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On-site Lectures for GA 121


The Lectures by Bn/GA Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture GA Number. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' GA Number, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

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Selected Lectures for GA 121 ...

  Date Name of Lecture Place Year  
. 1910-06-07 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Erster Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-07 pm  Lecture 1
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-07 pm  Angels, Folk Spirits, Time Spirits: their part in the Evolution of Mankind.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-08 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Zweiter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-08 pm  Lecture 2
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-08 pm  Normal and abnormal Archangels and Time Spirits. The Spirits of Language and of Modes of Thought.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-09 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Dritter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-09 pm  Lecture 3
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-09 pm  The inner Life of the Folk Spirits. Formation of the Races.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-10 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Vierter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-10 pm  Lecture 4
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-10 pm  The Evolution of Races and Civilization.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-11 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: F�nfter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-11 pm  Lecture 5
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-11 pm  Manifestation of the Hierarchies in the Elements of Nature. The Mission of the Planetary Epochs of Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon and Earth.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-12 am  Mission/Volksseelen: Sechster Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-12 am  Lecture 6
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-12 am  The Five Root Races of Mankind.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-12 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Siebenter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-12 pm  Lecture 7
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-12 pm  Advance of Folk Spirits to the Rank of Time Spirits. Monotheism and Pluralism. Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-14 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Achter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-14 pm  Lecture 8
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-14 pm  The Five Post-Atlantean Civilizations. Greek and Teutonic Mythology.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-15 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Neunter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-15 pm  Lecture 9
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-15 pm  Loki - Hodur and Baldur - Twilight of the Gods.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-16 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Zehnter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-16 pm  Lecture 10
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-16 pm  The Mission of Individual Peoples and Cultures in the Past, Present and Future. Solovieff.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-17 pm  Mission/Volksseelen: Elfter Vortrag Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-17 pm  Lecture 11
From: The Mission of Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]
. 1910-06-17 pm  Nerthus, Freyja and Gerda. Twilight of the Gods. Vidar and the new Revelation of Christ.
From: The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls
Christiania 1910 [*]

Total On-site Lectures for GA 121: 33

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