812 |
1919-08-25 |
Mon |
294 |
Stuttgart |
The First School-lesson - Manual Skill, Drawing and Painting - the Beginnings of Language-teaching
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3813 |
1919-08-25 |
Mon |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3814 |
1919-08-26 |
Tue |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture V
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3815 |
1919-08-26 |
Tue |
294 |
Stuttgart |
Writing and Reading - Spelling
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3816 |
1919-08-26 |
Tue |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3817 |
1919-08-27 |
Wed |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture VI
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3818 |
1919-08-27 |
Wed |
294 |
Stuttgart |
On the Rhythm of Life and Rhythmical Repetition in Teaching
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3819 |
1919-08-27 |
Wed |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3820 |
1919-08-28 |
Thu |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture VII
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3821 |
1919-08-28 |
Thu |
294 |
Stuttgart |
The Teaching in the Ninth Year - Natural History - the Animal Kingdom
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3822 |
1919-08-28 |
Thu |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3823 |
1919-08-29 |
Fri |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture VIII
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3824 |
1919-08-29 |
Fri |
294 |
Stuttgart |
Education After the Twelfth - History - Physics
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3825 |
1919-08-29 |
Fri |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Diet and Learning to Read and Write
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3826 |
1919-08-30 |
Sat |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture IX
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3827 |
1919-08-30 |
Sat |
294 |
Stuttgart |
On the Teaching of Languages
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3828 |
1919-08-30 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3829 |
1919-08-31 |
Sun |
297 |
Stuttgart |
The Seventh Year
AKA: | The Spirit of the Waldorf School |
Also: | The Waldorf School and Its Spirit |
Germ: | Die Waldorfschule und ihr Geist |
S-3829a |
1919-08-31 |
Sun |
297 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture for the Parents of the Waldorf-Astoria Cigarette Factory, Toward Sending Their Children to the Waldorf School Being Founded
AKA: | The Spirit of the Waldorf School |
Also: | The Waldorf School and Its Spirit |
Germ: | Die Waldorfschule und ihr Geist |
S-3830 |
1919-09-01 |
Mon |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture X
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3831 |
1919-09-01 |
Mon |
294 |
Stuttgart |
Arranging the Lesson up to the Fourteenth Year
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3832 |
1919-09-01 |
Mon |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3834 |
1919-09-02 |
Tue |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture XI
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3835 |
1919-09-02 |
Tue |
294 |
Stuttgart |
On the Teaching of Geography
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3836 |
1919-09-02 |
Tue |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3837 |
1919-09-03 |
Wed |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture XII
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3838 |
1919-09-03 |
Wed |
294 |
Stuttgart |
How to Connect School with Practical Life
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3839 |
1919-09-03 |
Wed |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3840 |
1919-09-04 |
Thu |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture XIII
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3841 |
1919-09-04 |
Thu |
294 |
Stuttgart |
On Drawing up the Time-table
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3842 |
1919-09-04 |
Thu |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3843 |
1919-09-05 |
Fri |
293 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture XIV
From: |
The Study of Man |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 1. General Pedagogy |
Also: | A General Knowledge of the Human Being as the Foundation of Pedagogy |
Germ: | Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik |
S-3844 |
1919-09-05 |
Fri |
294 |
Stuttgart |
Moral Educative Principles and their Transition to Practice
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
AKA: | Pedagogical Course 2. Methodology of Teaching |
Also: | The Art of Education, Methodologically-Didactically |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst, Methodisch-Didaktisches |
S-3845 |
1919-09-05 |
Fri |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3846 |
1919-09-06 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Waldorf Curriculum 1
AKA: | The Waldorf Curriculum |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3847 |
1919-09-06 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Waldorf Curriculum 2
AKA: | The Waldorf Curriculum |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3847a |
1919-09-06 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Pedagogical Seminar
AKA: | Pedagogical Discussion Seminar |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3848 |
1919-09-06 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Waldorf Curriculum 3
AKA: | The Waldorf Curriculum |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3849 |
1919-09-06 |
Sat |
295 |
Stuttgart |
Concluding Remarks
From: |
Practical Course for Teachers |
Also: | The Art of Education: Seminar Discussions and Lectures of Lesson Planning |
Germ: | Erziehungskunst. Seminarbesprechungen und Lehrplanvorträge |
S-3850 |
1919-09-07 |
Sun |
298 |
Stuttgart |
Opening of the Waldorf School
Also: | Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School |
Germ: | Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule |
S-3851 |
1919-09-08 |
Mon |
300a |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 1
AKA: | Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 1 |
Also: | Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (1) |
Germ: | Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn |
S-3852 |
1919-09-08 |
Mon |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 1
From: |
The Necessity for New Ways of Spiritual Knowledge |
AKA: | The Need for New Methods of Spiritual Cognition: A Demand of the Present |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3852 |
1919-09-08 |
Mon |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 1 (alternate translation)
From: |
The Necessity for New Ways of Spiritual Knowledge |
AKA: | The Need for New Methods of Spiritual Cognition: A Demand of the Present |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3866 |
1919-09-24 |
Wed |
297 |
Stuttgart |
Supersensible Knowledge and Socio-pedagogic Vitality
AKA: | The Spirit of the Waldorf School |
Also: | The Waldorf School and Its Spirit |
Germ: | Die Waldorfschule und ihr Geist |
S-3867 |
1919-09-25 |
Thu |
300a |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 2
AKA: | Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 1 |
Also: | Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (1) |
Germ: | Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn |
S-3868 |
1919-09-25 |
Thu |
Stuttgart |
The Threefold Social Order |
S-3869 |
1919-09-26 |
Fri |
300a |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 3
AKA: | Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 1 |
Also: | Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (1) |
Germ: | Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn |
S-3869a |
1919-09-26 |
Fri |
Stuttgart |
"Techniker-Kammern" |
S-3869b |
1919-09-27 |
Sat |
Stuttgart |
Meeting with "Kulturrat" |
S-3870 |
1919-09-28 |
Sun |
192 |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 2
From: |
The Necessity for New Ways of Spiritual Knowledge |
AKA: | The Need for New Methods of Spiritual Cognition: A Demand of the Present |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen |
S-3931 |
1919-12-19 |
Fri |
333 |
Stuttgart |
Spiritual Science, Freedom of Thought, Social Forces
AKA: | Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces |
Also: | Freedom of Thought and Social Forces |
Germ: | Gedankenfreiheit und soziale Kräfte |
S-3932 |
1919-12-21 |
Sun |
298 |
Stuttgart |
Address at the Christmas Assembly
From: |
Dear Children |
Also: | Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School |
Germ: | Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule |
S-3933 |
1919-12-21 |
Sun |
195 |
Stuttgart |
The Three Streams in the Life of Civilization. The Mysteries of Light, of Man, and of the Earth.
