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On-site Documents, Translated by
George Kaufmann


George Adams (1894-1963), was born in Poland and received an honors degree in Chemistry from Cambridge University, and came into contact with Rudolf Steiner's work while a student there. He was active as a pacifist during the First World War, and did social work with the Quakers, in particular with the Friends' War Relief organisation in Poland. He worked for the rest of his life for Anthroposophy with a special interest in the scientific side, as well as developing Anthroposophical social aspects.

George was an avid student of Rudolf Steiner, and translated many of Steiner's lectures that were given to English-speaking audiences. Being a Jew, when Hitler rose t power he changed his name from Kaufmann to Adams and left Germany for England where he continued his anthroposophic activities and scientific research.

In 1935, Olive Whicher joined Adams in London and worked with him in research into mathematics and physics until his death in 1963. He discovered how to describe Steiner's findings about negative space in geometric terms, and was particularly adept with projective geometry and the application of path curves. He translated and published numerous books, lectures, and articles.

On-site Documents Translated by George Kaufmann ...

  Date Name of Document GA/ Bn Year  
. 1910-09-17 pm  Self-knowledge and the Portal of Initiation: Lecture 125  1910 [*]
. 1916-09-30 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture I: The Problem of Faust 273  1916 [*]
. 1916-11-13 pm  Factors of Karma, Deficiencies in Psychoanalysis 172  1916 [*]
. 1916-11-18 pm  Matter Incidental to the Question of Destiny 172  1916 [*]
. 1916-11-19 pm  Western Brotherhoods
From: Hereditary Impulses and Impulses from Previous Earth Lives
172  1916 [*]
. 1916-11-26 pm  The Relation of Man to the Hierarchies 172  1916 [*]
. 1916-12-10   Problem of Faust: Lecture II: The Romantic Walpurgis-Night 273  1916 [*]
. 1917-01-27 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture III: Goethe's Feeling for the Concrete. 273  1917 [*]
. 1917-11-02 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture IV: Faust and the "Mothers" 273  1917 [*]
. 1917-11-03 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture V: Faust and the Problem of Evil 273  1917 [*]
. 1917-11-04 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture VI: The Helena Saga and the Riddle of Freedom 273  1917 [*]
. 1918-09-27 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture VII: Some Spiritual-Scientific Observations 273  1918 [*]
. 1918-09-28 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture VIII: Spiritual Science Considered with the Classical Walpurgis-Night 273  1918 [*]
. 1918-09-29 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture IX: Goethe's Life of the Soul from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science 273  1918 [*]
. 1919-01-17 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture X: Faust's Knowledge and Understanding of Himself 273  1919 [*]
. 1919-01-18 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture XI: The Vision of Reality in the Greek Myths 273  1919 [*]
. 1919-01-19 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture XII: Goetheanism In Place of Homunculism and Mephistophelianism 273  1919 [*]

Total On-site Documents translated by George Kaufmann: 17

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