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The Riddle of Man,

Vom Menschenrätsel.
Ausgesprochenes und Unausgesprochenes im Denken, Schauen,
Sinnen einer Reihe deutscher und österreichischer Persönlichkeiten.

Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1916; GA 20 / Bn 20 / CW 20)

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From the German edition entitled, Vom Menschenraetsel. Ausgesprochenes und Unausgesprochenes im Denken, Schauen, Sinnen einer Reihe deutscher und �sterreichischer Pers�nlichkeiten. In English, The Riddle of Man. The pronounced and unspoken thought, look, and senses of a number of German and Austrian personalities.

The Contents of this book are:

  1. Forward and Introduction
    1. Thought-World, Personality, Peoples
    2. Addition, for the Second Edition of 1918
  2. German Idealism's Picture of the World
    1. Idealism as an Awakening of the Soul
    2. Johann Gottlieb Fichte
    3. Idealism as a View about Nature and the Spirit
    4. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
    5. German Idealism as the Beholding of Thoughts
    6. Hegel
  3. A Forgotten Stream in German Spiritual Life
  4. Pictures from the Thought-life of Austria
  5. New Perspectives

Known Publications:

  • Vom Menschenr�tsel. Ausgesprochenes und Unausgesprochenes im Denken, Schauen, Sinnen einer Reihe deutscher und �sterreichischer Pers�nlichkeiten, German language editions: 1916, 1918, 1936, 1957, 1984 ISBN 3-7274-0200-8,
  • The Riddle of Man, Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1990, 167pp., translated from the 4th German edition of 1957 by William Lindeman ISBN 0-929979-13-3,

GA 20 / Bn 20 / CW 20 ... Selections ...


The Riddle of Man (MP 1990)

Book Cover Image This is the only known English edition, and was published by Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, in 1990. It was translated from the 4th German edition of 1957 by William Lindeman. Contents: the world of ideas, personality, national awareness / The worldview of German idealism / Idealism as a soul awakening: JG Fichte / Idealism as a natural and social perception: FWJ Schelling / German idealism as thoughts intuition: GWF Hegel / A Forgotten flow in German intellectual life / Pictures from the life of Austrian thoughts / Views.

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