The Agriculture Course
Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Gedeihen der Landwirtschaft
Landwirtschaftlicher Kurs
Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1924; Bn 327; GA 327; CW 327)
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With these talks, Steiner created and launched ‘biodynamic‘
farming — a specific form of agriculture which has come to be
regarded as ‘premium organic‘. However, the agriculture
Steiner speaks of in this book is much more than organic, and involves
working with the cosmos, earth, and spiritual entities. To facilitate
this, Steiner prescribes specific ‘preparations‘ for the
soil, as well as other distinct methods born from his profound
understanding of the material as well as spiritual worlds. He presents
a comprehensive picture of the complex dynamic relationships at work
in nature and gives basic indications of the practical measures which
are necessary for bringing them into full play.
Known Publications:
- Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Gedeihen der Landwirtschaft,
German language editions: 1979, 1984, 1999.
- The Agriculture Course, hardcover, copyright © 1938 Rudolf Steiner Publications, Corp., edited by Guenther Wachsmuth, unknown translator
- The Agriculture Course, hardcover, copyright © 1958 Biodynamic Agriculture Association, translated by George Adams
- The Agriculture Course, hardcover, copyright © 1972 Biodynamic Agriculture Association, translated by George Adams
- The Agriculture Course, hardcover, copyright © 1974 Biodynamic Agriculture Association, translated by George Adams
- The Agriculture Course, hardcover, copyright © 1977 Biodynamic Agriculture Association, translated by George Adams
- The Agriculture Course,
, hardcover, copyright © 1994 Biodynamic Agriculture Association, unknown translator
- The Birth of a New Agriculture,
, paperback, copyright © 1999 Temple Lodge Publications, edited by Adalbert Graf von Keyserlingk
GA 327 ... Selections ...
These lectures are reproduced here in the ‘classic’
translation made by Rudolf Steiner's English interpreter George Adams.
This edition also features a Preface by Steiner's colleague the medical
doctor Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, as well as eight colour plates.
This edition was translated from shorthand reports unrevised by the
These lectures are reproduced here in a first English translation edited by
Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth. This edition also features a Preface by Steiner's
colleague, the good doctor Guenther Wachsmuth, as well as facsimile
representations of the blackboard drawings made by Rudolf Steiner.
This edition was translated from shorthand reports unrevised by the
lecturer and presented here with the kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.