Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-2685 |
1913-01-19 |
Sun |
Vienna |
The Supersensible World and the Characteristics of the Human Soul |
S-2686 |
1913-01-20 |
Mon |
Vienna |
Spiritual Science and Natural Science and Their Relationship to the Riddles of Life |
S-2687 |
1913-01-21 |
Tue |
140 |
Vienna |
Between Death and a New Birth
From: |
Life Between Death and Rebirth |
AKA: | Life Between Death and Rebirth |
Also: | Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death |
Germ: | Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod |
S-2687 |
1913-01-21 |
Tue |
140 |
Vienna |
Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt
From: |
Okkulte Untersuchungen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt |
AKA: | Life Between Death and Rebirth |
Also: | Occult Investigation into the Life Between Death and New Birth. The Living Interaction Between Life and Death |
Germ: | Okkulte Untersuchungen über das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt. Die lebendige Wechselwirkung zwischen Leben und Tod |
S-2909 |
1914-04-06 |
Mon |
153 |
Vienna |
Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Seeking at Present
AKA: | The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth |
Also: | The Inner Being of Humanity and Life Between Death and New Birth |
Germ: | Inneres Wesen des Menschen und Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt |
S-2910 |
1914-04-08 |
Wed |
153 |
Vienna |
The Soul in the Light of Spiritual Science
AKA: | The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth |
Also: | The Inner Being of Humanity and Life Between Death and New Birth |
Germ: | Inneres Wesen des Menschen und Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt |
S-2911 |
1914-04-09 |
Thu |
153 |
Vienna |
The Four Spheres of the Inner Life
S-2912 |
1914-04-10 |
Fri |
Vienna |
Recollections of Christian Morgenstern, Died 31 Mar 1914 |
S-2913 |
1914-04-10 |
Fri |
153 |
Vienna |
The Vision of the Ideal Human Being
S-2914 |
1914-04-11 |
Sat |
153 |
Vienna |
The Senses and the Luciferic Temptation
S-2915 |
1914-04-11 |
Sat |
Vienna |
Lecture at the Society "Homo Contra Homunculus," Robert Hamerling as Philosopher and Reformer |
S-2916 |
1914-04-12 |
Sun |
153 |
Vienna |
Wisdom in the Spiritual World
S-2917 |
1914-04-13 |
Mon |
153 |
Vienna |
Between Death and the 'Cosmic Midnight Hour'
S-2918 |
1914-04-14 |
Tue |
Vienna |
The St. John's Building, Dornach |
S-2919 |
1914-04-14 |
Tue |
153 |
Vienna |
Pleasures and Sufferings in the Life Beyond
S-3060 |
1915-05-06 |
Thu |
Vienna |
Supersensible Knowledge and its Soul Strengthening Power in these Fateful Times |
S-3061 |
1915-05-07 |
Fri |
159 |
Vienna |
Cosmic Effects on the Human Members During Sleep
From: |
The Mystery of Death |
Also: | The Secret of Death. The Nature and Meaning of Middle Europe and the European Volk Spirits |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europäischen Volksgeister |
S-3061 |
1915-05-07 |
Fri |
159 |
Vienna |
Effects of Christ-Inpulse
S-3062 |
1915-05-08 |
Sat |
Vienna |
The Destiny of Humanity in the Light of Knowledge of Spiritual Worlds |
S-3063 |
1915-05-09 |
Sun |
159 |
Vienna |
The War, an Illness Process
From: |
The Mystery of Death |
Also: | The Secret of Death. The Nature and Meaning of Middle Europe and the European Volk Spirits |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europäischen Volksgeister |
S-3063 |
1915-05-09 |
Sun |
159 |
Vienna |
The Subconscious Forces
From: |
The Subconscious Forces |
Also: | The Secret of Death. The Nature and Meaning of Middle Europe and the European Volk Spirits |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europäischen Volksgeister |
S-3525 |
1918-05-26 |
Sun |
