Methodological Principles of Anthroposophy, 1884–1901
Goethe as the Founder of a New Science of Æsthetics,
Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie, 1884–1901,
“Goethe als Vater einer neuen Ästhetik”,
Individualismus in der Philosophie (1899).
Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1884–1901; Bn 30 / GA 30)
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Collected essays on philosophy, science, aesthetics and psychology.
The focus of this volume are the essays on philosophy and Goethe as
a scientist and philosopher, including: Goethe as a father of a new
aesthetic — Unified view of nature and knowledge boundaries
— Individualism in Philosophy — Haeckel and his opponents
— Goethe studies. Basic ideas / morality and Christianity. In
addition, the volume contains a number of reviews and assessments of
individuals who have meant something Rudolf Steiner, among others such
as Herman Grimm, Ludwig Büchner, John Volkelt, Hermann Helmholtz,
and Franz Brentano. Next, there are shorter essays on topics that were
then in the public interest, such as the question of hypnotism, or
Although Rudolf Steiner wrote many essays, few have been translated
into English. Many are dated and seem not to receive top priority
from translators.
Known Publications:
- Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie,, 1884–1901.
Gesammelte Aufsaetze zur Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft,
Aesthetik und Seelenkunde
German language editions: 1961, 1989
, 1961, 1989.
- Bn 30.1.01 Goethe as the Founder of a New Science of Æsthetics,
published in London 1919, 1922, 1942, Lr RSE-54,
translator: George Metaxa. Also see lecture S-0001.
- Bn 30.1.04 Goethe's Secret Revelation, on his 150th birthday,
28 August 1899, Also see Bn 57.B, London reference Z-92
? printed by Kessinger Publ. ?
- Bn 30.1.05 Individualism in Philosophy,
80 pp., London reference RSE-784, 1989
published by: Mercury Press, Spring Valley, N.Y.,
translator: William Lindemann
- Bn 30.1.06 Haeckel & His Opponents,
See Bn RSU/TEH, Bn RSU/Hae, London reference: RSE-11
- Bn 30.2.03 Nature and Our Ideals,
a note to the author of "Hermann," the poetess M. E. delle Grazie,
same as S-0001a, 1983 publisher: Mercury Press, Spring Valley, N.Y.,
translator: Margaret Deussen, London reference: RSE-678
- Bn 30.2.16 Wilhelm Preyer,
translator: M. Spiegler, JHr
- Bn 30.2.30 Modern Experimental Psychology,
translator: M. Spiegler, JHr
Bn 30 / GA 30 ... Selections ...
"Goethe als Vater einer neuen Ästhetik" Wien, 9. November 1888 –
Autoreferat. Erschienen in: Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie.
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft, Ästhetik
und Seelenkunde 1884–1901. GA 30. Vorbemerkungen zur zweiten Auflage
Individualismus in der Philosophie (1899). ursprünglich
veröffentlicht unter dem Titel: Der Egoismus in der Philosophie.
Erschienen in: Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie. Gesammelte
Aufsätze zur Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft, Ästhetik und
Seelenkunde 1884–1901. GA 30.
This is Rudolf Steiner's very first lecture, given at Vienna,
Austria at the Goethe Society in November, 1888. It is included in
GA 30 as one of Steiner's many essays grouped in that GA, the German
title of which is,
Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie, 1884–1901.
Gesammelte Aufsaetze zur Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft,
Aesthetik und Seelenkunde.
It is also included in GA 271 as Steiner's first lecture. The title
of this lecture series is,
Art and the Experiencing of Art, published in German as,
Kunst und Kunsterkenntnis. Grundlagen einer neuen Aesthetik.
Das Sinnlich-Uebersinnliche in seiner Verwirklichung durch
die Kunst.
This lecture/essay was translated from the original German by
George Metaxa, and edited by Harry Collison. From GA 30,
London Reference: S-0001.
This is the first English translation of Rudolf Steiner's essay
“Egoismus in Philosophie” (1899), first published in Arthur Dix's
collection of essays entitled Der Egoismus. This essay is also published
under the title “Der Individualismus in der Philosophie” in
Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie: gesammelte Aufsätze
1884–1901, GA 30.
One of the many essays contained in GA# 30:
Foundations of Anthroposophy,
in German,
Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie, 1884–1901.
Gesammelte Aufsaetze zur Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft,
Aesthetik und Seelenkunde.
This is a note to the author of “Hermann” and
noted poetess, Marie Eugenie delle Grazie, presented to her
by Rudolf Steiner at her house in Vienna.