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Biography [Igor Sturmheit]
Biography (2012)
Igor Sturmheit

Rudolf Steiner Biographies

Steiner's Holdings
. Books
. Lectures (by year)
. Articles/Essays
. Series of Reports
. Series of Articles
. Summaries

The Biographies Section of the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib helps the reader find out about Dr. Steiner. Instead of scanning our on-line holdings, we have done it for you, and present you with the results. The Table below lists different categories of biographical sources, the book title, the author of the bio, and the year written.

Selected Steiner Bio Info ...

  Category/Source of Bio Info  Author    Year   
About the Author
. Christianity As Mystical Fact 1961
. Cosmic Memory 1959
. Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age  Paul Michael Allen 1960
Back Cover Sheets
. Cosmic Memory 1981
. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth 1923
. Inner Impulses of Evolution 1984
. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds 1947
. Origins of Natural Science 1985
. An Outline of Occult Science 1972
. The Anthroposophical Movement 1993
Biographical Sketches
. Christianity As Mystical Fact  Rev. Alfred Heidenreich 1961
Miscellaneous Bios
. The Philosophy of Freedom  Michael Wilson 1964
. Rudolf Steiner (from: The Philosophy of Freedom)  Michael Wilson 1964
. A Short Biography of Rudolf Steiner Unknown
. Introduction from Riddles of Philosophy  Fritz Koelln 1973
. A Chronological Biography of Rudolf Steiner  V.W. Setzer 1995
. Chronology of Rudolf Steiner's Life 1993
Rudolf Steiner
. In Memory of Rudolf Steiner  Marie Steiner 1932
. The Personality of Rudolf Steiner and His Development  Edouard SchurĂ© 1910
. Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction of His Life and Thought  Olin D. Wannamaker 1928
. The Story of My Life  Rudolf Steiner 1925

