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Social Questions and their Spiritual Background

Soziales Verständnis aus geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis
Die geistigen Hintergründe der sozialen Frage, III

Spiritual Scientific Knowledge and Social Understanding
The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman
Incarnation of Lucifer and Ahriman
Lucifer and Ahriman

Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1919; Bn 191, GA 191, CW 191)

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We live in critical, apocalyptic times. In these lectures, given just after the end of the First World War and in the midst of trying to effect the social-political life of his times with the movement for a threefold social order, Rudolf Steiner focuses on the vital task of developing a right orientation toward the spirit: a free spiritual life. With great compassion and understanding he shows, in telling examples, how humanity must walk a conscious middle path between the two "tempting" powers of Lucifer and Ahriman. He tells of the incarnation of Lucifer, in the third millennium BCE, from which flowed not only the wisdom of paganism but also the intellectual consciousness we enjoy today. Ahriman is shown to be approaching humanity through phenomena such as materialism, nationalism, and literalism in preparation for his incarnation in the millennium now opening. It must not be thought, however, that these two powers work apart: on the contrary, they work more and more together. Our task is to hold them in balance, continually permeating the one with the other. Doing this requires a new form of conscious spirituality.

In English translation, this volume has been split into three separate editions:

  • Cosmogony, Freedom and Altruism (3 typescript lectures)
  • Spiritual Scientific Knowledge and Social Understanding (6 typescript lectures, formerly Bn 192.1)
  • The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman (5 lectures published in several editions)

  • The Threefold Social Organization;
  • Social Understanding through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge;
  • Land Consciousness, Earth Consciousness, -or- How the Spiritual Works into the Physical;
  • Social Impulses for the Healing of Modern Civilization, -or- Cosmogony, Freedom, Altruism;
  • A Different Way of Thinking is Needed to Rescue European Civilization;
  • Fundamental Impulses in History, -or- Cosmogony, Freedom, Altruism;
  • Fundamentals of the Science of Initiation;
  • Spiritual Scientific Knowledge and Social Understanding;
  • The Incarnation of Lucifer in Asia in the Third Millenium B.C.;
  • The Advance Preparation of Ahriman for His Future Incarnation;
  • The Incarnation of Lucifer and Ahriman, -or- Luciferic Past and Ahrimanic Future;
  • The Human as a Being of Will;
  • Differentation of Primeval Wisdom into East, Middle, West;
  • The Luciferic Origin of Ancient Wisdom, Ahrimanization ...

Known Publications:

  • Soziales Verständnis aus geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis. Die geistigen Hintergründe der sozialen Frage, III, German language editions: 1983, 1989. ISBN 978-3-7274-1910-2,
  • Cosmogony, Freedom and Altruism, three typescript lectures, copyright 1963 Los Angeles Rudolf Steiner Library, unknown translator, London Reference number Z-8
  • Spiritual Scientific Knowledge and Social Understanding, six typescript lectures, unknown translator, London Reference number Z-431 (formerly Bn 192.1)
  • The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman, 5 lectures, copyright 1954 Rudolf Steiner Press, London, translated by D. Osmond
  • Lucifer and Ahriman, 5 lectures, copyright 1976 Steiner Book Centre, Canada, translated by D. Osmond
  • Lucifer and Ahriman, ISBN 0-91992-400-X, paperback, 5 lectures, copyright 1984 Steiner Book Centre, Canada, translated by D. Osmond
  • , ISBN 0-88010-375-2, paperback, 5 lectures, copyright 1993 Anthroposophic Press, New York, translated by D. Osmond

GA 191 ... Selections ...


The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman
Human Responsibility for the Earth

Book Cover Image Lectures I, II, IV, and V of this book are translations of lectures Eleven (November 1, 1919), Twelve (November 2, 1919), Fifteen (November 15, 1919) and Thirteen (November 9, 1919) of Soziales Verständnis aus geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis. Die geistigen Hintergründe der sozialen Frage, which is volume 191 [GA191] in the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner, published by the Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland, 1972; Lecture III of this book is a translation of Lecture Ten (November 4, 1919) of Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Rätsels. Luziferische Vergangenheit und ahrimanische Zukunft, which is volume 193 [GA193] of the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner, published by the Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland, 1977.


Lucifer and Ahriman
Man's Responsibility for the Earth

Book Cover Image Five lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in November, 1919 Authorised translation from shorthand reports unrevised by the lecturer. The original German texts of these lectures can be found in the Collected Edition of Rudolf Steiner's works under the titles: “Soziales Verstandniss aus geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis” and “Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Ratsels. Luziferische Vergangenheit and ahrimanische Zukunft” Nos. 191 and 193 in the Bibliographical Survey, 1961.


Incarnation of Lucifer and Ahriman

Book Cover Image This is the fourteenth of fifteen lectures given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in November of 1919, in the lecture series entitled, Social Questions and their Spiritual Background, Published in German as, Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis. Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III. This lecture is really not a part of the English published series, Incarnation of Lucifer and Ahriman, and has the title, Differentation of Primeval Wisdom into East, Middle, West.


Cosmogony, Freedom, Altruism

Book Cover Image Here are 3 of 15 lectures given at Dornach in the Fall of 1919. They are from the lecture series entitled, Social Questions and their Spiritual Background, published in German as, Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis. Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.


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