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On-site Documents, Translated by
Pauline Wehrle


The Documents by Translators Section of the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib presents some of the books, lectures, articles or essays by Rudolf Steiner ordered by the Translator of the document. They are specifically designated as books, lectures, articles or essays in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner Archive Menu. The Table below lists the Documents' Translator, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

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On-site Documents Translated by Pauline Wehrle ...

  Date Name of Document GA/ Bn Year  
. 1908-11-02 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 1: Forgetting 107  1908 [*]
. 1908-11-10 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 2: Different Types of Illness 107  1908 [*]
. 1908-12-08 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 3: Original Sin 107  1908 [*]
. 1908-12-21 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 4: Rhythm in the Bodies of Man 107  1908 [*]
. 1909-01-12 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 5: Rhythms in the Being of Man 107  1909 [*]
. 1909-01-26 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 6: Illness and Karma 107  1909 [*]
. 1909-04-27 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 7: Laughing and Weeping 107  1909 [*]
. 1909-05-03 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 8: The Manifestation of the Ego in the Different Races of Men 107  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-17 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 9: Evolution, Involution and Creation out of Nothingness 107  1909 [*]
. 1911-09-17 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Christ Impulse in Historical Development - Lecture 1 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-09-19 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Christ Impulse in Historical Development - Lecture 2 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-09-27 pm  Esoteric Christianity: Rosicrucian Christianity - Lecture 1 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-09-28 pm  Esoteric Christianity: Rosicrucian Christianity - Lecture 2 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-11-04 pm  Esoteric Christianity: Jeshu ben Pandira - Lecture 1 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-11-05 pm  Esoteric Christianity: Jeshu ben Pandira - Lecture 2 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-11-18 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Christ Impulse as Living Reality - Lecture 1 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-11-20 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Christ Impulse as Living Reality - Lecture 2 130  1911 [*]
. 1912-01-27 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age - Lecture 1 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-01-29 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age - Lecture 2 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-08 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The True Attitude To Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-09 pm  Esoteric Christianity: Intimate Workings of Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-12-18 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz 130  1912 [*]
. 1916-01-25 pm  Lecture I: The Past Shows Us a Picture of Necessity
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  1916 [*]
. 1916-01-27 pm  Lecture II: The Legend of the Prague Clock
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  1916 [*]
. 1916-01-30 pm  Lecture III: Three Teachers with Different Attitudes
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  1916 [*]
. 1916-02-01 pm  Lecture IV: The Roman World and the Teutonic Tribes
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  1916 [*]
. 1916-02-08 pm  Lecture V: The "I" is Found on the Physical Plane in Acts of Will
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  1916 [*]
. 1919-07-11 pm  Observations and Results of Spiritual Science
From: The Supersensible Being of Man and the Evolution of Mankind
330  1919 [*]

Total On-site Documents translated by Pauline Wehrle: 28

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