Vienna |
Branch Lecture |
S-3526 |
1918-05-27 |
Mon |
Vienna |
Human Soul, Supersensible Life |
S-3527 |
1918-05-28 |
Tue |
Vienna |
Aphoristic Remarks on the Relationship of Anthroposophy to Science |
S-3528 |
1918-05-29 |
Wed |
Vienna |
The Historical Life of Man in the Light of Supersensible Investigation |
S-3529 |
1918-05-30 |
Thu |
Vienna |
Branch Lecture |
S-3530 |
1918-06-01 |
Sat |
271 |
Vienna |
Perceptible, Supersensible, Art
Also: | Art and Knowledge of Art. Foundations of a New Aesthetic |
Germ: | Kunst und Kunsterkenntnis. Grundlagen einer neuen Ästhetik |
S-3531 |
1918-06-02 |
Sun |
Vienna |
Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-4851 |
1922-06-01 |
Thu |
83 |
Vienna |
Natural Science
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Science |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4852 |
1922-06-02 |
Fri |
Vienna |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-4853 |
1922-06-02 |
Fri |
83 |
Vienna |
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Science |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4854 |
1922-06-03 |
Sat |
83 |
Vienna |
East and West in History
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Science |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4855 |
1922-06-04 |
Sun |
83 |
Vienna |
Spiritual Geography
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Science |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4856 |
1922-06-05 |
Mon |
83 |
Vienna |
Cosmic Memory
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Science |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4857 |
1922-06-07 |
Wed |
280 |
Vienna |
Poetry and Recitation
From: |
Poetry and the Art of Speech |
AKA: | Creative Speech |
Also: | The Method and Being of Speech Formation |
Germ: | Methodik und Wesen der Sprachgestaltung |
S-4858 |
1922-06-07 |
Wed |
83 |
Vienna |
Individual and Society
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Sociology |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4859 |
1922-06-08 |
Thu |
83 |
Vienna |
The Individual Spirit and the Social Structure
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Sociology |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4860 |
1922-06-09 |
Fri |
Vienna |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-4861 |
1922-06-09 |
Fri |
83 |
Vienna |
The Problem (Asia-Europe)
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Sociology |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4862 |
1922-06-10 |
Sat |
83 |
Vienna |
Prospects of its Solution (Europe-America)
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Sociology |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4863 |
1922-06-11 |
Sun |
211 |
Vienna |
Anthroposophy, a Striving for a Spiritual Understanding of Nature Permeated by Christ -or- The End of the Dark Age
AKA: | The Sun Mystery and the Mystery of Death and Resurrection |
Also: | The Sun-Mystery and the Mystery of Death and Resurrection. Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity |
Germ: | Das Sonnenmysterium und das Mysterium von Tod und Auferstehung. Exoterisches und esoterisches Christentum |
S-4864 |
1922-06-11 |
Sun |
83 |
Vienna |
From Monolithic to Threefold Unity
From: |
The Tension Between East and West |
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Anthroposophy and Sociology |
Also: | Western and Eastern World-Contrasts - Paths to Understanding them through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Westliche und östliche Weltgegensätzlichkeit - Wege zu ihre Verständigung durch Anthroposophie |
S-4865 |
1922-06-12 |
Mon |
Vienna |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-4866 |
1922-06-12 |
Mon |
Vienna |
