Knowledge of the Higher Worlds And Its Attainment,
The Way of Initiation or
How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,
Initiation and Its Results,
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How Is It Achieved?
How to Know Higher Worlds
A Modern Path of Initiation,
Wie Erlangt Man Erkenntnisse der Hoeheren Welten?
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1904–1905; GA 10 / Bn 10 / CW 10)
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The first English version of this basic work by Rudolf Steiner,
appeared in print in 1904 as two volumes with the titles:
- “The Way of Initiation or How to Attain Knowledge
of the Higher Worlds,” (Bn 10.1)
- “Initiation and Its Results.” (its sequel) (Bn 10.2)
It was extensively rewritten, and the new version appeared in English
translation in 1923 with the title,
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment.
This book, perhaps the most controversial of Steiner's extensive
literary legacy, suggests the possibility of a person in the 20th
century developing sufficient skills of concentration, empathy, etc.
to be able to obtain first-hand knowledge of spiritual realities
consciously. It was originally published in German as,
Wie Erlangt Man Erkenntnisse der Hoeheren Welten?.
The contents of this book are:
How is Knowledge of the Higher Worlds Attained?
The Stages of Initiation
Some Practical Aspects
The Conditions for Esoteric Training
Some Effects of Initiation
The Transformation of Dream Life
The Continuity of Consciousness
The Division of Personality during Spiritual Training
The Guardian of the Threshold
Life and Death, The Greater Guardian of the Threshold
Known Publications (GA/BN 10):
- Wie Erlangt Man Erkenntnisse der Hoeheren Welten?
German language editions: 1904, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1914, 1914, 1914,
1918, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1931, 1935, 1939,
1945, 1947, 1948, 1951, 1955, 1961, 1972,
1975, 1982, 1993
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
G. P. Putnam's Sons, London and New York, 1923 et seq.,
translated from the German by George Metaxa, 1923, 1928, 1932, 1934
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, translated from the German by
George Metaxa, 1937, 1938, 1942, 1944, 1947
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1947, 268 pp., translated
from the 11th German edition of 1922 by H. Monges
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
Anthroposophical Publishing Co., London, 1958, translated
from the German by G. Metaxa and M. Cotterell
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1961, 272 pp., translated
from the German by G. Metaxa, H. Monges, and L. D. Monges
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1963, 159 pp., translated
from the German by G. Metaxa, M. Cotterell and J. Davy
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How Is It Achieved?
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1969, 222 pp., translated from
the German by D. S. Osmond and C. Davy
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment,
Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, N. Y., 1975, 1983, 1984, 1986,
272 pp., translated from the German by H. Monges and L. D. Monges
0-88010-046-X, Paper
- Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How Is It Achieved?
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1976, 222 pp.,
translated from the German by D. S. Osmond and C. Davy
- How To Know Higher Worlds, A Modern Path of Initiation,
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1994, 288pp., translated from
the German by C. Bamford
ISBN 0-88010-372-8
Also see: ISBN 0-85440-221-7, ISBN 1-85440-002-2

Also see:
0-85440-221-7, ,
- Reprinted by Kessinger Publications.
Known Publications (BN 10.1):
- The Way of Initiation or How To Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,
Theosophical Publishing, London, 237 pp., translated
from the German by Max Gysi. Published 1908, 1912, 1914.
- The Way of Initiation or How To Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., New York,
163 pp., translated from the German by Max Gysi. Published
1910, 1920, 1923.
- The Way of Initiation or How To Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,
Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California, 70 pp. Published 1970.
- The Way of Initiation or How To Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,
Occult Publishing Co., Chicago, 210 pp. Published 1909, 1911.
- Reprinted by Kessinger Publications.
Known Publications (BN 10.2):
- Initiation and Its Results,
Theosophical Publishing Society, London, translated from the
German by Clifford Bax, and published 1909, 1910.
- Initiation and Its Results,
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., New York, 134 pp.,
translated from the German by Clifford Bax. Published 1909, 1916.
- Initiation and Its Results,
Occult Publishing Company, Chicago, 180 pp. Published 1910.
- Reprinted by Kessinger Publications.
GA 10 / Bn 10 / CW 10 ... Selections ...
This book is an early version of the first half of the book
entitled Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment.
The book Initiation and Its Results corresponds to the second
half of Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment.
Chapter titles are: The Superphysical World and Its Gnosis,
How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, The Path of Disciple-
ship, Probation, Enlightenment, Initiation, The Higher Education of
the Soul, and, The Conditions of Discipleship.
Initiation and Its Results is an early version of the second
half of the book entitled Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and
Its Attainment.
Chapter titles are: The Astral Centers(Chakras),
The Constitution of the Etheric Body, Dream Life, The Three States
of Consciousness, The Dissociation of the Human Personality
During Initiation, The First Guardian of the Threshold, and,
The Second Guardian of the Threshold — Life and Death.
This book, perhaps the most controversial of Steiner's extensive literary
legacy, suggests the possibility of a person in the 20th century developing
sufficient skills of concentration, empathy, etc. to be able to obtain
first-hand knowledge of spiritual realities consciously.
In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works in German, the
volume containing the German text is entitled
Wie Erlangt Man Erkenntnisse der Hoeheren Welten?,
(Vol. 10 in the Bibliographic Survey).
This translation into English was made by George Metaxa, with revisions
by Henry B. Monges.
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment constitutes a
fundamental guide to the anthroposophical path of cognition or knowledge.
In human consciousness, faculties are sleeping that, if awakened, lead to
life-giving wisdom. With great clarity and warmth, Rudolf Steiner details
the exercises and moral qualities to be cultivated on the path to a
conscious experience of supersensible realities.
L'initiation (French)
Cela fût considérablement réécrit, et la
nouvelle version est apparue en traduction anglaise en 1923 avec
les titres ci-dessus. Ce livre, probablement le plus
controversé du vaste héritage littéraire de
Steiner, suggère la possibilité d'une personne au 20e
siècle développant une habileté suffisante de
concentration, d'empathie, etc. pour être capable d'obtenir
consciemment une connaissance de première main des
réalités spirituelles.