Steiner e.Lib Discussions and Forums
How about some free discussion? An open forum or debate? Announcements
are here, too. We thought there should be a separate place for these
items, so we created this list page. It is open for expansion: if you
would like a particular topic, language, or study group covered —
a French, Italian, Japanese, Portugese, Spanish, or Swedish Forum, or
a discussion of Steiner's Philosophy of Freedom, for instance — then
please let us know. We will try to accomodate all reasonable requests.
Email your comments or suggestions to: the
(Please do not block pop-ups, as the Forums are displayed in new
windows. For your best viewing experience, Cookies and Javascript
should be enabled, with a screen size of at least 800x600 pixels.)
Now, take your pick...
Announcements Forum
Use this Forum to post announcements and items of interest for our
readers in the Anthroposophical community. Get the word out here!
Anthroposophical and Rudolf Steiner Open Forums
These Forums are for discussing Rudolf Steiner, his works, and other
Anthroposophically-related subjects, which could include almost
anything. If your native language is not here, ask us about creating
one for your discussions. Please respect yourself and others: try
to stay on topic.
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Open Forum
A Forum, in English, for the discussion of Steiner's works and
other thought-provoking topics. NOT just for english-speaking
Elektronische Steiner-Bibliothek Deutsches Gesprächsforum
Ein Gesprächsforum auf Deutsch für die Diskussion von Rudolf Steiner's Gesamtwerk und damit in
Verbindung stehenden Themen.
(A Forum, in German, for the discussion of Rudolf Steiner's collected
works and other related topics.)
Arquivo eletrônico sobre Rudolf Steiner e o fórum e.Lib
Um fórum, em Português, para a discussão das
obras de Steiner e assuntos relacionados com a Antroposofia e suas
aplicações práticas.
(A Forum, in Portuguese, for the discussion of Rudolf Steiner's
collected works and other related topics.)
Calendar of the Soul Discussions
These Forums are for discussing Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul,
and its' verses. Owen Barfield's
“The Year Participated”
is fair game, too. If your native language is not here, ask us about
creating one for your discussions. Again, please respect yourself and
others: try to stay on topic.
Calendar of the Soul Discussions (English)
A Forum, in English, for the discussion of Steiner's Calendar
of the Soul. This forum, too, is NOT just for
english-speaking anthroposophists!
Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender Gesprächsforum (Deutsches)
Ein Forum, auf Deutsch, für die Diskussion über Rudolf
Steiner Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender.
(A Forum, in German, for the discussion of Rudolf Steiner's
Calendar of the Soul.)
Job Postings Forum
You can read job postings, post follow-ups to job postings, post
follow-ups to follow-ups, or even post a New job posting
for others to respond to! Services and job availability (I'm looking
for a position) postings are OK, too. When your posted position is
filled, be sure to post a follow-up telling others of the status.
Steiner Conversations ...
An On-Line Chat program that allows users to explore the Web and
each others creativity at the same time. Schedule a time for you
and your friends to meet at this chat-room, bring up a favorite
Web site, and converse, real-time, on-line.
Please think about your comments here. Even though these new forums
allow the poster full editorial control, you cannot get at them without
a password. If you forget the password you used when posting messages,
it cannot be retrieved!
Fine print:
All postings are the intellectually motivated property of the
individual making the posting: designated Author, and
are not authorized by, nor approved by the e.Librarian
or the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib.