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Friedrich Nietzsche
Fighter for Freedom,

Friedrich Nietzsche, ein Kämpfer gegen seine Zeit.

Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1895; GA 5 / Bn 5 / CW 5)

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Steiner met Nietzsche's work in 1889. At once fascinated by Nietszche's style, and repelled by certain pathological aspects of his consciousness, Steiner recognized Nietzsche's spiritual preeminence as a “fighter for freedom.” Six years later, as a result of meeting Nietzsche's sister, Steiner encountered the dying philosopher himself. Thereafter, he spent several weeks in the Nietzsche archives. The result is this book, an essential stepping stone toward an understanding of anthroposophy.

The main sections of the book are:
    Friedrich Nietzsche, A Fighter Against His Time
    The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche as a
        Psychopathological Problem
    Friedrich Nietzsche's Personality and Psychotherapy
    The Personality of Friedrich Nietzsche,
        A Memorial Address

Known Publications:

  • Friedrich Nietzsche, Ein Kaempfer Gegen Seine Zeit (Siehe auch Taschenbuchausgabe Tb 621), German language editions: 1895, 1926, 1963, 1983 ISBN 3-7274-0050-1,
  • Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom, Rudolf Steiner Publications, Englewood, N. J., 1960, 212 pp., translated from the German edition of 1926 by Margaret Ingram deRis
  • Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom, Garber Communications, Blauvelt, N. Y., 1985, translated from the German by Margaret Ingram deRis ISBN 0-89345-033-2,

GA 5 / Bn 5 / CW 5 ... Selections ...


Friedrich Nietzsche, ein Kämpfer gegen seine Zeit

Book Cover Image Ausführungen über Nietzsches Charakter, seine Entwicklung und den von ihm entwickelten Typus des «Übermenschen» sowie zwei Arbeiten über Nietzsche und die Psychopathologie.

. Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom (1960)
Book Cover Image This book is a First Edition English printing of Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom, by Rudolf Steiner. The book is published in Switzerland under the title Friedrich Nietzsche, Ein Kampfer gegen seine Zeit. We present an authorized translation for the Western Hemisphere by agreement with the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

. Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom (1985)
Book Cover Image This book is the Second Edition English printing of Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom, by Rudolf Steiner. It is essentially the same as the 1960 printing (see above), with minor editorial changes. This book is also published in Switzerland under the title Friedrich Nietzsche, Ein Kampfer gegen seine Zeit. We present an authorized translation for the Western Hemisphere by agreement with the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.


Side by Side Compare

The books in this area can be compared side by side in the same browser window. Select any combination of chapters, prefaces, appendixes, etc., from any of the editions found here.

Image 9780880105934.jpgMarkerAn Esoteric CosmologyMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780919924123.jpgMarkerThe Origin of Suffering, the Origin of Evil, Illness ...Marker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880101820.jpgMarkerNutrition and HealthMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880105934.jpgMarkerAn Esoteric CosmologyMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780936132952.jpgMarkerTruth and ScienceMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880106047.jpgMarkerThe Bhagavad Gita and the WestMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
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