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On-site Documents, Translated by
George Metaxa


The Documents by Translators Section of the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib presents some of the books, lectures, articles or essays by Rudolf Steiner ordered by the Translator of the document. They are specifically designated as books, lectures, articles or essays in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner Archive Menu. The Table below lists the Documents' Translator, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

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On-site Documents Translated by George Metaxa ...

  Date Name of Document GA/ Bn Year  
. 1908-08-18 pm  Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy 35  1908 [*]
. 1909-06-24 pm  The Christians of St. John. The rebirth of the higher Ego in man and in humanity.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-25 pm  The living spiritual history. The leaders of humanity. The creative Word.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-26 pm  The metamorphoses of the Earth. The prototypes of created types. The servants of the Word.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-27 pm  The hierarchies of our solar system and the kingdoms of the earth.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-28 pm  Human development during the incarnations of our Earth. The kingdom of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic spirits and the kingdom of the divine spiritual beings.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-29 pm  The Atlantean oracles. The post Atlantean Sanctuaries of initiation. The Baptism by John.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-30 pm  The Baptism with Water and the Baptism with Fire and Spirit.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-01 pm  The Mysteries of initiation. The rebirth through Christ Jesus.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-02 pm  The artistic composition of the Gospel of St. John. The climax of power in the signs and miracles.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-03 pm  What occurred at the Baptism by John? Christ's mastery over the laws of the bony system and the conquest of death.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-04 pm  The establishment of harmony in the inner forces of man through the Christ-impulse. The connection between the ancient Mysteries and the Gospels.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-05 pm  The decline of the ancient wisdom and its renewal through the Christ-impulse. The significance of the Mystery of Golgotha for human evolution upon earth.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-06 pm  The cosmic significance of the Mystery of Golgotha. The conquest of death through the expulsion of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic influence. Death as the bringer of life. The Earth becomes a new Sun. The power of Christ radiates into the human etheric body. The effects of the Christ-light and its reflection in the earth's periphery as a spiritual sphere. The Holy Ghost.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]
. 1909-07-07 pm  The Earth as the body of Christ and as a new centre of light. The Last Supper as the preparation for the mystical union with Christ. Paul, the apostle of the spiritually living Christ. The seven stages of Christian initiation. Death, the seed of eternal Ego-hood. Spirit-knowledge is the fire of life.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  1909 [*]

Total On-site Documents translated by George Metaxa: 15

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