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CV Listing of Lectures

The Table below lists the Schmidt Number, Bn/GA/CW number, book title, the Date given, and the City. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Use the different searches to filter the results. The “Dates” in the calendar search filters are restricted to the dates that Rudolf Steiner actually gave lectures: 1880-00-00 through 1924-09-28. Big thanks go to J. W. Haslett and Paul Davis for their work in cataloguing the works of Rudolf Steiner! Their efforts have greatly helped in bringing this database into being. This listing is by no means the definitive compilation of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, but it is the most comprehensive we have, to date.

 * Schmidt No.   Date    DoW   GA  City   Title of Lecture  
.  S-3435 1917-11-18   Sun  178    Dornach Secret Brotherhoods-1, -or- Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge-1, -or- Individual Spirit Beings and the Undivided Foundation of the World-Part 1
From:  The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge
AKA:  Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge
Also:  Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2
Germ:  Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II
.  S-3435 1917-11-18   Sun  178    Dornach Part 1
From:  The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
AKA:  Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge
Also:  Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2
Germ:  Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II
.  S-3436 1917-11-19   Mon  178    Dornach Secret Brotherhoods-2, -or- Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge-2, -or- Individual Spirit Beings and the Undivided Foundation of the World-Part 2
From:  The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge
AKA:  The Reappearence of Christ in the Etheric
Also:  Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2
Germ:  Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II
.  S-3436 1917-11-19   Mon  178    Dornach Part 2
From:  The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
AKA:  The Reappearence of Christ in the Etheric
Also:  Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2
Germ:  Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II
.  S-3439 1917-11-25   Sun  178    Dornach Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Goethe
From:  The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge
AKA:  The Reappearence of Christ in the Etheric
Also:  Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2
Germ:  Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II
.  S-3439 1917-11-25   Sun  178    Dornach Part 3
From:  The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
AKA:  The Reappearence of Christ in the Etheric
Also:  Individual Spiritual Beings and their Influence in the Souls of Human Beings. Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Volume 2
Germ:  Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band II
.  S-3443 1917-12-02   Sun  179    Dornach On the Functions of the Nervous System
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3445 1917-12-09   Sun  179    Dornach Concerning the World of the Dead
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3446 1917-12-10   Mon  179    Dornach Our Life with the Dead
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3447 1917-12-11   Tue  179    Dornach The Rhythmical Relationship of Man with the Universe
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3448 1917-12-15   Sat  179    Dornach The Members of Man's Being and the Periods of His Life
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3449 1917-12-16   Sun  179    Dornach New Spiritual Impulses in History
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3450 1917-12-17   Mon  179    Dornach The Inadequacy of Natural Science for the Knowledge of the Life of the Soul
From:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
AKA:  Historical Necessity and Freewill
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3451 1917-12-22   Sat  179    Dornach Necessity for Love-Will -or- Crowning with Thorns, Cross Bearing, Crucifixion, and Burial (of Christ)
AKA:  The Influence of the Dead on Destiny
Also:  Spiritual Beings and Their Effects. Historical Necessity and Freedom. The Workings of Destiny from out of the World of the Dead. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects Volume 3
Germ:  Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten. Band III
.  S-3453 1917-12-23   Sun  180    Dornach Et Incarnatus Est
From:  Et Incarnatus Est
AKA:  Et Incarnatus Est, the Time Cycle of Historic Events
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3454 1917-12-24   Mon  180    Dornach A Christmas Lecture, Pallas Athena, the Christmas Mystery, the 33 Year Cycle
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
e.Book  S-3455 1917-12-25   Tue  180    Dornach Lecture 1
From:  On the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times
AKA:  Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
e.Book  S-3456 1917-12-26   Wed  180    Dornach Lecture 2
From:  On the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times
AKA:  Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
e.Book  S-3457 1917-12-29   Sat  180    Dornach Lecture 3
From:  On the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times
AKA:  Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3459 1917-12-30   Sun  180    Dornach The Zone of the Senses
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3460 1917-12-31   Mon  180    Dornach Spiritual Truths for all Branches of Life, the Building at Dornach Friendship, -or- A New Year's Lecture
