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Books [Igor Sturmheit] “Knowledge,”
by Igor Sturmheit
[Click image for larger view.]

The Rudolf Steiner
Book Archive

Welcome to the Books Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive! Books and essays by Rudolf Steiner were written with the intention of having them published, while the lectures and some other writings were not originally intended for printed form. Here we present these books written by Rudolf Steiner. They are specifically designated as books (GA/Bn 1–28) in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Lectures and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner Archive Menu.

The Table below lists the GA number, book title, the Bn number, the year written, a flag denoting the language, the number of on-line versions of the book, and whether an abstract of the book is on-line. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column). Please do not confuse the Gesaumtausgabe and Bibliography numbers: they are essentially the same, but the Bibliography number allows more fleibility in the numbering schemes. The e.Book in the first column tells if e.Book downloads are available. Note that the (Overview) links give details about a particular GA/Bn/CW number, and lists the books and features available on-line.

Please visit our Rudolf Steiner Books at Powell's Books.

 On-Site Books ...

Search On-Site Books 
e.Book  * GA  Title of Book  Bn   Year   Cmp   Lang   Nr   Abs   
e.Book GA    1   Goethean Science (Overview) 1    1883 Yes [United States Flag] 0
e.Book     1    1883 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     1    1883 Yes [United States Flag] 1
e.Book GA    2   The Science of Knowing (Overview) 2    1886 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     2    1886 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     2    1886 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     2    1886 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     2    1886 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA    3   Truth and Knowledge (Overview) 3    1892 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     3    1892 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     3    1892 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book     3    1892 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA    4   The Philosophy of Freedom/Spiritual Activity (Overview) 4    1894 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     4    1894 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
.     4    1894 [Hungary Flag] 1
e.Book     4    1894 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     4    1894 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book     4    1894 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     4    1894 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     4    1894 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
.     4    1894 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     4    1894 Yes [Spain Flag] 1
.     4    1894 Yes [Russia Flag] 1
. GA    5   Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom (Overview) 5    1895 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     5    1895 Yes [Germany Flag] 1 [*]
.     5    1895 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     5    1895 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA    6   Goethe's Conception of the World (Overview) 6    1897 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 0
.     6    1897 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
.     6    1897 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 1
.     6    1897 Yes [United States Flag] 1
e.Book GA    7   Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age (Overview) 7    1901 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     7    1901 [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     7    1901 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     7    1901 [United States Flag] 1
. GA    8   Christianity As Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity (Overview) 8    1902 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     8    1902 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     8    1902 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA    9   Theosophy (Overview) 9    1904 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     9    1904 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book     9    1904 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   10   Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment (Overview) 10    1904 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     10    1904 [United Kingdom Flag] 1
.     10    1904 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     10    1904 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     10    1904 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     10    1904 [France Flag] 1
. GA   11   Atlantis and Lemuria (Overview) 11    1904 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 0 [*]
.     11    1904 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
.     11    1904 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     11    1904 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     11    1904 Yes [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA   12   The Stages of Higher Knowledge (Overview) 12    1905 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     12    1905 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   13   Occult Science (Overview) 13    1910 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     13    1910 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     13    1910 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     13    1910 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   14   Four Mystery Dramas (Overview) 14    1910 [United Kingdom Flag] 0 [*]
.     14.1 1910 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
.     14.2 1911 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
.     14.3 1912 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
.     14.4 1913 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA   15   Spiritual Guidance of Mankind (Overview) 15    1911 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     15    1911 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
.     15    1911 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     15    1911 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book     15    1911 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA   16   A Road to Self-Knowledge (Overview) 16    1912 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     16    1912 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA   17   The Threshold of the Spiritual World (Overview) 17    1918 [United Kingdom Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     17    1918 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   18   Riddles of Philosophy (Overview) 18    1914 [United States Flag] 0
.     18    1914 [Germany Flag] 1
.     18    1914 [United States Flag] 1
. GA   19   Thoughts During a Time of War (Overview) 19    1916 Yes [United States Flag] 0
.     19    1915 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
.     19    1915 Yes [United States Flag] 1
. GA   20   The Riddle of Man (Overview) 20    1916 [United States Flag] 0
.     20    1916 [United States Flag] 1
. GA   21   The Case for Anthroposophy (Overview) 21    1917 [United States Flag] 0
.     21    1917 [United States Flag] 1
.     21    1909 [Germany Flag] 1
. GA   22   Goethe's Standard of the Soul (Overview) 22    1918 [United States Flag] 0
.     22    1918 [United States Flag] 1
e.Book GA   23   Basic Issues of the Social Question (Overview) 23    1919 Yes [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     23    1919 Yes [Germany Flag] 1
e.Book     23    1919 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     23    1919 Yes [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     23    2019 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   24   The Renewal of the Social Organism (Overview) 24    1919 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     24    1919 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     24    1919 [United Kingdom Flag] 1
.     24    1919 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   25   Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy (Overview) 25    1922 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     25    1922 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA   26   Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts (Overview) 26    1925 [United Kingdom Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     26    1925 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
.     26    1924 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
.     26    1925 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
.     26    1925 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
. GA   27   Fundamentals of Therapy (Overview) 27    1925 [United States Flag] 0 [*]
.     27    1925 [United States Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book GA   28   The Story of My Life (Overview) 28    1925 [United Kingdom Flag] 0 [*]
e.Book     28    1925 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]
e.Book     28    1925 [United Kingdom Flag] 1 [*]

Total On-site Books: 78

The Table above lists the name of the document(s), the type of document — book, lecture series, etc. — GA/Bn number, year written or given, a link to the new Side by Side Compare program (if available), flags denoting language, the number of documents in the series, and whether an abstract of the document is on-line. Change the sort order by clicking on a highlighted column heading (asterisk denotes sorted column).




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