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Related Authors


The Related Authors Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents articles, essays, commentaries, and books by authors cited by Steiner, or on subjects relating to the works of Rudolf Steiner. These documents are presented here as a study tool and reference point for the ideas, and views of their respective authors. The Table below lists the name of the author and document(s), the number of documents in the series, and whether a summary of the documents is available.

Document Info
. Chrono List
. Books
. Lectures (by year)
. Search e.Lib
. Abstracts

Selected Documents...

 Author/Document Nbr  Sum   
Adams George Kaufmann
. Souls of the Nations 11
Adolph Arenson
. Top 50 Steiner Lecture Cycles 1
. The Interior of the Earth 1
. Szene im Geistgebiet (Musical Score from The Mystery Dramas) 1
. Musik Zu Den Mysteriendramen (Music from The Mystery Dramas) 25
Owen Barfield
. Introducing Rudolf Steiner 1
. Philology and the Incarnation 1
. The Relation Between the Economics of C. H. Douglas and Those of Rudolf Steiner 1
. The Introduction Steiner's Lecture Series: Origins of Natural Science 1
Mabel Collins
. Light on the Path 1
John Davy
. Rudolf Steiner: A Sketch of his Life and Work 1
René Descartes
. Discourse On The Method Of Rightly Conducting The Reason, And Seeking Truth In The Sciences 1
. Meditations 1
Norbert Glas
. How to Look at Illness 1
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
. Das Märchen (The Tale) 1
. The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily 1
Judith von Halle
. The Coronavirus Pandemic II 9
Alfred Heidenreich
. Introduction from Christianity As Mystical Fact 1 [*]
. The Risen Christ and the Etheric Christ 1
Ernst Katz
. The Mission of Rudolf Steiner 1
. Physiognomical Studies — Caricatures 12
Karl König
. On the Sheath of the Preparation 4
Eugene Kolisko
. Memory and Phantasy 1
. Silver and its Connection with the Human Organism 1
Johannes Kreyenbuehl
. Ethical-Spiritual Activity in Kant 1
Bernhard Lievegoed
. Toward the 21st Century - Doing the Good 3
Rick Mansell
. Readings of Assorted Rudolf Steiner Lectures 47
A. H. Parker
. The Unknown Philosopher 1
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer
. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening 1
Violet Plincke
. Novalis, A Sketch 1
Hermann Poppelbaum
. ‘Man’ as a Compendium of the Animal Kingdom 1
. Can Supersensible Facts Be Proven? 1
. Man's Eternal Biography 3
Sigurd Rascher
. Forces of Death and Life: The Nuclear Crisis 1
Friedrich Rittelmeyer
. Reincarnation in the Light of Thought, Religion, and Ethics 1
Arild Rosenkrantz
. Arild Rosenkrantz Author Index 1
. The New Impulse in Art 1
Marie Steiner
. Creative Speech 1
. In Memory of Rudolf Steiner — by Marie Steiner 1
Carl Unger
. Truth and Reality 1
. What is Anthroposophy? 1
George Unger
. On Nuclear Energy and the Occult Atom 1
. Mechanical Occultism 1
Elizabeth Vreede
. Anthroposophy and Astronomy 1
Olin D. Wannamaker
. Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Thought 1
Ita Wegman
. On the Work of the Archangel Michael 1
. The Way of Initiation in the Ancient Mysteries, the Way of Knowledge in Modern Times 1
E. Weisshaar
. A Guide to the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner 11
. The Constellation of Cosmic Thought - Spiritual Nativity 1
. Self-Observation 1
. The Imagery of the Goetheanum Windows 9

Total On-site Documents: 175

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