From: |
The Cosmic New Year |
AKA: | The Cosmic New Year |
Also: | Thoughts for the World New Year |
Germ: | Weltsilvester und Neujahrsgedanken |
S-3934 |
1919-12-22 |
Mon |
300a |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 4
AKA: | Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 1 |
Also: | Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (1) |
Germ: | Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn |
S-3935 |
1919-12-23 |
Tue |
320 |
Stuttgart |
First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3936 |
1919-12-23 |
Tue |
300a |
Stuttgart |
Lecture 5
AKA: | Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 1 |
Also: | Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (1) |
Germ: | Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn |
S-3937 |
1919-12-23 |
Tue |
Stuttgart |
Public Lecture |
S-3938 |
1919-12-24 |
Wed |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3939 |
1919-12-24 |
Wed |
Stuttgart |
Branch Lecture |
S-3940 |
1919-12-25 |
Thu |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3941 |
1919-12-25 |
Thu |
195 |
Stuttgart |
A Christmas Lecture
From: |
The Cosmic New Year |
AKA: | The Cosmic New Year |
Also: | Thoughts for the World New Year |
Germ: | Weltsilvester und Neujahrsgedanken |
S-3941 |
1919-12-25 |
Thu |
195 |
Stuttgart |
The Michael Path to the Christ (Extract)
S-3942 |
1919-12-26 |
Fri |
299 |
Stuttgart |
Language from an Historical Standpoint
AKA: | Science of Speech Course |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Observations on Speech |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Sprachbetrachtungen |
S-3943 |
1919-12-26 |
Fri |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3944 |
1919-12-27 |
Sat |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3945 |
1919-12-27 |
Sat |
333 |
Stuttgart |
Universal Balance of Spirit Life and Soul Life of the Present Time
AKA: | Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces |
Also: | Freedom of Thought and Social Forces |
Germ: | Gedankenfreiheit und soziale Kräfte |
S-3946 |
1919-12-28 |
Sun |
299 |
Stuttgart |
The Evolution of Language from an Organic Point of View
AKA: | Science of Speech Course |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Observations on Speech |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Sprachbetrachtungen |
S-3947 |
1919-12-28 |
Sun |
195 |
Stuttgart |
The Mystery of the Human Will
From: |
The Cosmic New Year |
AKA: | The Cosmic New Year |
Also: | Thoughts for the World New Year |
Germ: | Weltsilvester und Neujahrsgedanken |
S-3948 |
1919-12-29 |
Mon |
299 |
Stuttgart |
The Transforming Power of Language in Relation to Spiritual Life
AKA: | Science of Speech Course |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Observations on Speech |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Sprachbetrachtungen |
S-3949 |
1919-12-29 |
Mon |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3950 |
1919-12-30 |
Tue |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |
S-3951 |
1919-12-30 |
Tue |
333 |
Stuttgart |
Spiritual Knowledge as the Foundation of Actions, Morality in the Strength of Knowledge, Human Hope out of the Power of the Spirit
AKA: | Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces |
Also: | Freedom of Thought and Social Forces |
Germ: | Gedankenfreiheit und soziale Kräfte |
S-3952 |
1919-12-31 |
Wed |
299 |
Stuttgart |
The History of Language in Its Relation to the Folk Souls
AKA: | Science of Speech Course |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Observations on Speech |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Sprachbetrachtungen |
S-3953 |
1919-12-31 |
Wed |
320 |
Stuttgart |
Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
From: |
First Scientific Lecture-Course |
AKA: | First Science Course (Light Course) |
Also: | Spiritual-Scientific Impulses towards the Development of Physics 1: The First Natural-Scientific Course: Light, Color, Tone - Mass, Electricity, Magnetism |
Germ: | Geisteswissenschaftliche Impulse zur Entwickelung der Physik I: Erster naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs: Licht, Farbe, Ton Masse, Elektrizität, Magnetismus |