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Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion

Die Philosophie, Kosmologie und Religion in der Anthroposophie
Der Franz�sischkurs

Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1922; Bn 215; GA 215; CW 215)

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This cycle focuses on exercises to attain higher spiritual development. Steiner gives a description of philosophy based on Imagination, cosmology based on Inspiration, and religion based on Intuition. This is followed by a rich account of the stages of sleep and the period between death and rebirth, especially the role of Christ after death as revealed to spiritual cognition.


  • The Three Steps of Anthroposophy
  • Exercises of Thought, Feeling, Volition
  • Methods of Imaginative, Inspired, and Intuitive Knowledge ...
  • Exercises of Cognition and Will
  • Experiences of the Soul in Sleep
  • Transference from the Psycho-Spiritual to te Physical Sense-Life in Man's Development
  • The Relationship of Christ with Humanity
  • The Event of Death and its Relationship with the Christ
  • The Destination of Ego-Consciousness in Conjunction with the Christ Problem
  • Experiencing the Will Part of the Soul

Known Publications:

  • Die Philosophie, Kosmologie und Religion in der Anthroposophie, German language editions: 1980. ISBN 978-3-7274-2152-5,
  • Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy, Rudolf Steiner Publishing Company, London, and Anthroposophic Press, New York, 82 pp., translator unknown. Published in 1931, 1943, 1955.
  • Philosophy, Cosmology, and Religion, ISBN 0-88010-000-X,, copyright © 1984 Anthroposophic Press, translated by Lisa D. Monges and Doris M. Bugby.

GA 215 ... Selections ...


Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion

Book Cover Image This ten lecture course was published in English with the title, Philosophy, Cosmology, and Religion, and is also known as, The French Course. It was published in German as, Die Philosophie, Kosmologie und Religion in der Anthroposophie, “Franzoesischer Kurs”. Translated by Lisa D. Monges & Doris M. Bugby.


Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy

Book Cover Image Each chapter of this book was originally a part of a series of ten lectures given at the Goetheanum in September of 1922, known as the “French Course.” These lectures were revised by Steiner for printed form and were published by Frau Dr. Steiner in one volume. A series of lectures commencing with the opening of the French course at the Goetheanum Dornach, September 1922. This is Bn/GA/CW 25. This translation has been made from the original of Rudolf Steiner by permission of Harry Collison, M.A., Oxon., by whom all rights are reserved.

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