Schmidt No. |
Date |
* DoW |
GA |
City |
Title of Lecture |
S-1916 |
1909-01-24 |
Sun |
Wiesbaden |
Branch Lecture |
S-2168 |
1910-02-14 |
Mon |
Wiesbaden |
The Being of Plants and the Relation of Humans to the Realm of Plants |
S-2169 |
1910-02-14 |
Mon |
Wiesbaden |
The Reception of Christ in the West |
S-2348 |
1911-01-07 |
Sat |
127 |
Wiesbaden |
Consequential Moral Qualities from the Working of Karma
Also: | The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation. The Christ-Event as the Middle-Point of Earth Evolution |
Germ: | Die Mission der neuen Geistesoffenbarung. Das Christus-Ereignis als Mittelpunktsgeschehen der Erdenevolution |
S-2349 |
1911-01-07 |
Sat |
Wiesbaden |
Human Soul and Animal Soul, Human Spirit and Animal Spirit |
S-2522 |
1912-01-13 |
Sat |
Winterthur |
From Paracelsus to Goethe |
S-2523 |
1912-01-14 |
Sun |
143 |
Winterthur |
Founding of a Branch, Perception, Conception, Emotion, Impulse of the Will
Also: | Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Germ: | Erfahrungen des Ãœbersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus |
S-3665 |
1919-02-26 |
Wed |
Winterthur |
The Social Question |
S-3666 |
1919-02-27 |
Thu |
Winterthur |
Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance |
S-3679 |
1919-03-19 |
Wed |
329 |
Winterthur |
Advancement of Workers and Future Practical Outcome
Also: | The Liberation of the Human Being as the Foundation of a Social Renewal |
Germ: | Die Befreiung des Menschenwesens als Grundlage für eine soziale Neugestaltung |
S-4416 |
1921-03-12 |
Sat |
Winterthur |
Public Lecture |
S-5230 |
1923-04-11 |
Wed |
Winterthur |
What was the Goetheanum and What is Anthroposophy? |
S-1112 |
1905-09-09 |
Sat |
Zurich |
The Overcoming of Materialism as of Recent Conditions |
S-1112a |
1905-09-10 |
Sun |
Zurich |
Questions and Answers |
S-1174 |
1905-11-13 |
Mon |
Zurich |
Haeckel, The Riddle of the Universe and Theosophy |
S-1215 |
1906-01-08 |
Mon |
Zurich |
The Wisdom Teaching of Christianity |
S-1837 |
1908-10-10 |
Sat |
Zurich |
Founding of the Zschokke Branch |
S-1840 |
1908-10-12 |
Mon |
Zurich |
Goethe's Significance for the Present Time |
S-2104 |
1909-11-19 |
Fri |
117 |
Zurich |
The Gospel of St. Matthew and the Christ Problem
Also: | The Deeper Secrets of the Development of Humanity in Light of the Gospels |
Germ: | Die tieferen Geheimnisse des Menschhietswerdens im Lichte der Evangelien |
S-2105 |
1909-11-20 |
Sat |
Zurich |
The Theosophical Current of the Present Time |
S-2386 |
1911-02-24 |
Fri |
Zurich |
Spiritual Science and the Future of Humanity
S-2387 |
1911-02-25 |
Sat |
127 |
Zurich |
The Work of the Ego in Childhood...
