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Selected Rudolf Steiner Documents by GA/Bn Number


The Holdings by Bn/GA Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents just some of the Holdings given by Rudolf Steiner in order by GA/Bn Number. The Table below lists the Bn/GA Number, the name of the book, lecture, or article, and whether a summary of the document is available. Under the document name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Items for GA 181 ...

  Date Name of Item  
. 1918-01-22 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 1: The Present Position of Spiritual Science
. 1918-01-29 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 2: A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Human Being
. 1918-02-05 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 3: The Living and the Dead
. 1918-03-05 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 4: The Cosmic Thoughts and our Dead
. 1918-03-12 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 5: Man's Connection with the Spiritual World
. 1918-03-19 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 6: Feelings of Unity and Sentiments of Gratitude: A Bridge to the Dead
. 1918-03-26 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 7: Confidence in Life and Rejuvenation of the Soul: A Bridge to the Dead
. 1918-03-30 pm  The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit: Lecture 1
. 1918-03-30 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture I: Folk Souls and the Mystery of Golgotha
. 1918-04-01 pm  The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit: Lecture 2
. 1918-04-01 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture II: The Relativity of Knowledge, and Spiritual Cosmology
. 1918-04-02 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture III: Thoughts about the Life Between Death and Rebirth
. 1918-04-09 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture IV: The Eternal and the Imperishable
. 1918-04-16 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture V: Thoughts on Life and Death
. 1918-05-14 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture VI: Spiritual Science, the Practice of Life and the Destinies of Souls
. 1918-05-21 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture VII: Whitsuntide Lecture
. 1918-06-25 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture I: States of Consciousness
. 1918-07-03 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture II: The Building at Dornach
. 1918-07-09 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture III: East and West
. 1918-07-16 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture IV: History and Repeated Earth-Lives
. 1918-07-23 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture V: The Being and Evolution of Man
. 1918-07-30 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture VI: Problems of the Time (I)
. 1918-08-06 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture VII: Problems of the Time (II)

Total On-site Documents for 181: 23

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by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880102957.jpgMarkerEarthly Knowledge and Heavenly WisdomMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
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