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On-site Documents, Translated by
Hanna von Maltitz


Hanna von Maltitz (1951– ) is the youngest of 5 children from an artistic family of a water-colorist, sculptor, dancer and musician-marionetteer. She discovered Anthroposophy in Dornach in 1974 and her life became devoted to this Movement — her two daughters and now two grand children attending the Waldorf Schools. She sold paintings extensively at the Johannesburg Waldorf School Market and moved to Cape Town in 2004 to do three solo exhibitions at the Novalis Ubuntu Institute. The fourth solo is due in November 2014.

Hanna is active in the Christian Community as server and trustee member and involved in the Community retirement cottages. She has published two fantasy novels and loves writing articles, novels and plays and does translations from French and German. Currently she is translating Dr Steiner's German lectures given during 1908. She enjoys sailing, swimming, kayaking on the sea and photography. For two years she lived in France but returned to settle permanently in Cape Town. She is never without her sketchbook although her paintings are all developed out of a play of color without mental planning. The choice of color is born from the mood of the day, or movement develops the gesture. Her oil paintings have evolved out of watercolour veil paintings according to the teachings of Collot D'Herbois.

On-site Documents Translated by Hanna von Maltitz ...

  Date Name of Document GA/ Bn Year  
. 1908-10-26   On his Hymns to the Night
From: Novalis
108  1908 [*]
. 1908-10-27 pm  The Mission of Savonarola 108  1908 [*]
. 1908-11-21 pm  Regarding Higher Worlds 108  1908 [*]
. 1908-11-23 pm  What is Self-knowledge? 108  1908 [*]
. 1908-12-13 pm  The Rishis 108  1908 [*]
. 1908-12-14 pm  The Ten Commandments 108  1908 [*]
. 1909-01-17 pm  Way of Knowledge 108  1909 [*]
. 1917-10-05 pm  History of Art: Lecture X: Disputa of Raphael - the School of Athens 292  1917 [*]
. 1917-10-15 pm  History of Art: Lecture XI: Fourth and Fifth Post-Atlantean Epochs, Medieval Art in the Middle, West, and South of Europe 292  1917 [*]
. 1917-10-22 pm  History of Art: Lecture XII: Greek and Early Christian Art, Symbolic Signs, the Mystery of Gold 292  1917 [*]
. 1917-10-29 pm  History of Art: Lecture XIII: The Changes in the Conception of Christ During a Certain Period of Time 292  1917 [*]
. 1918-06-12 pm  Goethe's Relationship to his 'Faust' 273  1918 [*]
. 1920-12-04 pm  Hegel, Schopenhauer, Thought, Will 202  1920 [*]
. 1920-12-11 pm  Birth and Death as Revelations of Love and Freedom
From: The Bridge between Morality and Nature
202  1920 [*]
. 1920-12-12 pm  Spiritual Science, History, Reincarnation, Culture, Examples 202  1920 [*]
. 1921-01-16 pm  Natural Science; the Anthroposophical Movement 203  1921 [*]
. 1921-02-08 pm  Opponents to Anthroposophy
From: Opponents of Anthroposophy
203  1921 [*]
. 1921-08-07 pm  Development of the child up to puberty
From: Development of the Child up to Puberty
206  1921 [*]
. 1923-07-11 pm  Course for Priests of the Christian Community
From: The Essence of the Active Word
345  1923 [*]
. 1923-07-12 pm  Course for Priests of the Christian Community
From: The Essence of the Active Word
345  1923 [*]
. 1923-07-13 pm  Course for Priests of the Christian Community
From: The Essence of the Active Word
345  1923 [*]
. 1923-07-14 pm  Course for Priests of the Christian Community
From: The Essence of the Active Word
345  1923 [*]

Total On-site Documents translated by Hanna von Maltitz: 22

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