Also: | The Mission of the New Spiritual Revelation. The Christ-Event as the Middle-Point of Earth Evolution |
Germ: | Die Mission der neuen Geistesoffenbarung. Das Christus-Ereignis als Mittelpunktsgeschehen der Erdenevolution |
S-2524 |
1912-01-15 |
Mon |
143 |
Zurich |
Sleep and Clairvoyance
Also: | Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Germ: | Erfahrungen des Ãœbersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus |
S-2525 |
1912-01-16 |
Tue |
Zurich |
Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science |
S-2664 |
1912-12-17 |
Tue |
143 |
Zurich |
Love and Its Meaning in the World
From: |
Love and Its Meaning in the World |
AKA: | Love and its Meaning in the World |
Also: | Experiences of the Supersensible. Three Paths of the Soul to Christ |
Germ: | Erfahrungen des Ãœbersinnlichen. Die drei Wege der Seele zu Christus |
S-3012 |
1915-01-31 |
Sun |
Zurich |
Funeral Oration for Sibyl Colazza |
S-3013 |
1915-01-31 |
Sun |
159 |
Zurich |
The (Four) Great Virtues
From: |
The Great Virtues |
Also: | The Secret of Death. The Nature and Meaning of Middle Europe and the European Volk Spirits |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europäischen Volksgeister |
S-3013 |
1915-01-31 |
Sun |
159 |
Zurich |
The Four Platonic Virtues and Their Relation with the Human Members
From: |
The Mystery of Death |
Also: | The Secret of Death. The Nature and Meaning of Middle Europe and the European Volk Spirits |
Germ: | Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europäischen Volksgeister |
S-3180a |
1916-01-10 |
Mon |
Zurich |
The Ways of Attaining Knowledge about the Eternal Powers of the Human Soul |
S-3273 |
1916-10-09 |
Mon |
Zurich |
Mystery of the Human Being
S-3274 |
1916-10-10 |
Tue |
168 |
Zurich |
How Can the Destitution of Soul in Modern Times Be Overcome?
S-3279 |
1916-10-23 |
Mon |
Zurich |
Human Soul and Body from the Viewpoint…
AKA: | Science of the Spirit |
S-3280 |
1916-10-24 |
Tue |
168 |
Zurich |
The Problem of Destiny
Also: | The Connection between the Living and the Dead |
Germ: | Die Verbindung zwischen Lebenden und Toten |
S-3305 |
1916-12-02 |
Sat |
Zurich |
Human Soul and Human Fate Relating to World Evolution from the Point of View of Spiritual Science |
S-3306 |
1916-12-03 |
Sun |
168 |
Zurich |
Luciferic and Ahrimanic Influences -or- Influence of the Dead
Also: | The Connection between the Living and the Dead |
Germ: | Die Verbindung zwischen Lebenden und Toten |
S-3425 |
1917-11-05 |
Mon |
73 |
Zurich |
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3426 |
1917-11-06 |
Tue |
178 |
Zurich |
Lecture 1
From: |
Behind the Scenes of External Happenings |
AKA: | Behind the Scenes of External Happenings |
Also: | Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2 |
Germ: | Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II |
S-3427 |
1917-11-07 |
Wed |
73 |
Zurich |
Anthroposophy and History. Spiritual-Scientific Research Results about Man and His Cultural Forms
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3430 |
1917-11-12 |
Mon |
73 |
Zurich |
Anthroposophy and Natural Science Spiritual-Scientific Findings on Nature and the Nature of Man
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3431 |
1917-11-13 |
Tue |
178 |
Zurich |
Lecture 2
From: |
Behind the Scenes of External Happenings |
AKA: | Behind the Scenes of External Happenings |
Also: | Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2 |
Germ: | Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II |
S-3432 |
1917-11-14 |
Wed |
73 |
Zurich |
Anthroposophy and the Social Sciences. Spiritual-Scientific Results on Law, Morality and social Forms
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3571 |
1918-10-08 |
Tue |
73 |
Zurich |
Shall a Supersensible Epistemology be Established Scientifically?
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3572 |
1918-10-09 |
Wed |
182 |
Zurich |
What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? -or- The Work of Angels in Man's Astral Body
AKA: | The Work of Angels in Man's Astral Body |
Also: | Death as a Transformation of Life |
Germ: | Der Tod als Lebenswandlung |
S-3573 |
1918-10-10 |
Thu |
73 |
Zurich |
Spiritual Science, Investigation of the Soul
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3577 |
1918-10-15 |
Tue |
73 |
Zurich |
Knowledge of Nature, Social Science and Religious Life in the Light of Spiritual Scientific Perception
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3578 |
1918-10-16 |
Wed |
182 |
Zurich |
How Do I Find the Christ?
