Stage Management
Christmas Plays from Old Folklore. The Oberufer Plays,
Weihnachtspiele aus altem Volkstum,
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1920; Bn 43 / GA 43 / CW 43)
In Stage Management: Edouard Schuré, Eleusis, Kinder des Lucifer,
... Translations by Marie Steiner. Not yet published in 2013.
In the Christmas Plays from Old Folklore. The Oberufer Plays:
The texts of these plays and/or the commentaries by Steiner may have
been published in English, but details are not in hand as of 2013.
For this particular GA/Bn, of the 1 total entries, none
of the entries listed in the contents remain untranslated!
Known Publications:
- (Buehnenbearbeitungen),
Also known as,
Weihnachtspiele aus altem Volkstum. Die Oberuferer Spiele.
Mitgeteilt von Karl Julius Schröer, szenisch eingerichtet
von Rudolf Steiner
German language editions: 1938, 1957, 1965, 1972, 1976, 1981
English translation by A.C. Harwood of the
Christmas Plays from Oberufer:
Rudof Steiner Press, London 1944, 3rd ed. 1973. pp. 64.
- Edouard Schuré, Eleusis, Kinder des Lucifer, ...
Translations by Marie Steiner
Not yet published in 2013
Bn 43 / GA 43 ... Selections ...
Stage Management
Edouard Schuré, Eleusis, Kinder des Lucifer, ...
Translations by Marie Steiner
Not yet published in 2013
Christmas Plays from Old Folklore. The Oberufer Plays
The texts of these plays and/or the commentaries by Steiner
have been published in English:
Christmas Plays from Oberufer:
The Pradise play
The Shepherds' Play
The Three Kings' Play
Translated by A.C. Harwood
Rudolf Steiner Press, London 1944, 3rd ed. 1973. pp. 64.