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Spiritual Relation in the Configuration of the Human Organism

Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen Organismus

The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background
Sleep and Death Experiences

The Concealed Aspects of Human Existence and the Christ Impulse
Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth
and in the Spiritual Worlds
Art in its Spiritual Nature

Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1922; Bn 218, GA 218, CW218)

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“Let us be courageous and not draw back in fear when realities of the world of spirit that play into human life are unveiled. You see, the future of humanity depends on us learning to live with the world of spirit in the same way that we live with the physical world here on Earth.” — Rudolf Steiner

In a wide-ranging series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner demonstrates the integral nature of spirit and matter and their manifold connections. Speaking to audiences in London, Holland, Germany, and Switzerland, Steiner explains how, through a process of evolving consciousness, humanity lost its knowledge and direct experience of the spiritual sources of existence but now needs to reconnect with them. Spirit is the essence and power of life that, in Steiner's vivid image, “strikes a match in our whole being” when we allow it to inform us fully.

These lectures offer a cornucopia of spiritual insights and wisdom for today.

Contents of this volume:

  • The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background,
  • The Soul and Spirit of Man between Death and a New Birth,
  • Aspects of the Human Organism,
  • Spiritual Relations in the Human Organism,
  • The Concealed Aspects of Human Existence,
  • Rememberance of Life before Birth,
  • Luciferic and Ahrimanic Forces Fight in Human Nature,
  • Exact Clairvoyance (Knowledge of Higher Worlds),
  • The Relation of Anthroposophy to Christianity,
  • Life after Death, Cosmic Midnight, Michael,
  • Problems of Ecucation and Teaching (The Work in England),
  • The Art of Education Based on an Understanding of the Human Organism,
  • Art in its Spiritual Nature (Love and Memory),
  • Man's Experience in the Etheric Cosmos,
  • The Ear.

Known Publications:

  • Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen Organismus, German language editions: 1976, 1992. ISBN 3-7274-0000-X,
  • Sleep and Death Experiences, 2 lectures, typescript, London referencess: Anthroposophy Quarterly 10:3, Newsletter 103
  • Spiritual Relations in the Human Organism, 3 lectures, 1975, Mercury Press, translated by MD
  • Spiritual Relations in the Human Organism, ISBN 0-936132-11-6, 3 lectures, 1984, Mercury Press, translated by GK AW
  • Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World, 6 lectures, 1925.
  • Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual World, 6 lectures, 1952. Anthroposophic Press, London, translated by George and Mary Adams
  • , ISBN 0-88010-000-X,
  • The Ear, typescript
  • Memory and Love, typescript
  • Planetary Spheres and their Influence, ISBN 0-85440-392-2,, Paperback, 3 lectures, 1982, Rudolf Steiner Press, translated by George and Mary Adams
  • First Steps in Supersensible... , 2 lectures, 1949, Anthroposophic Press, London, translated by D. S. Osmond

GA 218 ... Selections ...


The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background

Book Cover Image A lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Stuttgart, October 9, 1922. This translation is published here by permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung. This lecture is the first of sixteen lectures given between October and December, 1922, eventually to be collected and published in one volume of the Complete Centenary Edition of Rudolf Steiner's works in the original German.


Spiritual Relation in the Configuration of the Human Organism

Book Cover Image Three lectures given at the Goetheanum, Oct 20, 22, and 23, 1922, and translated by Margaret Deussen. We know that digestion is the destruction and re-enlivening of matter for sustaining of the body, but are we aware of the interconnectedness of this process to normal soul-life? Subjects in these lectures include the Parsifal motif and its relation to subtle changes within the human organism; the evolution of medicine; healing through the etheric and through the physical; health and illness in relation to dead and living light.


The Concealed Aspects of Human Existence and the Christ Impulse

Book Cover Image A lecture, delivered at The Hague, November 5, 1922, and printed from a stenographic report uncorrected by the lecturer with the authorization of Marie Steiner. Translated from the original by Katharine L. Federschmidt. Privately printed for the members of the College of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum. No one is considered competent to pass judgment upon these writings who has not acquired the prerequisite knowledge demanded by this school, either through the school itself or in a manner approved by it. Opinions expressed by other persons will be

These publications also contains lectures from GA 218


Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds

Book Cover Image Steiner reveals in this book the experiences we have after death, our spiritual connections with the planetary powers, and our preparations for reincarnation. With enlightening clarity, he shows us the vastness of our earthly and cosmic existence. Three lectures from: Spiritual Relationships in the Human Organism. Formerly published privately for members. Translated from the German by George and Mary Adams from Shorthand Reports unrevised by the Lecturer. From Bn 218.4, GA 211, and 214.


The Ear

Book Cover Image A lecture, hitherto untranslated given at Stuttgart on December 9, 1922. Published in The Golden Blade, 1970. It is the sixteenth of sixteen lectures in the volume Spiritual Relationships in the Human Organism. In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled, Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen Organismus (Vol. 218 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961). English version by George and Mary Adams.


Memory and Love

Book Cover Image This lecture by Rudolf Steiner was given in Stuttgart a few weeks before the first Goetheanum, the building to which he had given loving work as architect, sculptor, and painter, was completely destroyed by fire. In this lecture he speaks of the heritage brought over from the life before birth, and of the quality in the human soul which is a seed for the life after death, the quality of love; and of the power of the arts to make a bridge between the two worlds. Also known as, Art in its Spiritual Nature, it is a lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Stuttgart, 4th December, 1922. This lecture is number fourteen of sixteen in the lecture series entitled, Spiritual Relationships in the Human Organism, and published in German as, Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen Organismus.


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