Total On-site Bios: 24


Books on the Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner


  • Rudolf Steiner Education and the Developing Child, Aepli, Willi, Anthroposophic Press 1986 Hudson, NY ISBN 0-88010-164-4,
  • Sun at Midnight, Ahern, Geoffrey, The Aquarian Press 1990 Wellingborough, Northamptonshire ISBN 0-85030-338-9,
  • Rudolf Steiner: The Man and His Work,, Allen, Paul M., St. George Publications 1959 Spring Valley NY
  • Modern Mystics and Sages, Bancroft, Anne, Granada Press 1978 London
  • Rudolf Steiner as Educator, Baravalle, Hermann von, Waldorf School Monographs
  • A Life for the Spirit, Barnes, Henry, Anthroposophic Press, 1979, 256 pp., Hudson NY ISBN 0-88010-395-7,
  • Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner, Belyi, Andrei, Aasya Turgenieff, and Margarita Voloschin, Adonis Press 1987 Ghent N.Y. ISBN 0-932776-13-2, Cloth
  • Rudolf Steiner's New Approach to Color on the Ceiling of the First Goetheanum, Bemmelen, D. J. Van, Rudolf Steiner College Press, 59pp
  • The Goetheanum: Rudolf Steiner's Architectural Impulse (with Arne Klingborg), Biesantz, Hagen, Rudolf Steiner Press, London ISBN 0-85440-355-8, Paper
  • From Luther to Steiner, Boldt, Ernst, E. P. Dutton, New York, 1923
  • Anthroposophical Medicine, Bott, V., Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1978
  • John Dee Studied as an English Neoplatonist, Calder, I., Dissertation, 1953, U. London
  • Rudolf Steiner, Calgren, Frans, 51pp, illustrated Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
  • The Holistic Teaching Methods of Francis Parker, John Dewey, Rudolf Steiner, Hughes Mearns, and Laura Zirbes: Literacy via the Whole Child, Cavanaugh, Mary Patricia, Dissertation, 1990, Michigan State U.
  • Steiner Education in Theory and Practice, Childs, Gilbert, Floris Press, 288pp, 1992, Edinburgh
  • Rudolf Steiner: His Life and Work, Childs, Gilbert, Anthroposophic Press, New York, 111 pp, 1996, ISBN 0-88010-391-4,
  • Work Arising from the Life of Rudolf Steiner, Darcy, J.(ed.), Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1975
  • A Man Before Others: Rudolf Steiner Remembered, Davy, John, Rudolf Steiner Press, Bristol, 1993, 219 pp, ISBN 1-85584-007-3,
  • Work Arising from the Life of Rudolf Steiner, Davy, John, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1975, London, 228pp, ISBN 0-85440-293-4, ISBN 0-85440-294-2,
  • Rudolf Steiner, Herald of a New Epoch, Easton, Stewart C., Anthroposophic Pr. 1980 Spring Valley, NY, ISBN 0-91014-293-9, Paper
  • Rudolf Steiner Education, Edmunds, Louis Francis, Rudolf Steiner Press 1962 London, 376pp, and Anthroposophic Press 198_ Hudson, NY, 376pp, ISBN 0-910142-93-9, Paper
  • Rudolf Steiner's Sculpture in Dornach, Fant, Ake, and Arne Klingborg and A. J. Wilkes, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1975, London, ISBN 0-85440-301-9,
  • , Fletcher, John, Art Inspired by Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner Press 1991, London, 231pp, ISBN 0-85440-516-X, Cloth
  • Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy of History Dissertation, Foley, Marya, 1981, U. of New Mexico
  • The Waldorf Schools: An Exploration of an Enduring Dissertation, Foster, Sarah Whitmer, Alternative School Movement Florida State U., 1981
  • Goethe and Steiner , Freeman, Arnold, Sheffield Educational Press, 1947, 20pp
  • , Rudolf Steiner's Message to Mankind 47pp New Knowledge Presss 1958 Sussex England
  • , What Rudolf Steiner Says about Initiation 113 pp. Courrier Press 1963 Turnbridge Wells Kent
  • , Galbreath, R. C., Spiritual Science in the Age of Materialism Dissertation, 1970, U. of Michigan
  • , Glas, Werner, An Analytical Study of tahe Rhetorical Thought of Rudolf Steiner with Some Implications for the Teaching of Speach Dissertation, 1977, Wayne State U.
  • , Hahn, Herbert, Rudolf Steiner As I Experienced Him Free Deeds, April 1962
  • , Hale, Judson, The Education of a Yankee: An American Memoir ---
  • , Hartmann, Georg, The Goetheanum Glass Windows 75pp Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag 1971 Dornach
  • , Harwood, Alfred Cecil, The Faithful Thinker Rudolf Steiner Press 1961 London
  • , Hauschka, Rudolf, At the Dawn of a New Age: Memoirs of a Scientist, 104pp, Anthroposophic Pr. Hudson NY 19__, ISBN 0-91924-25-5 Paper ,
  • , Hemleben, Johannes, Rudolf Steiner (many photographs) Henry Goulden, East Grinsted ISBN 0-904822-02-8 Cloth , ISBN 0-904822-03-6 Paper ,
  • , Henry, Mary Elisabeth, Private Schools and the Hidden Curriculum Dissertation, 1990, U. of Virginia
  • , Hiebel, Friedrich, Time of Decision with Rudolf Steiner, 300pp approx. Anthoposophic Pr. 1989 Hudson NY ISBN 0-88010-274-8 Paper ,
  • , Howard, Michael, The Occult Conspiracy Destiny Books/Harper and Row
  • , Huchingson, June Mary, A Study of the Relationship between Years in the Integrative, Creative, and Artistic Waldorf Education and Self-Actualization Dissertation, 1990, Wayne State U.
  • , Huchingson, Robert III, A Comparitive Study between Behaviour of Students in a Public School Program for the Gifted and those in Waldorf Schools in Terms of Renzulli's "Gifted Behaviours" Dissertation 1990 Wayne State U.
  • , Kirchner-Bockholt, M. and F., Rudolf Steiner's Mission and Ita Wegman Rudolf Steiner Press London c.1985
  • , Koenig, Karl, Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul: A Commentary 86pp Rudolf Steiner Press 19__, London ISBN 85440-314-0 ,
  • , Klingborg, Arne, See: Biesantz
  • , Landau, Rom, God Is My Adventure 306pp One chapter is on Steiner. Faber and Faber 1939 London
