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The Inner Human Impulse for Improvement

Innere Entwicklungsimpulse der Menschheit
Goethe und die Krisis des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Kosmische uind menschliche Geschichte, Bd. II

Inner Impulses of Evolution
Impulses of Utility, Evil, Birth, Death, Happiness
Polaric Impulses of Utility, Sacramentalism, etc.

Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1916; Bn 171, GA 171, CW 171)

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These lectures trace important developments in evolution such as the two-sided attempt to falsely extend the ancient Atlantean mysteries by the luciferic eastern campaigns of Genghis Khan and the ahrimanic western black magic mysteries centered in Mexico. New light is also shed on the fate of the Knights Templar, and Henry VIII, and Sir Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities and that we need to concern ourselves with four problems: natural urges, birth, death, and evil.

Known Publications:

GA 171 ... Selections ...


Inner Impulses of Evolution

Book Cover Image Lectures one through seven and eight from the lecture series entitled, The Inner Human Impulse for Improvement, Goethe and the Crisis in the Nineteenth Century, published in German as, Innere Entwicklungsimpulse der Menschheit. Goethe und die Krisis des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Kosmische und menschliche Geschichte. Band II.


Inner Impulses of Evolution

Book Cover Image Here are lectures 10 and 12 of 17 lectrures from the volume entitled, The Inner Human Impulse for Improvement, Goethe and the Crisis in the Nineteenth Century, published in German as, Innere Entwicklungsimpulse der Menschheit. Goethe und die Krisis des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Kosmische und menschliche Geschichte. Band II.

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