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The Consciousness of the Initiate

Das Initiaten-Bewusstsein

Rudolf Steiner

Lectures given: Torquay, 1924
(Bn 243, GA 243, CW 243)
   Verlag Cover Image
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In this volume, Steiner delineates the different states of consciousness experienced by people in past ages and their methods of initiation. He discusses, in depth, the relationship of the seven metals to the different states of consciousness. Today, because we are constituted differently, we can develop higher perception only through purely spiritual forces. Many other spiritual facts are detailed in these absorbing, esoteric studies.

Lectures in this series are:

  • Initiate Consciousness, -or- From Illusion to Reality,
  • Historical and Spiritual Aspects of Consciousness, -or- Three Worlds: Human-Physical, Animal-Astral, and Plant-Spiriual,
  • Life after Death, Consciousness of the Mineral Kingdom,
  • Ancient and Modern Concepts of Nature, -or- Persephone, Natura,
  • The Ascent into Higher Worlds, -or- Copper, Mercury, Silver,
  • Ordinary Consciousness and Initiate Consciousness,
  • Spiritual Influences in Earthly Affairs, -or- Mysteries of Mediumship and Black Magic,
  • Mediumship, -or- Ahrimanic Elemental Beings,
  • The Initiate, the Dreamer, and the Medium, -or- Abnormal Paths into the Spiritual World,
  • The Spiritual Sun and Cosmic Man, -or- Sun Path and Moon Path,
  • Attainment of Knowledge of the Christ, -or- Initiate Consciousness

Known Publications:

  • Das Initiaten-Bewusstsein,
    German language editions: 1983, 1993. ISBN 3-7274-2430-3,
  • True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigations,
    Anthroposophic Press, London, c.1927
    Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1969
    Rudolf Steiner Press, London, c.1986 ISBN 0-88010-135-0,
  • Initiate Consciousness,
    Anthroposophic Press, London, c.1928
    Rudolf Steiner Research Foundation, California, c.1990
  • Reprinted by Kessinger Publications

GA 243 ... Selections ...


Das Initiaten-Bewußtsein
Die wahren und die falschen Wege der geistigen Forschung

Book Cover Image Inhalt (Auswahl): Die Natur ist die große Illusion. «Erkenne dich selbst» / Die drei Welten und ihre Spiegelbilder / Form und Substantialität des Mineralischen mit Bezug auf die Bewußtseinszustände des Menschen / Das Geheimnis des Erforschens anderer Welten durch die Metamorphose des Bewußtseins / Das innere Beleben der Seele durch die Eigenschaften des Metallischen / Initiationserkenntnisse / Sternenerkenntnis / Möglichkeiten der Abirrung in der geistigen Forschung / Abnorme Wege in die geistige Welt und deren Umwandlung / Einflüsse des außerirdischen Kosmos auf das menschliche Bewußtsein


12 Tafeln zu: Das Initiaten-Bewußtsein

Book Cover Image Kreidetafel Illustrationen zu: Das Initiaten-Bewußtsein


True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation (1969)

Book Cover Image Differences of Consciousness in Ancient and modern Times - Spiritual Knowledge important for purposes of Healing - Metals and their Effects upon Consciousness - Differentiation of the Historical Epochs and their Spiritual Background - Life-periods as Organs of Cognition - The School of Chartres - Potential Aberrations in Spiritual Investigation, e.g. Mediumship - Elementary Beings - Influences of the Sun and Moon - Dream Life and Somnambulism - The Metamorphosis of Consciousness - Revelation of the Divine through Art

True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation (1985)

Book Cover Image Eleven lectures given in August of 1924 at Torquay, England from the lecture series entitled, The Consciousness of the Initiate. Published in German as, Das Initiatenbewusstsein. Die wahren und die falschen Wege der geistigen Forschung. These volumes are presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.


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