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The New Art of Education

Gegenwärtiges Geistesleben und Erziehung

Education and Modern Spiritual Life
The Modern Art of Education

Rudolf Steiner
(Given 1923; Bn/GA/CW 307)

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These lectures form one of the most comprehensive introductions to the philosophy of Waldorf education. They have been published under the titles: Education and Modern Spiritual Life, The New Art of Education, and A Modern Art of Education. The spiritual values inherent in the education of children is the main thrust of these lectures. In addition to education, Steiner connects the results of a pedagogy based on spiritual insights and values with a mature, responsible, adult way of life. The negative results of not incorporating ethical, spiritual ideas and values in education is contrasted to the results of a positive, spiritual methodology. Steiner also points to the practice and realizations in daily life of a living proof of his ideas: the founding of the first Waldorf School in 1919.

Known Publications:

  • Gegenwärtiges Geistesleben und Erziehung, German language editions: 1973, 1986. ISBN 3-7274-3070-1,
  • Three Epochs in the Religious Education of Man,
    1927 Anthroposophical Publishing Co. (London), translator: unknown
  • The New Art of Education,
    1928 Anthroposophic Press (London), translator: unknown,
    1943 Rudolf Steiner Press (London), translator: unknown
  • Education and Modern Spiritual Life,
    1954 Anthroposophic Press (London) translator: unknown,
    c.1985 Garber Communications, translator: unknown, ISBN 0-89345-262-9,
  • A Modern Art of Education,
    1972 Rudolf Steiner Press (London), translator: George Adams/Jesse Darrell (?),
    1981 Rudolf Steiner Press (London), translator: George Adams/Jesse Darrell, ISBN 0-85440-261-6, Cloth, 0-85440-262-4, Paper
    2003 Anthroposophic Press, translator: Jesse Darrell/George Adams, ISBN 0-88010-511-9, Paper

Bn/GA/CW 307 ... Selections ...


Gegenwärtiges Geistesleben und Erziehung

Book Cover Image Die geistigen Werte, die in der Erziehung der Kinder ist die Hauptstoßrichtung dieser Vorträge. Neben Bildung, verbindet Steiner die Ergebnisse einer Pädagogik basiert auf spirituelle Einsichten und Werte mit einem reifen, verantwortlich, erwachsener Weg des Lebens. Die negativen Ergebnisse nicht enthalten ethische, geistige Ideen und Werte in der Bildung wird auf die Ergebnisse einer positiven, spirituellen Methodik gegenüber. Steiner weist auch auf die Praxis und Erkenntnisse im täglichen Leben eines lebenden Beweis seiner Ideen: die Gründung der ersten Waldorfschule im Jahr 1919.



Book Cover Image The spiritual values inherent in the education of children is the main thrust of these lectures. In addition to education, Steiner connects the results of a pedagogy based on spiritual insights and values with a mature, responsible, adult way of life. The negative results of not incorporating ethical, spiritual ideas and values in education is contrasted to the results of a positive, spiritual methodology. Steiner also points to the practice and realizations in daily life of a living proof of his ideas: the founding of the first Waldorf School in 1919.


Three Epochs in the Religious Education of Man

Book Cover Image This is the 11th of 19 lectures given by Rudolf Steiner at Ilkley, England in August of 1923. The series of lectures is entitled: The New Art of Education. They were published in German as: Gegenwaertiges Geistesleben und Erziehung. This lecture was translated from a shorthand report, unrevised by the lecturer, by an unknown translator.


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