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Selected Rudolf Steiner Documents by GA/Bn Number
The Holdings by Bn/GA Section of the Rudolf Steiner
Archive presents just some of the Holdings given by Rudolf
Steiner in order by GA/Bn Number.
The Table below lists the Bn/GA Number, the name of the book, lecture,
or article, and whether a summary of the document is available. Under
the document name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in
yyyy-mm-dd format.
Selected Items for GA 105 ...
Date |
Name of Item |
1908-08-04 pm
The Egyptian period, and the present time.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-05 pm
Ancient Wisdom and the new Apocalyptic Wisdom. Temple sleep. Isis and the Madonna. Past stages of Evolution. The bestowing of the Ego. Future Powers.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-06 pm
The Kingdoms of Nature. Group-egos. The Centre of Man. The Kingdoms of Higher Spiritual Beings.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-07 pm
The Outer Manifestations of Spiritual Beings in the Elements. Their connection with Man. Cosmic partitions. The Myth of Osiris.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-08 pm
The sacrifice of the substance by the Thrones, Kyriotetes, Dynami's, and Exusiai. Jehovah and the Elohim, and their co-operative activity in the stages of human Development.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-10 pm
The Spirits of Form as regents of earthly existence. Participation of the, Luciferic beings. The formation of race.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-11 pm
Animal forms -- the physiognomical expression of human passions. The religion of Egypt -- a remembrance of Lemurian times. Fish and serpent symbols. The remembrance of Atlantis in Europe. The Light of Christ.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-12 pm
Man's connection with the various planetary bodies. The earth's mission.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-13 pm
The progress of man. His conquest of the physical plane in the post-Atlantean civilizations. The beginning and up-building of the I am.\
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-14 pm
The reflection in the fourth epoch of man's experiences with the ancient Gods and their way of the Cross. The Christ-Mystery.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
1908-08-16 pm
The reversing of Egyptian remembrance into material forms by way of Arabism. The harmonizing of Egyptian remembrance. The Christian impulse of power in Rosicrucianism.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
Total On-site Documents for 105: 11