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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 Schmidt No.   Date    * DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-5163b 1923-02-07   Wed      Stuttgart Session with the "Circle of Thirty"   
.  S-5163c 1923-02-08   Thu  217a    Stuttgart Meeting with a Group of Young Anthroposophists to Prepare for an Assembly of Delegates
AKA:  Youth and the Etheric Heart
Also:  Youth's Task of Knowledge
Germ:  Die Erkenntnis-Aufgabe der Jugend
.  S-5163d 1923-02-08   Thu      Stuttgart Session with the "Circle of Thirty"   
.  S-5168 1923-02-13   Tue  257    Stuttgart Lecture IV
From:  Awakening to Community
AKA:  Awakening to Community
Also:  Anthroposophical Community-Building
Germ:  Anthroposophische Gemeinschaftsbildung
.  S-5168a 1923-02-13   Tue      Stuttgart Session with the "Circle of Thirty"   
.  S-5169 1923-02-14   Wed  300b    Stuttgart Lecture 10
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 3
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (2)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5170 1923-02-14   Wed  217a    Stuttgart Meeting with a Group of Young Anthroposophists
AKA:  Youth and the Etheric Heart
Also:  Youth's Task of Knowledge
Germ:  Die Erkenntnis-Aufgabe der Jugend
.  S-5177a 1923-02-24   Sat      Stuttgart Session with the "Circle of Thirty"   
.  S-5178 1923-02-26   Mon      Stuttgart Meeting with Delegates from the Anthroposophical Society in Germany
AKA:  Delegates of the Anthroposophical Society in Germany
.  S-5179 1923-02-27   Tue      Stuttgart Meeting with Delegates from the Anthroposophical Society in Germany
AKA:  Delegates of the Anthroposophical Society in Germany
.  S-5180 1923-02-27   Tue      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5181 1923-02-27   Tue  257    Stuttgart Lecture VI
From:  Awakening to Community
AKA:  Two Lectures on the Delegates Assembly
Also:  Anthroposophical Community-Building
Germ:  Anthroposophische Gemeinschaftsbildung
.  S-5181 1923-02-27   Tue  257    Stuttgart Community Building
From:  Community Building
AKA:  Two Lectures on the Delegates Assembly
Also:  Anthroposophical Community-Building
Germ:  Anthroposophische Gemeinschaftsbildung
.  S-5182 1923-02-28   Wed      Stuttgart Meeting with "Freien Anthropsophischen Gesellschaft"   
.  S-5183 1923-02-28   Wed  257    Stuttgart Lecture VII
From:  Awakening to Community
AKA:  Two Lectures on the Delegates Assembly
Also:  Anthroposophical Community-Building
Germ:  Anthroposophische Gemeinschaftsbildung
.  S-5183 1923-02-28   Wed  257    Stuttgart Community Building
From:  Community Building
AKA:  Two Lectures on the Delegates Assembly
Also:  Anthroposophical Community-Building
Germ:  Anthroposophische Gemeinschaftsbildung
.  S-5184 1923-02-28   Wed      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5186 1923-03-01   Thu  298    Stuttgart Monthly Celebration at the Free Waldorf School
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5185a 1923-03-01   Thu      Stuttgart Meeting with the leadership of the "Federation for Free Cultural Life"   
.  S-5185 1923-03-01   Thu  300b    Stuttgart Lecture 11
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 3
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (2)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5192 1923-03-07   Wed      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5193 1923-03-07   Wed  283    Stuttgart Lecture V
From:  The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone
AKA:  Two Lectures for Waldorf Teachers and Musicians about Music
Also:  The Nature of Things Musical and the Experience of Tone in the Human Being
Germ:  Das Wesen des Musikalischen und das Tonerlebnis im Menschen
.  S-5195 1923-03-08   Thu  283    Stuttgart Lecture VI
From:  The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone
AKA:  Two Lectures for Waldorf Teachers and Musicians about Music
Also:  The Nature of Things Musical and the Experience of Tone in the Human Being
Germ:  Das Wesen des Musikalischen und das Tonerlebnis im Menschen
.  S-5194 1923-03-08   Thu  300b    Stuttgart Lecture 12
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 3
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (2)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5206 1923-03-25   Sun      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5207 1923-03-25   Sun  304a    Stuttgart Education, and Art
AKA:  Meetingof the Waldorf School on the Art of Pedagogy
Also:  Anthroposophical Knowledge of the Human Being and Pedagogy
Germ:  Anthroposophische Menschenkunde und Pädagogik
.  S-5208 1923-03-26   Mon  304a    Stuttgart Education and the Moral Life
AKA:  Meetingof the Waldorf School on the Art of Pedagogy
Also:  Anthroposophical Knowledge of the Human Being and Pedagogy