West, East, Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement, Dornach Building Plans with Slides
AKA: | West-East. Second International Congress of the Anthroposophical Movement Closing Words |
S-5437 |
1923-09-26 |
Wed |
84 |
Vienna |
Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Age
From: |
Esoteric Development |
AKA: | Esoteric Development |
Also: | What's the Goetheanum About, and What's Anthroposophy? |
Germ: | Was wollte das Goetheanum und was soll die Anthroposophie? |
S-5437 |
1923-09-26 |
Wed |
84 |
Vienna |
Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Age
S-5438 |
1923-09-27 |
Thu |
223 |
Vienna |
Lecture I
From: |
Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and the Human Mind |
Also: | The Cycle of the Year as a Breathing Processes of the Earth and the Four Great Festival-Seasons. Anthroposophy and Human Feeling-Nature |
Germ: | Der Jahreskreislauf als Atmungsvorgang der Erde und die vier großen Festeszeiten. Die Anthroposophie und das menschliche Gemüt |
S-5439 |
1923-09-28 |
Fri |
223 |
Vienna |
Lecture II
From: |
Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and the Human Mind |
Also: | The Cycle of the Year as a Breathing Processes of the Earth and the Four Great Festival-Seasons. Anthroposophy and Human Feeling-Nature |
Germ: | Der Jahreskreislauf als Atmungsvorgang der Erde und die vier großen Festeszeiten. Die Anthroposophie und das menschliche Gemüt |
S-5440 |
1923-09-29 |
Sat |
84 |
Vienna |
Anthroposophy and the Ethical-Religious Conduct of Life
S-5441 |
1923-09-30 |
Sun |
Vienna |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-5442 |
1923-09-30 |
Sun |
223 |
Vienna |
Lecture III
From: |
Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and the Human Mind |
Also: | The Cycle of the Year as a Breathing Processes of the Earth and the Four Great Festival-Seasons. Anthroposophy and Human Feeling-Nature |
Germ: | Der Jahreskreislauf als Atmungsvorgang der Erde und die vier großen Festeszeiten. Die Anthroposophie und das menschliche Gemüt |
S-5443 |
1923-10-01 |
Mon |
223 |
Vienna |
Lecture IV
From: |
Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man |
AKA: | Anthroposophy and the Human Mind |
Also: | The Cycle of the Year as a Breathing Processes of the Earth and the Four Great Festival-Seasons. Anthroposophy and Human Feeling-Nature |
Germ: | Der Jahreskreislauf als Atmungsvorgang der Erde und die vier großen Festeszeiten. Die Anthroposophie und das menschliche Gemüt |
S-5444 |
1923-10-01 |
Mon |
Vienna |
On the Founding of the "Anthroposophical Society in Austria" |
S-5445 |
1923-10-02 |
Tue |
319 |
Vienna |
Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Knowledge
AKA: | The Healing Process |
Also: | Medicine and the Anthroposophical Knowledge of the Human Being |
Germ: | Anthroposophische Menschenerkenntnis und Medizin |
S-3727 |
1919-05-14 |
Wed |
Waiblingen |
Lecture for Workers |
S-3762 |
1919-06-28 |
Sat |
Weil am Dorf |
Lecture for Workers |
S-0005 |
1891-11-25 |
Wed |
Weimar |
The Imagination Underlying the Creative Culture
AKA: | The Mainstream of German Spiritual Life. (with different speakers organized by L. Thelemann) |
S-0007 |
1892-02-22 |
Mon |
Weimar |
Weimar at the Middle of German Spiritual Life
AKA: | The Mainstream of German Spiritual Life. (with different speakers organized by L. Thelemann) |
S-0008a |
1893-03-20 |
Mon |
Weimar |
Hypnotism, with a Consideration of Spiritualism |
S-0010 |
1894-01-19 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Genius, Insanity and Criminality |
S-0010a |
1894-05-04 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Talk at a Reception following the First Performance of Richard Strauss' Opera "Guntram" |
S-0011 |
1895-04-01 |