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3461 1918-01-04   Fri  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3462 1918-01-05   Sat  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3463 1918-01-06   Sun  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3464 1918-01-08   Tue  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3465 1918-01-11   Fri  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3466 1918-01-12   Sat  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3467 1918-01-13   Sun  180    Dornach Ancient Myths
From:  Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution
AKA:  Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3468 1918-01-14   Mon  180    Dornach The Ninth Century, Christianity, Arabianism, Romanism, Germanism
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3470 1918-01-17   Thu  180    Dornach European Life from the 8th to the 15th Century, Chivalry and the Middle Class
Also:  The Truths of the Mysteries and the Impulse of Christmas. Ancient Myths and their Meaning. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 4
Germ:  Mysterienwahrheiten und Weihnachtsimpulse. Alte Mythen und ihre Bedeutung. Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band IV
.  S-3471 1918-01-22   Tue  181    Berlin The Present Position of Spiritual Science
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3473 1918-01-29   Tue  181    Berlin A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Human Being
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3474 1918-02-05   Tue  181    Berlin The Living and the Dead
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3493 1918-03-05   Tue  181    Berlin The Cosmic Thoughts and our Dead
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3495 1918-03-12   Tue  181    Berlin Man's Connection with the Spiritual World
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3497 1918-03-19   Tue  181    Berlin A Bridge to the Dead
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3499 1918-03-26   Tue  181    Berlin A Bridge to the Dead
From:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
AKA:  Earthly Death and Cosmic Life
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3501 1918-03-30   Sat  181    Berlin Lecture 1
From:  The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3501 1918-03-30   Sat  181    Berlin Folk Souls and the Mystery of Golgotha
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3502 1918-04-01   Mon  181    Berlin Lecture 2
From:  The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3502 1918-04-01   Mon  181    Berlin The Relativity of Knowledge, and Spiritual Cosmology
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3503 1918-04-02   Tue  181    Berlin Thoughts about the Life Between Death and Rebirth
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3504 1918-04-09   Tue  181    Berlin The Eternal and the Imperishable
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3506 1918-04-16   Tue  181    Berlin Thoughts on Life and Death
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3523 1918-05-14   Tue  181    Berlin Spiritual Science, the Practice of Life and the Destinies of Souls
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3524 1918-05-21   Tue  181    Berlin Whitsuntide Lecture
From:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
AKA:  Anthroposophical Life Gifts
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3534 1918-06-25   Tue  181    Berlin States of Consciousness
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3538 1918-07-03   Wed  181    Berlin The Building at Dornach
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3539 1918-07-09   Tue  181    Berlin East and West
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3540 1918-07-16   Tue  181    Berlin History and Repeated Earth-Lives
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3541 1918-07-23   Tue  181    Berlin The Being and Evolution of Man
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3542 1918-07-30   Tue  181    Berlin Problems of the Time (I)
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
e.Book  S-3543 1918-08-06   Tue  181    Berlin Problems of the Time (II)
From:  A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
AKA:  A Sound Outlook for Today and a Confident Hope for Tomorrow
Also:  Dying on Earth and the Living Worlds. Anthroposophical Gifts for Life. Necessities of Consciousness for the Present and the Future
Germ:  Erdensterben und Weltenleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewußtseins-Notwendigkeiten für Gegenwart und Zukunft
.  S-3476 1918-02-10   Sun  182    Nuremberg The Dead Are With Us
From:  The Dead Are With Us
AKA:  The Dead Are with Us
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3476 1918-02-10   Sun  182    Nuremberg Lecture
From:  The Dead Are With Us
AKA:  The Dead Are with Us
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3513 1918-04-29   Mon  182    Heidenheim Perception, Feeling, Willing, Head, Heart
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3514 1918-04-30   Tue  182    Ulm The Requirement of Our Time is to Give the Earth-Soul to the Earth-Body
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3536 1918-06-30   Sun  182    Hamburg The Living and the Dead
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3572 1918-10-09   Wed  182    Zurich What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? -or- The Work of Angels in Man's Astral Body
AKA:  The Work of Angels in Man's Astral Body
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3578 1918-10-16   Wed  182    Zurich How Do I Find the Christ?
From:  How Do I Find the Christ?