Germ:  Anthroposophische Menschenkunde und Pädagogik
.  S-5209 1923-03-27   Tue  304a    Stuttgart Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance for Children
AKA:  Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy 2
Also:  Anthroposophical Knowledge of the Human Being and Pedagogy
Germ:  Anthroposophische Menschenkunde und Pädagogik
.  S-5210 1923-03-28   Wed      Stuttgart Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5211 1923-03-28   Wed      Stuttgart Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance for Children   
.  S-5212 1923-03-29   Thu  281    Stuttgart The Uttering of Syllables and the Speaking of Words
From:  Poetry and the Art of Speech
AKA:  Meetingof the Waldorf School on the Art of Pedagogy
Also:  The Art of Recitation and Declamation
Germ:  Die Kunst der Rezitation und Deklamation
.  S-5212 1923-03-29   Thu  281    Stuttgart The Interaction of Breathing and Blood-Circulation
From:  Poetry and the Art of Speech
AKA:  Meetingof the Waldorf School on the Art of Pedagogy
Also:  The Art of Recitation and Declamation
Germ:  Die Kunst der Rezitation und Deklamation
.  S-5212 1923-03-29   Thu  281    Stuttgart The Alliteration and Terminal Rhyme
From:  Poetry and the Art of Speech
AKA:  Meetingof the Waldorf School on the Art of Pedagogy
Also:  The Art of Recitation and Declamation
Germ:  Die Kunst der Rezitation und Deklamation
.  S-5213 1923-03-29   Thu      Stuttgart Eulogy for Elisabeth Maier   
.  S-5214 1923-03-30   Fri  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 1
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5260 1923-04-24   Tue  298    Stuttgart Celebration at the Beginning of the Fifth Year of the Waldorf School
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5259 1923-04-24   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 2
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5261 1923-04-24   Tue      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5262 1923-04-25   Wed  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 3
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5263 1923-04-25   Wed      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
e.Book  S-5269 1923-05-02   Wed  224    Stuttgart The Cosmic Word and Individual Man
Also:  The Human Soul and its Connection with the Divine-Spiritual Individuals. The Internalization of the Festivals of the Year
Germ:  Die menschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten. Die Verinnerlichung der Jahresfeste
.  S-5271 1923-05-03   Thu  298    Stuttgart Monthly Celebration at the Free Waldorf School
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5270 1923-05-03   Thu  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 4
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5293 1923-05-25   Fri  298    Stuttgart Lecture 3rd General Meeting of the Waldorf School Association
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5292 1923-05-25   Fri  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 5
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5322 1923-06-21   Thu  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 6
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5323 1923-06-21   Thu  224    Stuttgart Preparing for a New Birth
From:  Preparing for a New Birth
Also:  The Human Soul and its Connection with the Divine-Spiritual Individuals. The Internalization of the Festivals of the Year
Germ:  Die menschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten. Die Verinnerlichung der Jahresfeste
.  S-5324 1923-06-22   Fri      Stuttgart General Meeting with "Der Kommende Tag"   
.  S-5325 1923-06-22   Fri  298    Stuttgart Parents' Evening at the Waldorf School
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5338 1923-07-03   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 7
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5339 1923-07-04   Wed  224    Stuttgart Albert Schweitzer, Max Rubner, Culture
Also:  The Human Soul and its Connection with the Divine-Spiritual Individuals. The Internalization of the Festivals of the Year
Germ:  Die menschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten. Die Verinnerlichung der Jahresfeste
.  S-5339a 1923-07-04   Wed      Stuttgart Session with the "Circle of Thirty"   
.  S-5339b 1923-07-05   Thu      Stuttgart Meeting with the Leadership of the Free Waldorf School   
.  S-5345 1923-07-11   Wed  345    Stuttgart Lecture I
From:  The Essence of the Active Word
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5345 1923-07-11   Wed  345    Stuttgart Erster Vortrag
From:  Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5345 1923-07-11   Wed  345    Stuttgart Dritter Vortrag
From:  Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5346 1923-07-11   Wed  224    Stuttgart Sleeping and Waking
