Biographical Pieces, 1894–1902
Biographies and biographical sketches 1894–1905,
Biographien und biographische Skizzen 1894–1905.
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1894; Bn 33 / GA 33)
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Schopenhauer – Jean Paul – Uhland – Wieland literature
and intellectual life in the nineteenth century.
At various works spending that he has issued, such as Arthur Schopenhauer,
Jean Paul Ludwig Uhland and Christoph Martin Wieland, Rudolf Steiner
wrote one detailed biographical introduction. These are today –
in addition to various other works of literature – all in this
band before. Contents (selected): I. Literature and intellectual life
in the nineteenth. Century / The main currents of German literature
of the Revolution (1848) to the present / poetry of the present. An
Overview / Ludwig Jacobowski. A life and character image of the poet /
introductions: “Mary Stuart” – “The Robbers”
– “Intrigue and Love” – “Wallenstein”
by Friedrich Schiller II Four Biographies: Arthur Schopenhauer –
Jean Paul – Ludwig Uhland – Christoph Martin Wieland.
Although Rudolf Steiner wrote many essays, and many in this
Biographical Pieces GA/Bn, few have been translated into
English. Many are dated and seem not to receive top priority from
translators. For this particular GA/Bn, of the 56 total entries, all
of the entries listed in the contents remain untranslated!
Known Publications:
- Biographien und Biographische Skizzen, 1894–1905.
Schopenhauer, Jean Paul, Uhland, Wieland.
Literatur und geistiges Leben im neunzehnten Jahrhundert.
German language editions: 1967, 1992
3-7274-0330-6,, 1967, 1992.
- None available: all essays remain untranslated to English.
Bn 33 / GA 33 ... Selections ...
Biographical Pieces, 1894–1902
There are no English translations available at the Rudolf Steiner
Archive at this time.