Philosophy and Anthroposophy, 1904–1923
Philosophy and Anthroposophy, Collected Essays 1904–1923,
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1918; Bn 35 / GA 35)
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Contents (selected): Mathematics and Occultism / The Occult basics in
Goethe's work / Theosophy in Germany a century / Philosophy and
Anthroposophy / The psychological foundations and epistemological
position of anthroposophy / Theosophy and the intellectual life of
the presence / A Word about before Theosophy at the Fourth International
Congress of Philosophy / What is the spiritual science and how it is
treated by its opponents? / The tasks of the humanities and their
construction in Dornach / Human life from the standpoint of spiritual
science (Anthroposophy) / The knowledge of the state between death and
a new birth / Spiritual science as anthroposophy and the contemporary
theory of knowledge, personality impersonal / The chemical marriage
of Christian Rosenkreutz / Former secrecy and current release of
supernatural knowledge / Lucifer and Ahrimanic-quarter in its relation
to man. For this particular GA/Bn, of the 18 total entries, 3
of the entries listed in the contents remain untranslated!
Known Publications:
- Philosophie und Anthroposophie.Gesammelte Aufsaetze 1904–1918.
Aufsaetze und neun Auto-Referate nach Vortraegen in verschiedenen Staedten,
German language editions: 1965, 1984,
- Bn 35.01 Mathematics and Occultism ,
(Same as S-0870) Anthroposophic Movement Vol. 5, 1928, p. 217,
London reference NSL-47.
- Bn 35.02 The Spiritual Scientific Basis of Goethe's Work,
1982 St.George Publications translator: unknown
London reference RSE-291, London reference RSE-738.
- Bn 35.03 Theosophy in Germany for 100 Years,
Transactions of the Third Annual Conference of European
Theosophical Societies, London reference RSE-292, Also see S-1333.
- Bn 35.04 Philosophy and Anthroposophy,
1908 Anthroposophic Press, London
1929 Anthroposophic Press, London
1988 Mercury Press, Spring Valley, translator: Harold Jurgens,
London reference RSE-207, London reference RSE-820, Also see S-1818.
- Bn 35.05 The Psychological Foundations of Anthroposophy,
1982 Anthroposophic Press, Great Barrington MA
- Bn 35.05 Seeing with the Soul,
The Foundation and Scientific Validity of Anthroposophy
1996 Mercury Press, translator: unknown,
- Bn 35.06 Theosophy and Contemporary Spiritual Life,
London reference K-16.
- Bn 35.07 Theosophy and Modern Spiritual Life and a Word with
Regard to Theosophy at the 4th International Congress
for Philosophy,
in Bologna, April 1911, London reference K-16
- Bn 35.08 Spiritual Science: A Review of Its Aims and Attack
of Its Opponents,
London reference RSE-48 1914, J. M. Watkins, London.
- Bn 35.09 ,
The Mission of Spiritual Science and Its Building at Dornach
1 of 2 Bn RSU/ATA, London reference RSE-798, Also see S-3181
1917 Hodder and Stoughton, London
1917 H. J. Heywood-Smith, London
Reprinted by Kessinger Publications.
- Bn 35.10 Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science,
2 of 2 Bn RSU/ATA, Also see S-1715, S-3277
1929 Anthroposophic Press, London, Anthroposophic Press
1933 Anthroposophic Press, Great Barrington MA
1938 Anthroposophic Press, London, Anthroposophic Press,
Great Barrington MA
Reprinted by Kessinger Publications.
- Bn 35.11 Knowledge of the State between Death and a New Birth,
Part One: Anthroposophy, A Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4,
London reference Q 1:4,
London reference NSL-431
Part Two: Anthroposophy, A Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1,
London reference Q 2:1,
London reference NSL-431.
- Bn 35.13 The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz,
Bn RSU/CRc, Bn RSU/Secret, London reference Z-452,
London reference RSE-638.
- Bn 35.14 Supersensory Epistemology, or
Supersensible Knowledge: Its Secrecy in the Past
and its Publication in Our Time,
1926 Anthroposophic Press, London.
- Bn 35.15 Luciferic and Ahrimanic in their Relation to Man,
1933 London, London reference RSE-251.
Bn 35 / GA 35 ... Selections ...