Also:  The Human Soul and its Connection with the Divine-Spiritual Individuals. The Internalization of the Festivals of the Year
Germ:  Die menschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten. Die Verinnerlichung der Jahresfeste
.  S-5348 1923-07-12   Thu  345    Stuttgart Lecture II
From:  The Essence of the Active Word
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5348 1923-07-12   Thu  345    Stuttgart Zu den Ver?ffentlichungen aus dem Vortragswerk Rudolf Steiners
From:  Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5347 1923-07-12   Thu  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 8
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5349 1923-07-13   Fri  345    Stuttgart Lecture III
From:  The Essence of the Active Word
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5350 1923-07-14   Sat  345    Stuttgart Lecture IV
From:  The Essence of the Active Word
AKA:  Four Lectures for the Priesthood of the Christian Community
Also:  Lectures and Courses on Christian Religious Work: Volume Four: Concerning the Being of the Working Word
Germ:  Vorträge und Kurse über christlich-religiöses Wirken, Bd.4, Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes
.  S-5351 1923-07-15   Sun      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5372 1923-07-31   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 9
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5424 1923-09-14   Fri      Stuttgart Anthroposophical Movement and Anthroposophical Society   
.  S-5425 1923-09-14   Fri  228    Stuttgart Man in the Past, the Present and the Future
From:  Man in the Past, Present, and Future; The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  Man in the Past, Present, and Future
Also:  The Science of Initiation and the Knowledge of the Stars. The Human Being in the Past, the Present, and the Future from the Point of View of the Development of Consciousness
Germ:  Initiationswissenschaft und Sternenerkenntnis. Der Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Gesichtspunkt der Bewußtseinsentwickelung
.  S-5426 1923-09-15   Sat      Stuttgart Axioms of Anthroposophy   
.  S-5427 1923-09-15   Sat      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5428 1923-09-15   Sat  228    Stuttgart Man in the Past, the Present and the Future
From:  Man in the Past, Present, and Future; The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  Man in the Past, Present, and Future
Also:  The Science of Initiation and the Knowledge of the Stars. The Human Being in the Past, the Present, and the Future from the Point of View of the Development of Consciousness
Germ:  Initiationswissenschaft und Sternenerkenntnis. Der Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Gesichtspunkt der Bewußtseinsentwickelung
.  S-5429 1923-09-16   Sun      Stuttgart Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance   
.  S-5430 1923-09-16   Sun  228    Stuttgart The Sun-Initiation of the Druid Priest and His Moon-Science
From:  Man in the Past, Present, and Future; The Evolution of Consciousness
AKA:  Man in the Past, Present, and Future
Also:  The Science of Initiation and the Knowledge of the Stars. The Human Being in the Past, the Present, and the Future from the Point of View of the Development of Consciousness
Germ:  Initiationswissenschaft und Sternenerkenntnis. Der Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft vom Gesichtspunkt der Bewußtseinsentwickelung
.  S-5431 1923-09-17   Mon      Stuttgart Opportunities   
.  S-5432 1923-09-18   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 10
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5454 1923-10-15   Mon  302a    Stuttgart A Living Synthesis
From:  Deeper Insights into Education
AKA:  Three Lectures for Waldorf Teachers
Also:  Education and Teaching out of a Knowledge of the Human Being
Germ:  Erziehung und Unterricht aus Menschenerkenntnis
.  S-5455 1923-10-15   Mon      Stuttgart The Michael Inspiration
From:  The Festivals and Their Meaning IV Michaelmas
AKA:  The Festivals and their Meaning
.  S-5456 1923-10-16   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 11
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5457 1923-10-16   Tue  302a    Stuttgart Forces Leading to Health and Illness in Education
From:  Deeper Insights into Education
AKA:  Three Lectures for Waldorf Teachers
Also:  Education and Teaching out of a Knowledge of the Human Being
Germ:  Erziehung und Unterricht aus Menschenerkenntnis
.  S-5458 1923-10-16   Tue  302a    Stuttgart A Comprehensive Knowledge of Man as the Source of Imagination in the Teacher
From:  Deeper Insights into Education
AKA:  Three Lectures for Waldorf Teachers
Also:  Education and Teaching out of a Knowledge of the Human Being
Germ:  Erziehung und Unterricht aus Menschenerkenntnis
.  S-5598 1924-02-05   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 13
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5599 1924-02-06   Wed  240    Stuttgart Lecture IV
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VI
AKA:  Karmic Relationships Vol. 6
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 6
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.6
.  S-5648 1924-03-27   Thu  298    Stuttgart Monthly Celebration at the Free Waldorf School
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5647 1924-03-27   Thu  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 14
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5663 1924-04-08   Tue  308    Stuttgart The Being of the Teacher as he Confronts the Child
AKA:  Education Conference of the Free Waldorf School The Methodology of Teaching and Life of the Teacher
Also:  The Methodology of Teaching and the Life-Requirements of Education
Germ:  Die Methodik des Lehrens und die Lebensbedingungen des Erziehens
.  S-5664 1924-04-09   Wed  308    Stuttgart The Being of the Child as he Confronts the Teacher
AKA:  Education Conference of the Free Waldorf School The Methodology of Teaching and Life of the Teacher
Also:  The Methodology of Teaching and the Life-Requirements of Education
Germ:  Die Methodik des Lehrens und die Lebensbedingungen des Erziehens
.  S-5665 1924-04-09   Wed  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 15
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5666 1924-04-09   Wed      Stuttgart Meeting with Members of the Anthroposophical Society   
.  S-5667 1924-04-09   Wed  240    Stuttgart Lecture V
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VI
AKA:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships. Volume 2
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 6
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.6
.  S-5668 1924-04-10   Thu  308    Stuttgart An Artistic Handlilng of the Teachers' Task
AKA:  Education Conference of the Free Waldorf School The Methodology of Teaching and Life of the Teacher
Also:  The Methodology of Teaching and the Life-Requirements of Education
Germ:  Die Methodik des Lehrens und die Lebensbedingungen des Erziehens
.  S-5668a 1924-04-10   Thu      Stuttgart Meeting with 12th Grade Students of the Free Waldorf School   
.  S-5668b 1924-04-10   Thu      Stuttgart Meeting with the Stuttgart Stewards of the Anthroposophical Society   
.  S-5669 1924-04-10   Thu  308    Stuttgart The True Source of Enthusiasm for the Teaching Task
AKA:  Education Conference of the Free Waldorf School The Methodology of Teaching and Life of the Teacher
Also:  The Methodology of Teaching and the Life-Requirements of Education
Germ:  Die Methodik des Lehrens und die Lebensbedingungen des Erziehens
.  S-5670 1924-04-11   Fri  308    Stuttgart The Basis of Waldorf Pedagogy
AKA:  Education Conference of the Free Waldorf School The Methodology of Teaching and Life of the Teacher
Also:  The Methodology of Teaching and the Life-Requirements of Education
Germ:  Die Methodik des Lehrens und die Lebensbedingungen des Erziehens
.  S-5711 1924-04-29   Tue  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 16
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5713 1924-04-30   Wed  298    Stuttgart Celebration for Start of the School Year at the Waldorf School
Also:  Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School
Germ:  Rudolf Steiner in der Waldorfschule
.  S-5712a 1924-04-30   Wed      Stuttgart Conference with Waldorf Teachers   
.  S-5712 1924-04-30   Wed  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 17
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5746 1924-06-01   Sun      Stuttgart Waldorf Association Members' Meeting, Children, Parents, Teachers   
.  S-5747 1924-06-01   Sun  240    Stuttgart Lecture VI
From:  Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VI
AKA:  Reflections on Karma x
Also:  Esoteric Observations of Karmic Relationships in 6 Volumes, Volume 6
Germ:  Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, in 6 Bdn., Bd.6
.  S-5748 1924-06-02   Mon  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 18
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.
.  S-5780 1924-06-19   Thu  300c    Stuttgart Lecture 19
AKA:  Conferences with Teachers of the Free Waldorf School 4
Also:  Conferences with the Teachers of the Free Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1924, in 3 Volumes (3)
Germ:  Konferenzen mit den Lehrern der Freien Waldorfschule in Stuttgart 1919 bis 1924, in 3 Bdn.

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  1
Translated Lectures:  31
Untranslated Lectures:  40
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  29
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6780

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