S-3579 |
1918-10-17 |
Thu |
73 |
Zurich |
The History of Modern Times in the Light of Spiritual Science
Also: | The Enlargement of the Modern Sciences through Anthroposophy |
Germ: | Die Ergänzung heutiger Wissenschaften durch Anthroposophie |
S-3649 |
1919-02-03 |
Mon |
328 |
Zurich |
The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
From: |
The Social Question |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3649 |
1919-02-03 |
Mon |
328 |
Zurich |
Die wirkliche Gestalt der sozialen Frage
From: |
Die soziale Frage |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3650 |
1919-02-04 |
Tue |
193 |
Zurich |
Lecture I
From: |
Inner Aspect of the Social Question |
AKA: | The Inner Aspects of the Social Question |
Also: | The Inner Aspect of the Social Riddle. Luciferic Past and Ahrimanic Future |
Germ: | Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Rätsels. Luziferische Vergangenheit und ahrimanische Zukunft |
S-3651 |
1919-02-05 |
Wed |
328 |
Zurich |
The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
From: |
The Social Question |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3651 |
1919-02-05 |
Wed |
328 |
Zurich |
Die vom Leben geforderten wirklichkeitsgemäßen Lösungsversuche für die sozialen Fragen
From: |
Die soziale Frage |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3655 |
1919-02-10 |
Mon |
328 |
Zurich |
The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
From: |
The Social Question |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3655 |
1919-02-10 |
Mon |
328 |
Zurich |
Schwarmgeisterei und reale Lebensauffassung im sozialen Denken und Wollen
From: |
Die soziale Frage |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3656 |
1919-02-11 |
Tue |
193 |
Zurich |
Lecture II
From: |
Inner Aspect of the Social Question |
AKA: | The Inner Aspects of the Social Question |
Also: | The Inner Aspect of the Social Riddle. Luciferic Past and Ahrimanic Future |
Germ: | Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Rätsels. Luziferische Vergangenheit und ahrimanische Zukunft |
S-3657 |
1919-02-12 |
Wed |
328 |
Zurich |
The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
From: |
The Social Question |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3657 |
1919-02-12 |
Wed |
328 |
Zurich |
Die Entwickelung des sozialen Denkens und Wollens und die Lebenslage der gegenwärtigen Menschheit
From: |
Die soziale Frage |
AKA: | The Social Question |
Also: | The Social Question |
Germ: | Die soziale Frage |
S-3663 |
1919-02-24 |
Mon |
Zurich |
Introductory Words to the First Public Eurythmy Performance |
S-3664 |
1919-02-25 |
Tue |
328 |
Zurich |
The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
S-3664 |
1919-02-25 |
Tue |
328 |
Zurich |
Das soziale Wollen als Grundlage einer neuen Wissenschaftsordnung
S-3671 |
1919-03-08 |
Sat |
328 |
Zurich |
The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
S-3671 |
1919-03-08 |
Sat |
328 |
Zurich |
Welchen Sinn hat die Arbeit des modernen Proletariers?
