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On-line Lectures by Year


The Lectures by Year Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1918 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1918-01-04 pm  Lecture I: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-05 pm  Lecture II: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-06 pm  Lecture III: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-08 pm  Lecture IV: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-11 pm  Lecture V: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-12 pm  Lecture VI: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-13 pm  Lecture VII: Ancient Myths 180  Dornach [*]
. 1918-01-22 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 1: The Present Position of Spiritual Science 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-01-24 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture I: Aim and Being of Spiritual Research 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-01-29 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 2: A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Human Being 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-02-05 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 3: The Living and the Dead 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-02-07 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture II: The Human Being as Being of Soul and Spirit 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-02-10 pm  The Dead Are With Us 182  Nuremberg [*]
. 1918-02-10 pm  Dead Are With Us: Lecture
From: The Dead Are With Us
182  Nuremburg [*]
. 1918-02-14 pm  Lecture: Signs of the Times: Michaels Battle and Its Reflection On Earth -- I 174a Munich [*]
. 1918-02-15 pm  The Physical-Superphysical: Its Realisation Through Art 271  Munich [*]
. 1918-02-17 pm  Lecture: Signs of the Times: Michaels Battle and Its Reflection On Earth -- II 174a Munich [*]
. 1918-02-21 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture III: Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-02-25 pm  Man/Being/Spirit/Soul: Lecture I: Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul Unknown Stuttgart [*]
. 1918-02-26 pm  Man/Being/Spirit/Soul: Lecture II: The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious Unknown Stuttgart [*]
. 1918-02-28 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture IV: Mind, Soul and Body of the Human Being 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-05 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 4: The Cosmic Thoughts and our Dead 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-07 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture V: Nature and Her Riddles in the Light of Spiritual Science 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-12 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 5: Man's Connection with the Spiritual World 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-14 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture VI: The Historical Life of Humanity and Its Riddles 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-19 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 6: Feelings of Unity and Sentiments of Gratitude: A Bridge to the Dead 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-21 pm  Dreams, Hallucinations, Visions, Somnambulism, Mediumship
From: Manifestations of the Unconscious
67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-26 pm  Earthly Death/Cosmic Life: Lecture 7: Confidence in Life and Rejuvenation of the Soul: A Bridge to the Dead 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-30 pm  The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit: Lecture 1 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-03-30 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture I: Folk Souls and the Mystery of Golgotha 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-01 pm  The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit: Lecture 2 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-01 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture II: The Relativity of Knowledge, and Spiritual Cosmology 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-02 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture III: Thoughts about the Life Between Death and Rebirth 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-09 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture IV: The Eternal and the Imperishable 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-15 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture VIII: The Animal and Human Realms. Their Origin and Development 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-16 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture V: Thoughts on Life and Death 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-18 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture IX: The Supersensible Human Being 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-20 pm  Eternal Human Soul: Lecture X: The Questions of Free Will and Immortality 67  Berlin [*]
. 1918-04-24 pm  Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture I: Free Will, Immortality Unknown Stuttgart [*]
. 1918-04-25 pm  Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture II: The Historical Evolution of Humanity Unknown Stuttgart [*]
. 1918-05-06 pm  The Sources of Artistic Imagination and the Sources of Supersensible Knowledge
From: The Sources of Artistic Imagination and The Sources of Supersensible Knowledge
271  Munich [*]
. 1918-05-14 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture VI: Spiritual Science, the Practice of Life and the Destinies of Souls 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-05-21 pm  Life Gifts: Lecture VII: Whitsuntide Lecture 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-06-12 pm  Goethe's Relationship to his 'Faust' 273  Prague [*]
. 1918-06-25 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture I: States of Consciousness 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-07-03 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture II: The Building at Dornach 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-07-09 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture III: East and West 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-07-16 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture IV: History and Repeated Earth-Lives 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-07-23 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture V: The Being and Evolution of Man 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-07-30 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture VI: Problems of the Time (I) 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-08-06 pm  Sound Outlook: Lecture VII: Problems of the Time (II) 181  Berlin [*]
. 1918-08-17 pm  Occult Psychology: Lecture One 183  Dornach [*]
. 1918-08-18 pm  Occult Psychology: Lecture Two 183  Dornach [*]
. 1918-08-19 pm  Occult Psychology: Lecture Three 183  Dornach [*]
. 1918-08-24 pm  Mysteries of the Sun: Lecture I 183  Dornach [*]
. 1918-08-25 pm  Mysteries of the Sun: Lecture II 183  Dornach [*]
. 1918-08-26 pm  Mysteries of the Sun: Lecture III 183  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-06 pm  St. Augustine 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-06 pm  Bridge between the Ideal and the Real: Lecture I 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-07 pm  Goethe, Comte and Bentham 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-07 pm  Bridge between the Ideal and the Real: Lecture II 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-20 pm  Cosmic Prehistory: Lecture I: The Threefoldness of Space and the Unity of Time 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-21 pm  Cosmic Prehistory: Lecture II: Lucifer and Ahriman 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-22 pm  Cosmic Prehistory: Lecture III: Romanism and Freemasonry 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-27 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture VII: Some Spiritual-Scientific Observations 273  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-28 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture VIII: Spiritual Science Considered with the Classical Walpurgis-Night 273  Dornach [*]
