Spiritual Guidance of Mankind,
Spiritual Guidance of Man and Humanity,
Spiritual Guidance of Man,
Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity,
Die geistige Führung des Menschen und der Menschheit.
Geisteswissenschaftliche Ergebnisse über die
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1911; GA 15 / Bn 15 / CW 15)
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This short book consists of three sections. Each section was
originally a lecture (6, 7, and 8 June 1911), but was subsequently
reworked by Steiner and cast into the form of an essay. These
lectures, and those in
The Mission of the Folk-Souls,
are the only lectures reworked by Steiner for the public. It has been
published in English under 4 separate titles, all translated from
the same German text,
Die Geistige Führung des Menschen und der Menschheit,
Geistes wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse ueber die
Some of the topics treated in this book are:
the nature of the brain,
the development of speech,
angelic beings,
ancient language,
Zarathustra, Buddha, and Christ.
Known Publications:
- Die Geistige Fuehring des Menschen und der Menschheit.
Geistes wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse ueber die
German language editions: 1895, 1926, 1963, 1983
German language editions: 1911, 1925, 19??, 1940, 19??, 1946, 1956,
(1960), 1963, 1974, 1987
- The Spiritual Guidance of Man and of Mankind,
Times Publishing Co., Bethlehem, Pa., 1915, authorized English
translation edited by H. Collison
- The Spiritual Guidance of Mankind,
Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain, London, 1921, and
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1925, translated from the German
by H. Collison
- Spiritual Guidance of Man and Humanity,
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1950, 78 pp. plus notes,
translated from the German by H. Monges
- Spiritual Guidance of Man and Humanity,
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1970, 1976, 1983, 78 pp.
plus notes, translated from the German by H. Monges
- The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity,
Anthroposophic Press, Hudson NY, 1992, 89pp plus notes,
topical index, translated from the German edition of 1974
by Samuel Desch,
GA 15 / Bn 15 / CW 15 ... Selections ...
In diesem schmalen, aber inhaltlich äußerst gewichtigen
Bändchen stellt Steiner u.a. zum ersten Mal öffentlich
die Erkenntnis von den zwei Jesusknaben dar und schildert den Weg
vom Jesus von Nazareth zum Christus. Zugleich werden in diesem
Werk die Götter und Helden der Mythologie, die Engel und
luziferischen Wesenheiten in ihrer Bedeutung für die
Entwicklung der Menschheit dargestellt. So erscheint auch die
Theodizee-Frage nach dem Sinn des Bösen in einem anderen
Spiritual Guidance of Mankind
A First Edition English translation of this book, we present the
Authorized English Translation by Harry Collison,
published by the Anthroposophical Society of Great Britain
in 1921. This translation was also published by the Anthroposophic
Press in 1925.
Spiritual Guidance of Man and Humanity (1970)
Steiner describes the spiritual potentialities the human being brings
with him at birth and shows how in successive world epochs these
potentialities have brought to earth, through reincarnation, new
impulses and forces out of the cosmic spiritual world.
Translated and edited by Henry B. Monges, this book has an
Appendix and the Genealogy of Jesus from both Matthew and Luke.
(Essentially the same book as the 1976 printing.)
Spiritual Guidance of Man (1976)
Steiner describes the spiritual potentialities the human being brings
with him at birth and shows how in successive world epochs these
potentialities have brought to earth, through reincarnation, new
impulses and forces out of the cosmic spiritual world.
Translated and edited by Henry B. Monges, this book has an
Appendix and the Genealogy of Jesus from both Matthew and Luke.
(Essentially the same book as the 1970 printing.)
Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity (1992)
A second, wiser self guides us through life. Without it we would not
go far, for it is what makes us human. In the first years of life
— before memory and ego — it guides us to stand upright
and to learn to speak and think. Then we exchange this wisdom, which
is still connected to the spiritual hierarchies, for our
ego-consciousness. Yet it remains ever-present and through
meditation we can consciously connect to it. What or who is
this wisdom? It is the same higher self of humanity that lived
in Jesus during the years between the Baptism and the Crucifixion.
This mind-bending book constitutes an important contribution to our
understanding of the working of the Christ impulse in humanity.
Translated by Samuel Desch, this book has an extended Appendix
and Notes.
The books in this area can be compared side by side in the same browser
window. Select any combination of chapters, prefaces, appendixes, etc.,
from any of the editions found here.