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The Gospel of St. Matthew
Das Matthäus-Evangelium
Rudolf Steiner
(Given in 1910; Bn 123; GA 123; CW 123)
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The four Gospels, Steiner says, are meant to supplement one another to
form a comprehensive picture of earthly and spiritual events. The Matthew
Gospel describes Christ Jesus in his human aspects so that he is more near
to us in a human sense. From an understanding of the Gospel of St. Matthew
“can stream into us courage in life, strength and hope in our
- The soul qualities of the post-Atlantean people. Iranianism and Turanianism
- The Secrets of Space and Time. The Hermes and Moses Wisdom
- The Old Hebrew Knowledge of God. Abraham and Melchizedek
- Yeshu ben Pandira, and the Essene Inauguration
- Seven and Twelve. The Reflection of the Cosmic Relationships in the Evolution of Mankind
- The Generation of the Line of Inheritance of Jesus in Luke's Gospel and Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew
- The Eightfold Path. The nature of initiation in pre-Christian mysteries. Christ, the fulfillment and the model of the new initiation
- The Christ event as a historical fact. The initiation of the ego
- The unique appearance of the Christ in a physical body. The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
- The Confession of Peter. The Son of Man and the Son of the Living God. The expulsion of the disciples into the macrocosm by the Christ
- The Christ-Being and the two Jesus-boys. The Four Aspects of the Evangelists. The Human in the Gospel of Matthew
Known Publications:
- Das Matthäeus-evangelium,
(12 lectures)
German language editions: 1978, 1988.
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©1925 Anthroposophical Society of Great Britain, unknown translator
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©1935 Rudolf Steiner Press, London, and Anthroposophic Press, unknown translator
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©1946 Rudolf Steiner Press, London, and Anthroposophic Press, unknown translator
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©1965 Rudolf Steiner Press, London, translated by Dorothy S. Osmond and Mildred Kirkcaldy,
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©1985 Anthroposophic Press, translated by Dorothy S. Osmond and Mildred Kirkcaldy,
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©1996 Anthroposophic Press,
- According to Matthew: The Gospel of Christ's Humanity, ©2002 SteinerBooks, translated by Catherine E. Creeger,
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©2003 Kessinger Publications,
- The Gospel of Matthew, ©2010 Kessinger Publications,
GA 123 ... Selections ...
Inhalt (Auswahl): Die nachatlantischen Völkerströmungen.
Iraniertum und Turaniertum /
Die Geheimnisse des Raumes und der Zeit. Die Hermes- und die
Moses-Weisheit /
Die althebräische Gotteserkenntnis. Abraham und Melchisedek /
Jeshu ben Pandira und die Essäereinweihung /
Siebenzahl und Zwölfzahl. Die Spiegelung der kosmischen
Verhöltnisse in der Menschheitsentwickelung /
Die Generationenfolge der Vererbungslinie des Jesus im
Lukas-Evangelium und des Jesus im Matthöus-Evangelium /
Der achtgliedrige Pfad. Das Wesen der Einweihung in den
vorchristlichen Mysterien. Christus, die Erfüllung und das
Vorbild der neuen Initiation /
Das Christus-Ereignis als historische Tatsache. Die Initiation des Ich /
Das einmalige Erscheinen des Christus in einem physischen Leibe. Das
Wiedererscheinen des Christus im Ätherischen /
Das Petrus-Bekenntnis. Der Menschensohn und der Sohn des lebendigen
Gottes. Das Hinausführen der Jünger in den Makrokosmos
durch den Christus /
Die Christus-Wesenheit und die beiden Jesus-Knaben. Die vier
Gesichtspunkte der Evangelisten. Das Menschliche im
The four Gospels, Steiner says, are meant to supplement one another to
form a comprehensive picture of earthly and spiritual events. The Matthew
Gospel describes Christ Jesus in his human aspects so that he is more near
to us in a human sense. From an understanding of the Gospel of St. Matthew
“can stream into us courage in life, strength and hope in our
labors.” This volume was translated by an unknown translator.
The four Gospels, Steiner says, are meant to supplement one another to
form a comprehensive picture of earthly and spiritual events. The Matthew
Gospel describes Christ Jesus in his human aspects so that he is more near
to us in a human sense. From an understanding of the Gospel of St. Matthew
“can stream into us courage in life, strength and hope in our
labors.” This volume was translated by Dorothy S. Osmond and
Mildred Kirkcaldy.
The books in this area can be compared side by side in the same browser
window. Select any combination of lectures, prefaces, appendixes, etc.,
from any of the editions found here.