Inhalt (Auswahl): Mathematik und Okkultismus / Die okkulten Grundlagen
in Goethes Schaffen / Theosophie in Deutschland vor hundert Jahren /
Philosophie und Anthroposophie / Die psychologischen Grundlagen und
die erkenntnis-theoretische Stellung der Anthroposophie / Die Theosophie
und das Geistesleben der Gegenwart / Ein Wort über Theosophie auf dem
IV. Internationalen Kongreß für Philosophie / Was soll die
Geisteswissenschaft und wie wird sie von ihren Gegnern behandelt? /
Die Aufgaben der Geisteswissenschaft und deren Bau in Dornach / Das
menschliche Leben vom Gesichtspunkte der Geisteswissenschaft
(Anthroposophie) / Die Erkenntnis vom Zustand zwischen dem Tode und
einer neuen Geburt / Die Geisteswissenschaft als Anthroposophie und
die zeitgenössische Erkenntnistheorie, Persönlich-Unpersönliches
/ Die chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosenkreutz / Frühere
Geheimhaltung und jetzige Veröffentlichung übersinnlicher
Erkenntnisse / Luzifersiches und Ahrimanisches in ihrem Verhältnis
zum Menschen.
An address delivered to the First Annual Congress of the Federation
of European Sections of the Theosophical Society, Amsterdam, June,
1904. Translated by M. H. Eyre, edited by H. Collison. (From the
Transactions of the Congress.) This address is also considered a
lecture, and was given in Amsterdam on June 21, 1904.
This address was given on July 10, 1906 in London, England at the Second
Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the
Theosophical Society. It has been edited for this printing by
the publisher.
The German text is published under the title Die okkulte Grundlage in
Goethes Schaffen, Bibliography No. 35, by the Rudolf
Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
A First Edition publication from 1929. An article from the collection entitled
Philosophy and Anthroposophy, 1904–1918,
published in German as,
Philosophie und Anthroposophie. Gesammelte Aufsätze 1904–1918.
Aufsätze und neun Auto-Referate nach Vortraegen in verschiedenen
Staedten. Presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner
Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 35.04; GA 35; CW 35.
A First Edition publication from 1929. An article from the collection entitled
Philosophy and Anthroposophy, 1904–1918,
published in German as,
Philosophie und Anthroposophie. Gesammelte Aufsätze 1904–1918.
Aufsätze und neun Auto-Referate nach Vortraegen in verschiedenen
Staedten. Presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner
Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 35.04; GA 35; CW 35.
An address/lecture, given on April 8, 1911; Bn 35.05/GA 35. Translated
by Olin D. Wannamaker. First published by Anthroposophic Press,
Inc. Translation revised for this volume.
This address/lecture was given at Liestal, Bâle, on January 11th,
1916, by Dr. Rudolf Steiner. It was translated by A. M. Wilson,
and published with the author's permission. It has been published
along with
Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science (see below) as
“Approaches to Anthroposophy.”
This address/lecture was given at Liestal, Bâle, on October 16th,
1916. It was also given on March 10th 1908 in Arnheim with the title,
The Course of Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science.
It has been published along with
Mission of Spiritual Science and of Its Building at Dornach
(see above) as
“Approaches to Anthroposophy.”
Authorized translation from the publication ‘Das Reich’
April, 1916.
Originally published in Anthroposophy Quarterly by kind permission of
Frau Marie Steiner.
Authorized translation from the publication ‘Das Reich’
April, 1916.
Originally published in Anthroposophy Quarterly by kind permission of
Frau Marie Steiner.
From the journal, Das Reich, Volume 3, Number 3,
Luciferic and Ahrimanic in their Relation to Man,
is an article from GA# 35, Philosophy and Anthroposophy,
in German,
Philosophie und Anthroposophie. Gesammelte Aufsaetze
1904–1918. Aufsaetze und neun Auto-Referate nach
Vortraegen in verschiedenen Staedten.
The translator is unknown.