Also:  Death as a Transformation of Life
Germ:  Der Tod als Lebenswandlung
.  S-3544 1918-08-17   Sat  183    Dornach Occult Psychology
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
.  S-3545 1918-08-18   Sun  183    Dornach Occult Psychology
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
.  S-3546 1918-08-19   Mon  183    Dornach Occult Psychology
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
e.Book  S-3547 1918-08-24   Sat  183    Dornach Lecture I
From:  Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man
AKA:  The Mysteries of the Sun and Threefold Man
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
e.Book  S-3549 1918-08-25   Sun  183    Dornach Lecture II
From:  Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man
AKA:  The Mysteries of the Sun and Threefold Man
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
e.Book  S-3550 1918-08-26   Mon  183    Dornach Lecture III
From:  Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man
AKA:  The Mysteries of the Sun and Threefold Man
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
.  S-3551 1918-08-31   Sat  183    Dornach Lecture 1
AKA:  The Ruling Cosmic Intelligence Present in Speech Formation
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
.  S-3552 1918-09-01   Sun  183    Dornach Lecture 2 Man's Life after Death and Phenomena of External Nature
AKA:  The Ruling Cosmic Intelligence Present in Speech Formation
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
.  S-3553 1918-09-02   Mon  183    Dornach Lecture 3
AKA:  The Ruling Cosmic Intelligence Present in Speech Formation
Also:  The Science of the Development of Humanity
Germ:  Die Wissenschaft vom Werden des Menschen
e.Book  S-3554 1918-09-06   Fri  184    Dornach Lecture I
From:  The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real
AKA:  The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
e.Book  S-3554 1918-09-06   Fri  184    Dornach St. Augustine
From:  St. Augustine, St. Simon and Auguste Comte
AKA:  The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
e.Book  S-3555 1918-09-07   Sat  184    Dornach Lecture II
From:  The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real
AKA:  The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
e.Book  S-3555 1918-09-07   Sat  184    Dornach Goethe, Comte and Bentham
From:  Goethe, Comte and Bentham
AKA:  The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3556 1918-09-08   Sun  184    Dornach The Working of Hierarchies in Man During Sleep and While Awake, The History of this Working, The Eighth Sphere
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3557 1918-09-13   Fri  184    Dornach Hatred
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3558 1918-09-14   Sat  184    Dornach Different Periods in Human Life
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3559 1918-09-15   Sun  184    Dornach The Concept of Evolution and the Spiritual-Soul Life of Man, Thinking, Feelilng, Willing, Zodiacal Orientation of Man
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3561 1918-09-20   Fri  184    Dornach The Threefoldness of Space and the Unity of Time
From:  The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind
AKA:  The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3562 1918-09-21   Sat  184    Dornach Lucifer and Ahriman
From:  The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind
AKA:  The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3564 1918-09-22   Sun  184    Dornach Romanism and Freemasonry
From:  The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind
AKA:  The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3568 1918-10-04   Fri  184    Dornach The Lower Three Human Members and the Spirits of Form
From:  Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3568 1918-10-04   Fri  184    Dornach The Lower Three Human Members and the Spirits of Form
From:  Three Streams in Human Evolution
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3569 1918-10-05   Sat  184    Dornach The Fifth Epoch, Semitic and Greek Cultures, the Christ Impulse
From:  Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3569 1918-10-05   Sat  184    Dornach The Fifth Epoch, Semitic and Greek Cultures, the Christ Impulse
From:  Three Streams in Human Evolution
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3570 1918-10-06   Sun  184    Dornach The Mystery of Golgotha Must Be Approached Supersensibly
From:  Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3570 1918-10-06   Sun  184    Dornach The Mystery of Golgotha Must Be Approached Supersensibly
From:  Three Streams in Human Evolution
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3574 1918-10-11   Fri  184    Dornach Consciousness Soul and Scientific Thinking, Sorat and 666
From:  Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3574 1918-10-11   Fri  184    Dornach Consciousness Soul and Scientific Thinking, Sorat and 666
From:  Three Streams in Human Evolution
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3575 1918-10-12   Sat  184    Dornach Free Human Personality by Self Training, Justinian and the Schools
From:  Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3575 1918-10-12   Sat  184    Dornach Free Human Personality by Self Training, Justinian and the Schools
From:  Three Streams in Human Evolution
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3576 1918-10-13   Sun  184    Dornach Augustus and the Roman Catholic Church, Rhetoric, Intellectual Soul and Consciousness Soul
From:  Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3576 1918-10-13   Sun  184    Dornach Augustus and the Roman Catholic Church, Rhetoric, Intellectual Soul and Consciousness Soul
From:  Three Streams in Human Evolution
AKA:  Three Sreams in the Evolution of Mankind
Also:  The Polarities of Duration (remaining the same) and Development in the Life of the Human Being. The Cosmic Pre-History of Humanity
Germ:  Die Polarität von Dauer und Entwickelung im Menschenleben. Die kosmische Vorgeschichte der Menschheit
.  S-3580 1918-10-18   Fri  185    Dornach The Birth of the Consciousness Soul
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3581 1918-10-19   Sat  185    Dornach Symptomatology of Recent Centuries
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3582 1918-10-20   Sun  185    Dornach Characteristics of Historical Symptoms in Recent Times
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3583 1918-10-25   Fri  185    Dornach The Historical Significance of the Scientific Mode of Thinking
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3584 1918-10-26   Sat  185    Dornach The Supersensible Element in the Study of History
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3585 1918-10-30   Wed  185    Dornach Brief Reflections on the Publication of the New Edition of 'The Philosophy of Freedom'
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3589 1918-11-01   Fri  185    Dornach Incidental Reflections on the Occasion of the New Edition of 'Goethes Weltanschauung'
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie
.  S-3590 1918-11-02   Sat  185    Dornach Religious Impulses of the Fifth Post-Atlantean Epoch
From:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
AKA:  From Symptom to Reality in Modern History
Also:  Historical Symptomology
Germ:  Geschichtliche Symptomatologie

 Statistics for this Query 
Lectures in this Query:  100
e.Book References:  26
Translated Lectures:  16
Untranslated Lectures:  4
Lectures On-line at RSe.Lib:  80
Total Lectures in the dataBase:  6773

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