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Selected Rudolf Steiner Documents by GA/Bn Number


The Holdings by Bn/GA Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents just some of the Holdings given by Rudolf Steiner in order by GA/Bn Number. The Table below lists the Bn/GA Number, the name of the book, lecture, or article, and whether a summary of the document is available. Under the document name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Items for GA 219 ...

  Date Name of Item  
. 1922-11-26 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture I: The Spirit-Seed of Man's Physical Organism
. 1922-12-01 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture II: Moral Qualities and the Life After Death. Windows of the Earth
. 1922-12-03 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture III: Man's Relation to the World of the Stars
. 1922-12-15 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture IV: Rhythms of Earthly and Spiritual Life. Love, Memory, the Moral Life
. 1922-12-16 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture V: Human Faculties and Their Connections with Elemental Beings
. 1922-12-17 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture VI: Spiritualization of Knowledge of Space. The Mission of Michael
. 1922-12-22 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture VII: Inner Processes in the Human Organism
. 1922-12-23 pm  The Spiritual Communion of Mankind
. 1922-12-23 pm  La Comuni�n Espiritual de la Humanidad
. 1922-12-23 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture I: Midsummer and Midwinter Mysteries
. 1922-12-23 pm  La Comunión Espiritual de la Humanidad
. 1922-12-24 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture II: The Mysteries of Man's Nature and the Course of the Year
. 1922-12-29 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture III: From Man's Living Together with the Course of Cosmic Existence Arises the Cosmic Cult
. 1922-12-30 pm  The Spiritual Communion of Mankind
From: The Relation of the Movement for Religious Renewal to the Anthroposophical Movement
. 1922-12-30 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture IV: The Relation of the Movement for Religious Renewal to the Anthroposophical Movement
. 1922-12-31 pm  Spiritual Knowledge is a True Communion, the Beginning of a Cosmic Cult Suitable for Men of the Present Age

Total On-site Documents for 219: 16

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