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The Akashic Chronicle and the Fifth Gospel

Aus der Akasha-Forschung.
Das Fuenfte Evangelium

Rudolf Steiner

Given: 1913/1914
(Bn 148, GA 148, CW 148)
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From his clairvoyant reading of the akashic record — the cosmic memory of all events, actions, and thoughts — Rudolf Steiner was able to discuss aspects of the life of Jesus Christ that are not recorded in the four Gospels of the conventional Christian Bible. The results of such research, in that it is not based on historical records or extant documents, has been referred to as a “Fifth Gospel.”

After an intense inner struggle to verify the exact nature of these events, and having checked the results of his research, Steiner described many detailed episodes from the akashic record. For example, he speaks of Jesus' life in the community of the Essenes, the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, and a significant, previously unreported conversation between Jesus and Mary.

Steiner states that divulging such spiritual research is intensely difficult, but that “although people show little inclination to be told such facts as these, it was absolutely essential that knowledge of such facts should be brought to Earth evolution at the present time.”

Known Publications:

  • Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fünfte Evangelium,
    German language editions: 1980, 1992. ISBN 3-7274-1480-4,
  • The Fifth Gospel,
    Bn 148.A – Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1995 ISBN 0-185584-039-1,
  • The Fifth Gospel,
    Bn 148.1 – Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1968
    Bn 148.1 – Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1978
    Bn 148.1 – Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1985 ISBN 0-85440-520-8,
  • The Fifth Gospel,
    Bn 148.1.1 – Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1950
  • On the Fifth Gospel,
    Bn 148.2 – Typescript, London Reference R-46
  • Fifth Gospel,
    Bn 148.1 – Southern Cross Review, Argentina, c.2006
    Bn 148.2 – Southern Cross Review, Argentina, c.2013

GA 148 ... Selections ...


Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fünfte Evangelium

Book Cover Image Die in diesem Band zusammengefaßten Vorträge gehören insofern zum Lehrgut von Rudolf Steiners Esoterischer Schule (die von 1904 bis 1914 in drei Abteilungen oder Klassen bestand), als durch sie eine gewisse Form esoterischen Arbeitens vorbereitet werden sollte. Die beiden Legenden, die Tempellegende und die Kreuzesholz- bzw. Goldene Legende, bildeten einen Hauptmeditationsstoff insbesondere der zweiten Abteilung der Esoterischen Schule. Die Vorträge dieses Bandes sind deshalb vornehmlich der Interpretation dieser beiden Legenden gewidmet.


The Fifth Gospel (FTS translation)

Book Cover Image These five lectures are from the lecture series entitled: The Akashic Chronicle and the Fifth Gospel, Published in German as: Aus der Akasha-forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium. They are lecture 1 through 5 of 18 lectures in this series. This translation is by Frank Thomas Smith.


The Fifth Gospel (DSO translation)

Book Cover Image Five lectures given by Rudolf Steiner at Christiania in October of 1913. Translated by D.S. Osmond with the help of M. Cotterell, from shorthand notes unrevised by the lecturer. In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled: Aus der Akasha-forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium.


The Fifth Gospel (FTS translation)

Book Cover Image These two lectures are from the lecture series entitled: The Akashic Chronicle and the Fifth Gospel, Published in German as: Aus der Akasha-forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium. They are lecture 14 and 15 of 18 lectures in this series. This translation is by Frank Thomas Smith.


On the Fifth Gospel

Book Cover Image After a shattering struggle to arrive at the truth, Steiner presents here the findings of spiritual research regarding the life of Jesus before the Baptism and the life of Christ after the Baptism. Among the scenes described are Jesus in the Essene community, the conversation between Jesus and Mary before the Baptism, Jesus discovering the reverse Lord's Prayer, and the temptation of Christ after the Baptism.


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