Sat |
Weimar |
Informal Talk at Bismarck Festival |
S-0563 |
1903-04-15 |
Wed |
Weimar |
Theosophy and the Further Development of Religion Babel - Bible Question
S-0563a |
1903-04-16 |
Thu |
Weimar |
Lecture to a Small Group |
S-0564 |
1903-04-17 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Theosophy's Main Teachings (Reincarnation and Karma)
S-0564a |
1903-04-18 |
Sat |
Weimar |
Lecture at the Founding of a Branch |
S-0565 |
1903-04-20 |
Mon |
Weimar |
Theosophy and the Scientific Spirit of Today
S-0566a |
1903-04-21 |
Tue |
Weimar |
Lecture to a Small Group |
S-0676 |
1903-10-23 |
Fri |
Weimar |
The Being of Man or Spiritual Chemistry
AKA: | Public Lectures in Weimar |
S-0707 |
1903-11-20 |
Fri |
Weimar |
The Pilgramage of the Soul
AKA: | Public Lectures in Weimar |
S-0708 |
1903-11-21 |
Sat |
Weimar |
Lecture to a Small Group |
S-0727 |
1903-12-11 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Universal Law and the Fate of Man A Christmas Meditation
AKA: | Public Lectures in Weimar |
S-0745 |
1904-01-15 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Herder and Theosophy
AKA: | Public Lectures in Weimar |
S-0781 |
1904-02-26 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Theosophy and Buddhism
AKA: | Public Lectures in Weimar |
S-0781a |
1904-02-27 |
Sat |
Weimar |
Branch Lecture |
S-0805 |
1904-03-25 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Easter from the Theosophical Point of View
AKA: | Public Lectures in Weimar |
S-0882a |
1904-09-18 |
Sun |
Weimar |
Address to a Branch |
S-0883 |
1904-09-18 |
Sun |
Weimar |
German Rendering of a Public Lecture by Mrs. Besant on "The New Psychology" |
S-0976 |
1904-12-07 |
Wed |
Weimar |
Goethe's Riddle Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily |
S-1001 |
1905-01-13 |
Fri |
Weimar |
Siegfried and Lohengrin from the Theosophical Point of View |
S-1029 |
1905-02-28 |
Tue |
Weimar |
Nietzsche and Theosophy |
S-1074a |
1905-04-19 |
Wed |
Weimar |
Lecture for Members |
S-1120 |
1905-09-25 |
Mon |
Weimar |
Lecture |
S-1234 |
1906-01-23 |
Tue |
Weimar |
The World Sc ene (War, Freedom and Theosophy) |
S-1235 |
1906-01-24 |
Wed |
Weimar |
Questions and Answers |
S-1236 |
1906-01-24 |
Wed |
Weimar |
The Significance of Freemasonry |
S-1393 |
1906-09-28 |
Fri |
Weimar |
The Significance of Theosophy for the Practical Life |
S-1394 |
1906-09-29 |
Sat |
Weimar |
The Mission of the Theosophical Movement, the Art of Breathing |
S-1491 |
1907-02-12 |
Tue |
Weimar |
How Does One Obtain Knowledge of Higher Worlds in the Rosicrucian Sense? |
S-1492 |
1907-02-13 |
Wed |
Weimar |
Branch Lecture |
S-1690 |
1908-02-18 |
Tue |
Weimar |
Branch Lecture |
S-1691 |
1908-02-19 |
Wed |
Weimar |
The Beginning and End of the Earth |
S-1943 |
1909-02-23 |
Tue |
Weimar |
Man and Wife in the Light of Spiritual Science |
S-2165 |
1910-02-12 |
Sat |
Weimar |
Buddha and Christ |
S-2322 |
1910-12-05 |
Mon |
Weimar |
The Significance of Supersensible Investigations for the Present Time |
S-2763 |
1913-04-12 |
Sat |
Weimar |
Tthe Investigator of Nature and the Investigator of the Supersensible World |
S-2764 |
1913-04-13 |
Sun |
150 |
Weimar |
Human Senses and their Relation to Death
Also: | The World of the Spirit and its Intrusion on Physical Existence. The Influence of the Dead in the World of the Living |
Germ: | Die Welt des Geistes und ihr Hereinragen in das physische Dasein. Das Einwirken der Toten in der Welt der Lebenden |
S-1671 |
1908-01-29 |
Wed |
Wiesbaden |
The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science |
S-1674 |
1908-02-01 |
Sat |
Wiesbaden |
The Mystery of Death and the Riddle of Life |
S-1915 |
1909-01-23 |
Sat |
Wiesbaden |
How and Where Does One Find the Spirit? |