Results of Spiritual Investigation
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung
Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1913;
Bn 62; GA 62; CW 62)
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This lecture series consists of 14 public lectures given in Berlin
starting on October 31, 1912 and going to April 10, 1913.
- How One Refutes Anthroposophy,
- How One Confirms/Defends Anthroposophy or Spiritual Science,
- The Task of Spiritual Investigation for for the Present and for
the Future,
- Paths of Supersensible Knowledge,
- Life's Questions and Death's Riddles,
- Natural Science and Spiritual Research,
- Jacob Boehme,
- Herman Grimm, Contemporary Culture and Spiritual Defvelopments, and
- The Mission of Raphael,
- The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales,
- Leonardo's Spiritual Greatness at the Turning Point of Modern
- Errors in Spiritual Investigation,
- Moral Aspects of Spiritual Development,
- The Heritage of the 19th Century, -or-
From Natural Science to Spiritual Science,
Known Publications:
- Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung,
German language editions: 1960, 1988.
- Jacob Boehme, single lecture, copyright © 1942 Anthroposophic Press, translated by M. Barnetson
- The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales,
2 lectures, copyright © 1989 Mercury Press, translated by R. Pusch
- Errors in Spiritual Investigation: Meeting the Guardian of the Threshold,
single lecture, copyright © 1983, Mercury Press
- Leonardo da Vinci, His Spiritual and Intellectual Greatness At the Turning Point of the New Age, typescript single lecture, the translator is unknown
- The Mission of Raphael in the Light of Spiritual Science, typescript single lecture, translated by R. Mansell
GA 62 ... Selections ...
Diese Einzelvorlesung ist die 9. von 14 Vorlesungen in der Vorlesung
Serie berechtigt,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung,
Raffael's Mission,
Leonardo's Spiritual Stature.
This is an English translation First Edition of A lecture about
Jacob Boehme. It was given by Rudolf Steiner in Berlin on January 9th
1913. This lecture is the 7th of 14 lectures from a lecture series
Results of Spiritual Investigation,
published in German as,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.
This is a lecture, given by Rudolf Steiner, entitled,
M�rchendichtungen im Lichte der Geistesforschung
and contained in the volume,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung
(Results of Spiritual Research) GA 62. The series in which this lecture was
given at the Architektenhaus in Berlin, may be said to underline its overall
importance for Rudolf Steiner: Held February 6th 1913 subsequent to a lecture
January 30th on Raphael, it was followed a week later, on February 13th, by a
lecture on Leonardo da Vinci.
As a bonus,
A Mongolian Legend
is included. It is from a matinee lecture given by Rudolf Steiner:
Mythen und Sagen. Okkulte Zeichen und Symbole
(Myths and Legends. Occult Signs and Symbols).
From GA 101. Lecture IV, 21st October 1907 in Berlin.
This edition of The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales was prepared
and edited by Ruth Pusch. The February 6, 1913 lecture, from GA 62, was
translated from the original German by Ruth Pusch; the December 1908
lecture, from GA 108, was revised by her from an earlier edition published
by the Anthroposophic Press, NY, and Rudolf Steiner Publications, London,
in 1942. The two lectures appear in the German as Märchendichtungen
im Lichte der Geistesforschung published by Verlag der Rudolf
Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland, 1960.
A lecture given in Berlin, 6th March, 1913. Lecture 12 of 14 from the
volume: Results of Spiritual Investigation. The volume of the
Complete Edition of the works of Rudolf Steiner containing the original
text of the this lecture, among eight others, is entitled:
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung, (No. 62 in the Bibliographical
Survey, 1961). Translated by persons unknown from Shorthand reports
unrevised by the Lecturer.
We can say that he [Leonardo] bore within him the whole spirit of
his age, and yet he was often misunderstood or out of sync with his time,
precisely because he was already working out of the depths of the spirit,
making use of powers that were only to emerge in later centuries. —
Rudolf Steiner, GA 292.
This single lecture is the 8th of 14 lectures in the lecture
series entitled,
Results of Spiritual Investigation,
published in German as,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.
Leonardo da
Vinci His Spiritual and Intellectual Greatness At the Turning Point
of the New Age
This is the 11th of 14 lectures given by Rudolf Steiner at Berlin, in
late 1912 and early 1913. The title of this series of lectures is:
Results of Spiritual Investigation.
They were published in German as:
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.
The lecture was transcribed from a typescript version, and the translator
is unknown.
From this translation: “Human beings will always want to know about
Raphael; about the beautiful young painter who surpassed all others; who
was fated to die early. Whose death all Rome mourned. When the works of
Raphael are finally lost, his name will remain engraved in human
memory.” This single lecture is the 9th of 14 lectures in the
lecture series entitled,
Results of Spiritual Investigation,
published in German as,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.
Translated exclusively for the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib and e.Lib
by Peter Stebbing.
The following lecture was given by Rudolf Steiner at Berlin
on the 30th of January, 1913. It is a previously unpublished,
typewritten transcription of a lecture that is from Bn/GA 62, and is
lecture 9 of 13 in the lecture series entitled,
Results of Spiritual Investigation,
published in German as,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.
It is London reference number Lr Z-27.
This lecture was purportedly translated from shorthand reports,
unrevised by the lecturer, by Rick Mansell.
This is a lecture, given by Rudolf Steiner, entitled
Die Weltanschauung eines Kulturforschers der Gegenwart, Herman Grimm, und die Geistesforschung
and contained in the volume
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung
(Results of Spiritual Research) GA 62. The series in which
this lecture was given at the Architektenhaus in Berlin, may be said to
underline its overall importance for Rudolf Steiner: Held January 16th 1913
subsequent to a lecture January 30th on Raphael. Also known as,
Herman Grimm, Contemporary Culture and Spiritual Developments, and Anthroposophy.
This single lecture is the 8th of 14 lectures in the lecture
series entitled,
Results of Spiritual Investigation,
published in German as,
Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung.