Esoteric School
From the Contents of the Esoteric School,
Guidance in Esoteric Training,
Anweisungen fur eine esoterische Schulung.
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1914; Bn 42 / GA 42)
The three volumes of Steiner's Esoteric School lectures.
Also see “Guidance in Esoteric Training” (Bn 245)
whose contents is essentially the same as that of the above
three volumes combined.
Also see Bn 245, Bn RSU/ED. For this particular GA/Bn, of the 4 total entries, none
of the entries listed in the contents remain untranslated!
Known Publications:
- Anweisungen fur eine esoterische Schulung,
German language editions: 1947, 1949.
- Bn 42-old From the Contents of the Esoteric School,
translator: M. Collins
1955 Anthroposophic Press, London
- Bn 42.1 From the Contents of the Esoteric School,
Vol. 1
1948 Rudolf Steiner Press, London
- Bn 42.2 From the Contents of the Esoteric School,
Vol. 2
1948 Rudolf Steiner Press, London
- Bn 42.3 From the Contents of the Esoteric School,
Vol. 3
1948, 1954 Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Bn 42 / GA 42 ... Selections ...
This lecture contains extracts from the lecture published in German under
the title Anweisungen fur eine esoterische Schulung (Vol. No. 42/245
in the Bibliographical Survey, 1961). This English edition is published
in agreement with the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach,
Switzerland. Published in 1972 by Rudolf Steiner Press. Translation
revised by Charles Davy and Owen Barfield.
[e.Ed: This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of
The Rudolf Steiner Press]