S-3672 |
1919-03-09 |
Sun |
193 |
Zurich |
Lecture III
From: |
Inner Aspect of the Social Question |
AKA: | The Inner Aspects of the Social Question |
Also: | The Inner Aspect of the Social Riddle. Luciferic Past and Ahrimanic Future |
Germ: | Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Rätsels. Luziferische Vergangenheit und ahrimanische Zukunft |
S-3886 |
1919-10-24 |
Fri |
332a |
Zurich |
The Social Question as a Cultural Question, a Question of Equity, and a Question of Economics
From: |
The Social Future |
AKA: | The Social Future |
Also: | The Social Future |
Germ: | Soziale Zukunft |
S-3887 |
1919-10-25 |
Sat |
332a |
Zurich |
The Organization of a Practical Economic Life on the Associative Basis
From: |
The Social Future |
AKA: | The Social Future |
Also: | The Social Future |
Germ: | Soziale Zukunft |
S-3888 |
1919-10-26 |
Sun |
332a |
Zurich |
The Task and Limitations of of Democracy, Public and Criminal Law
From: |
The Social Future |
AKA: | The Social Future |
Also: | The Social Future |
Germ: | Soziale Zukunft |
S-3889 |
1919-10-27 |
Mon |
193 |
Zurich |
The Ahrimanic Deception
From: |
The Ahrimanic Deception |
AKA: | Ahrimanic Deception |
Also: | The Inner Aspect of the Social Riddle. Luciferic Past and Ahrimanic Future |
Germ: | Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Rätsels. Luziferische Vergangenheit und ahrimanische Zukunft |
S-3890 |
1919-10-28 |
Tue |
332a |
Zurich |
Cultural Questions, Spiritual Science, Art, Science, Religion
From: |
The Social Future |
AKA: | The Social Future |
Also: | The Social Future |
Germ: | Soziale Zukunft |
S-3891 |
1919-10-29 |
Wed |
332a |
Zurich |
The Cooperation of the Spiritual, Political and Economic Departments of Life
From: |
The Social Future |
AKA: | The Social Future |
Also: | The Social Future |
Germ: | Soziale Zukunft |
S-3892 |
1919-10-30 |
Thu |
332a |
Zurich |
National and International Life in the Threefold Social Organism
From: |
The Social Future |
AKA: | The Social Future |
Also: | The Social Future |
Germ: | Soziale Zukunft |
S-3893 |
1919-10-31 |
Fri |
Zurich |
Introductory Words to a Public Eurythmy Performance |
S-4032 |
1920-03-17 |
Wed |
334 |
Zurich |
Spirit and Nonspirit (the Demonic) Now and in the Future
Also: | From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus |
S-4033 |
1920-03-18 |
Thu |
334 |
Zurich |
Spiritual Forces in National Life and in Education
Also: | From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus |
S-4034 |
1920-03-19 |
Fri |
334 |
Zurich |
Zurich Cantonal Statistics, The Threefold Social Order
Also: | From the Unified State to the Tripartite Division of the Social Organism |
Germ: | Vom Einheitsstaat zum dreigliedrigen sozialen Organismus |
S-4306 |
1920-12-06 |
Mon |
Zurich |
Anthroposophical Spiritual Science, Its Results and Scientific Validation |
S-4307 |
1920-12-07 |
Tue |
Zurich |
Reincarnation and Culture |
S-4308 |
1920-12-08 |
Wed |
Zurich |
Lecture for Physicians |
S-4309 |
1920-12-08 |
Wed |
Zurich |
Anthroposophical Spiritual Science, Its Value for Man and its Relationship to Art and Religion |
S-4504 |
1921-06-04 |
Sat |
Zurich |
Natural Science and Anthroposophy |
S-4504a |
1921-06-04 |
Sat |
Zurich |
Questions and Answers |
S-4529 |
1921-06-25 |
Sat |
Zurich |
The Building in Dornach |
S-5229 |
1923-04-10 |
Tue |
Zurich |
What was the Goetheanum and What is Anthroposophy? |
S-5473 |
1923-11-06 |
Tue |
Zurich |
True Knowledge of Man |
S-5474 |
1923-11-07 |
Wed |
Zurich |
Reincarnation and Social Life |
S-5588 |
1924-01-28 |
Mon |
240 |
Zurich |
Lecture III
S-5589 |
1924-01-29 |
Tue |
Zurich |
Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance |
S-2755 |
1913-03-30 |
Sun |
Zwolle |
Lecture for Members and Guests |