. 1918-09-29 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture IX: Goethe's Life of the Soul from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science 273  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-04 pm  Three Streams: Lecture I: The Lower Three Human Members and the Spirits of Form 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-04 pm  Lecture I: The Lower Three Human Members and the Spirits of Form
From: Three Streams in Human Evolution
184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-05 pm  Three Streams: Lecture II: The Fifth Epoch, Semitic and Greek Cultures, the Christ Impulse 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-05 pm  Three Streams: Lecture II: The Fifth Epoch, Semitic and Greek Cultures, the Christ Impulse
From: Three Streams in Human Evolution
184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-06 pm  Three Streams: Lecture III: The Mystery of Golgotha Must Be Approached Supersensibly 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-06 pm  Three Streams: Lecture III: The Mystery of Golgotha Must Be Approached Supersensibly
From: Three Streams in Human Evolution
184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-09 pm  Lecture: The Work of the Angels In Man's Astral Body 182  Zurich [*]
. 1918-10-11 pm  Three Streams: Lecture IV: Consciousness Soul and Scientific Thinking, Sorat and 666 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-11 pm  Three Streams: Lecture IV: Consciousness Soul and Scientific Thinking, Sorat and 666
From: Three Streams in Human Evolution
184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-12 pm  Three Streams: Lecture V: Free Human Personality by Self Training, Justinian and the Schools 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-12 pm  Three Streams: Lecture V: Free Human Personality by Self Training, Justinian and the Schools
From: Three Streams in Human Evolution
184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-13 pm  Three Streams: Lecture VI: Augustus and the Roman Catholic Church, Rhetoric, Intellectual Soul and Consciousness Soul 184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-13 pm  Three Streams: Lecture VI: Augustus and the Roman Catholic Church, Rhetoric, Intellectual Soul and Consciousness Soul
From: Three Streams in Human Evolution
184  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-16 pm  Lecture: How Do I Find the Christ? 182  Zurich [*]
. 1918-10-18 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture I: The Birth of the Consciousness Soul 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-19 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture II: Symptomatology of Recent Centuries 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-20 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture III: Characteristics of Historical Symptoms in Recent Times 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-25 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture IV: The Historical Significance of the Scientific Mode of Thinking 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-26 pm  Evil and the Future of Man 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-26 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture V: The Supersensible Element in the Study of History 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-27 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture VI: Brief Reflections on the Publication of the New Edition of 'The Philosophy of Freedom' 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-10-30 pm  Freedom/Immortality/Social: Lecture VII: The Nature of the Human Soul and the Nature of the Human Body 72  Basel [*]
. 1918-10-31 pm  Freedom/Immortality/Social: Lecture VIII: How Natural Sciences Justify the Supersensible Knowledge 72  Basel [*]
. 1918-11-01 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture VII: Incidental Reflections on the Occasion of the New Edition of 'Goethes Weltanschauung' 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-11-02 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture VIII: Religious Impulses of the Fifth Post-Atlantean Epoch 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-11-03 pm  Symptom 2 Reality: Lecture IX: The Relation Between the Deeper European Impulses and Those of the Present Day 185  Dornach [*]
. 1918-11-29 pm  Challenge/Times: Lecture I: East and West from a Spiritual Point of View
From: The Challenge of the Times
186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-11-30 pm  Challenge/Times: Lecture II: The Present from the Viewpoint of the Present
From: The Challenge of the Times
186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-01 pm  Challenge/Times: Lecture III: The Mechanistic, Eugenic and Hygienic Aspects of the Future
From: The Challenge of the Times
186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-06 pm  Challenge/Times: Lecture IV: Social and Antisocial Instincts
From: The Challenge of the Times
186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-07 pm  Challenge/Times: Lecture V: Specters of the Old Testament in the Nationalism of the Present
From: The Challenge of the Times
186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-08 pm  Challenge/Times: Lecture VI: The Innate Capacities of the Nations of the World
From: The Challenge of the Times
186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-09 pm  Freedom/Immortality/Social: Lecture IX: How Does One Justify the Anthroposophical Psychology? 72  Bern [*]
. 1918-12-11 pm  Freedom/Immortality/Social: Lecture X: Moral, Social Life and Religion from the Viewpoint of Anthroposophy 72  Bern [*]
. 1918-12-12 pm  Lecture: Social and Anti-Social Forces in the Human Being GA186 Bern [*]
. 1918-12-13 pm  Fundamental Social: Lecture 1: The Transforming of Instinctive into Conscious Impulses 186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-14 pm  Fundamental Social: Lecture 2: The Logic of Thought and the Logic of Reality 186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-15 pm  Fundamental Social: Lecture 3: The Metamorphosis of Intelligence 186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-20 pm  Fundamental Social: Lecture 4: The New Revelation of the Spirit 186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-21 pm  Fundamental Social: Lecture 5: Understand One-Another 186  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-22 pm  A Christmas Lecture by Rudolf Steiner
From: The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul
187  Basel [*]
. 1918-12-22 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 1: The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul 187  Basel [*]
. 1918-12-24 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 2: The Entrance of Christianity into the Course of Earth Evolution 187  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-25 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 3: Brotherliness and Freedom ... 187  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-27 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 4: Contrasting Principles of Ancient and Modern Initiation 187  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-28 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 5: The Change in the Human Soul Constitution 187  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-29 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 6: Transformation of the Human Being in the Course of Evolution 187  Dornach [*]
. 1918-12-31 pm  How Can Mankind Find Christ Again?: Lecture 7: Experiences of the Old Year and Outlook over the New Year (part 1) 187  Dornach [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1918: 115

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