  • , Lievegoed, Bernard, Mystery Streams in Europe and the New Mysteries 86pp Anthroposoophic Press 1982 ISBN 0-88010-002-8 ,
  • , Lissau, Rudi, Rudolf Steiner: Life, Work, Inner Path, Social Initiatives 192pp Hawthorn Press 1990 ISBN 1-869890-06-X ,
  • , Lozoraitis, Jean P., An Exploration of Waldorf Education Principles in a Public School Bilingual Program for Gifted Students Dissertation, 1992, U. of Mass.
  • , Mansfield, P., A Examination of the Idea of the Threefold Social Order BSc dissertation, 1978, U. Bath
  • , Marcum, Ursula, Rudolf Steiner: An Intellectual Biography Dissertation, 1989, U. of Calif., Riverside
  • , Marshak, David, Education for Wholeness: The Visions of Human Becoming and of Education of Rudolf Steiner, Aurobindo Ghose, and Inayat Khan Dissertation, 1985, Harvard U.
  • , McDermott, Robert, The Essential Steiner 450pp Harper and Row 1984 ISBN 0-06-065345-0 ,
  • , Mitchell, David, Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf Education 25pp Rudolf Steiner College Press 19__,
  • , Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard, Rudolf Steiner's Vision of Love: Spiritual Science and the Logic of the Heart 352pp Aquarian Press Wellingborough Northamptonshire 1989
  • , Ogletree, Earl J., A Cross-Cultural Exploratory Study of the Creativeness of Steiner and State Pupils in England, Scotland, and Germany Dissertation, 1967, Wayne State U.
  • , Palmer, Otto, Rudolf Steiner on his Book "The Philosophy of Freedom" __,
  • , Polzer-Hoditz, Ludwig Graf, Memories of Rudolf Steiner 84pp Rudolf Steiner College Press
  • , Prokofieff, Sergei Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New Mysteries Rudolf Steiner Press 1986 London ISBN 0-85440-696-4 , ISBN 0-88010-215-2 ,
  • , Pusch, Hans, Working Together on Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Dramas 144pp Anthroposophic Press, 19__, ISBN 0-91014-291-2 290-4 ,
  • , Rittelmeyer, F, Rudolf Steiner Enters My Life, 150pp Floris Press, 19__, ISBN 0-903540-55-X ,
  • , Samweber, Anna, Memories of Rudolf Steiner 51pp Rudolf Steiner Press 1991 ISBN 1-85540-100-2 Paper ,
  • , Santomasso, Eugene, Origin and Aims of German Expressionist Architecture: An Essay into the Expressionist Frame of Mind in Germany Especially as Typified in the Works of Rudolf Steiner, Dissertation, 1973, Columbia U.
  • , Schiller, Paul Eugen, Rudolf Steiner and Initiation Anthroposophic Pr. Hudson NY 1981 ISBN 0-91014-296-3 Paper ,
  • , Schubert, Ilona, Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner von Sievers 96pp Temple Lodge Press London 1991 ISBN 0-904693-31-7 Paper ,
  • , Shepherd, A. P., Scientist of the Invisible, 222 pp. Hodder and Stoughton 1954 London Inner Tradit./Harper and Row 1983 ISBN 0-89281-174-9 Paper ,
  • ,, Siegmeister, Walter, Theory and Practice of Dr. Rudolf Steiner's Pedagogy Dissertation, 1932, NYU
  • ,, Steffen, Albert, Meetings with Rudolf Steiner, 344pp. Adonis Press 1961 Ghent NY
  • , Stein, W., Reminiscences of Life... 60pp ---
  • , Stein, Walter J., Rudolf Steiner's Life and Work 33pp St. George/Rudolf Steiner College Press 1987
  • , Stewart, W. A. C., The Educational Innovators One section is on Steiner. St. Martin's Press 1967 New York
  • , Uhrmacher, P. Bruce, Waldorf Schools Marching Quietly Unheard Dissertation, 1991, Stanford U.
  • , Unger, Carl, Rudolf Steiner's Theosophy 79pp Rudolf Steiner Press London
  • , Vreede, Elizabeth and T. H. Meyer, The Bodhisattva Question, Krishnamurti, Rudolf Steiner, Annie Besant, Valentin Tomberg, and the Mystery of the Twentieth Century Master, Temple Lodge Publ., London, 1993
  • , Wachsmuth, Guenther, The Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner, 594 pp. Whittier Books 1955 New York
  • , Wannamaker, Ollin D., Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Thought 30pp Anthroposophic Press 1958
  • , Welburn, Andrew, The Mysteries: Rudolf Steiner's Writings on Spiritual Initiation, Floris Books, 208 pp., ISBN 0-86315-243-0 Hard ,
  • , Wilkinson, Roy, Rudolf Steiner: Aspects of His Spiritual World View, Anthroposophy, Temple Lodge Publ., London, 1993 Vol. 1, 96 pp., ISBN 0-904693-47-3 , Vol. 2, 96 pp., ISBN 0-904693-51-1 , Vol. 3, 96 pp., ISBN 0-904693-63-5 ,
  • , Wilkinson, Roy, Rudolf Steiner on Education, A Compendium, 168 pp., Hawthorn Press 1994 ISBN 1-869890-51-5 Paper ,
  • , Wilson, Colin, Rudolf Steiner: the Man and his Message Wellingsborough UK 1985
  • , Winship, Michael, Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy in the Context of the Development of Western Thought, unpublished ms.
  • , Yulish, Stephen Malcolm, Rudolf Steiner: A Seeker in Pursuit of Truth and Self-Knowledge, Master's thesis, College of Education, Thesis, 1972, U. of Illinois, Urbana
  • , Zachos, Paul, Scientific Discovery on Formal Operational Tasks: A Study of the Relationship between Scientific Thinking and the Discovery of Scientific Concepts by High School Students Dissertation, 1991, SUNY

Image noimage120.gifMarkerThe Waldorf School Approach to HistoryMarker
by Werner Glas
Image noimage120.gifMarkerThe Gospel of St MarkMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880106023.jpgMarkerInner Experiences of EvolutionMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855841406.jpgMarkerHuman and Cosmic ThoughtMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855840522.jpgMarkerThe Book of RevelationMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image noimage120.gifMarkerWaldorf Education and Anthroposophy 2Marker
by Rudolf Steiner
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