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On-site Documents, Translated by
Dorothy S. Osmond


The Documents by Translators Section of the Rudolf Steiner e.Lib presents some of the books, lectures, articles or essays by Rudolf Steiner ordered by the Translator of the document. They are specifically designated as books, lectures, articles or essays in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner Archive Menu. The Table below lists the Documents' Translator, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

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On-site Documents Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond ...

  Date Name of Document GA/ Bn Year  
. 1904-10-10 pm  Lecture: (On) Apocalyptic Writings - I 92  1904 [*]
. 1904-10-17 pm  Lecture: (On) Apocalyptic Writings - II 92  1904 [*]
. 1904-10-24 pm  Lecture: (On) Apocalyptic Writings - III 92  1904 [*]
. 1904-11-03 pm  Lecture: Theosophy and Tolstoy 53  1904 [*]
. 1904-12-30 pm  Lecture: On The Three Magi B60 1904 [*]
. 1905-12-24 pm  Lecture: The Christmas Festival: A Token of the Victory of the Sun Unknown 1905 [*]
. 1906-10-15 pm  Karma and Details of the Law of Karma 96  1906 [*]
. 1906-12-17 pm  Lecture: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 96  1906 [*]
. 1907-04-12 pm  Easter and the Awakening to Cosmic Thought 96  1907 [*]
. 1908-12-16 pm  Lecture: A Chapter of Occult History 108  1908 [*]
. 1908-12-22 pm  The Christmas Mystery, Novalis, the Seer 108  1908 [*]
. 1909-01-01 pm  Deed of Christ: Lecture 1: Mephistopheles and Earthquakes 107  1909 [*]
. 1909-03-22 pm  Deed of Christ: Lecture 2: The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers. Lucifer, Ahriman, Asuras. 107  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-03 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture I: Rosicrucian Esotericism 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-04 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture II: Soul in the World around Us 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-05 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture III: The Nature and Being of Man 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-06 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture IV: Man Between Death and Rebirth 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-07 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture V: The Physical World as an Expression of Spiritual Forces and Beings 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-08 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture VI: The Configuration and Metamorphoses of Man's Physical Body 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-09 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture VII: Evolutionary Stages of our Earth before the Lemurian Epoch 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-10 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture VIII: Stages in the Evolution of our Earth. Lemurian, Atlantean, Post-Atlantean Epochs. 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-11 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture IX: Man's Experience after Death 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-06-12 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture X: On Karma, Reincarnation and Initiation 109  1909 [*]
. 1909-11-13 pm  Lecture: The Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science 117  1909 [*]
. 1910-02-20 pm  Lecture: The Sermon on the Mount and the Return of Christ 118  1910 [*]
. 1910-10-27 pm  Life and Death 60  1910 [*]
. 1910-12-27   Yuletide and the Christmas Festival 125  1910 [*]
. 1911-09-21 pm  The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas
From: Buddha and Christ
130  1911 [*]
. 1911-11-09 pm  Prophecy -- Its Nature and Meaning 61  1911 [*]
. 1911-11-18 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture V. The Christ Impulse as Living Reality 130  1911 [*]
. 1911-12-26 pm  Lecture: The Birth of the Sun-Spirit as the Spirit of the Earth 127  1911 [*]
. 1912-01-27 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture I. The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-01-29 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture II. The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-08 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture III. The True Attitude to Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-09 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture IV. Intimate Workings of Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-05-07 pm  Lecture: Calendar of the Soul 143  1912 [*]
. 1912-05-08 pm  Ancient Wisdom and the Heralding of the Christ Impulse 143  1912 [*]
. 1912-12-18 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture VII. The Mission of Gautama Buddha on Mars 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-12-19 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture VI. The Starry Heaven Above Me - The Moral Law Within Me 130  1912 [*]
. 1913-05-01 pm  Lecture: Occult Science and Occult Development 152  1913 [*]
. 1913-05-02 pm  Lecture: Christ at the Time of the Mystery of Golgotha and Christ in the Twentieth Century 152  1913 [*]
. 1914-10-10 pm  The Building at Dornach: Lecture I
From: The Building at Dornach
287  1914 [*]
. 1914-10-18 pm  The Building at Dornach: Lecture II
From: The Building at Dornach
287  1914 [*]
. 1914-10-19 pm  The Building at Dornach: Lecture III
From: The Building at Dornach
287  1914 [*]
. 1914-10-24 pm  The Building at Dornach: Lecture IV
From: The Building at Dornach
287  1914 [*]
. 1914-10-25 pm  The Building at Dornach: Lecture V
From: The Building at Dornach
287  1914 [*]
. 1914-12-27   Lecture: The Birth of Christ Within Us 156  1914 [*]
. 1915-10-10 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture One: Seership and Thinking 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-11 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Two: Mediumistic Methods 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-16 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Three: Materialism of the 19th Century 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-17 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Four: The Attempt Made by the Occultists to Avert the Lapse into Materialism 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-18 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Five: The Eighth Sphere 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-19 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Six: The Dangers of Aberation Along the Path into the Spiritual World 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-22 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Seven: Investigation of the Life between Death and a New Birth 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-23 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Eight: The Purpose of the Use of Symbols 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-24 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Nine: Investigation of the Mineral World 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-25 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Ten: Human Consciousness between Objective and Subjective Reality 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-10-31 pm  Significant Facts: Lecture I: A Convulsive Element in Humanity in the Nineteenth Century 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-11-01 pm  Significant Facts: Lecture II: Ancient Occult Magic. The Ahasver Mystery. 254  1915 [*]
. 1915-11-07 pm  Significant Facts: Lecture III: The Tragic Wrestling with Knowledge. The Secrets of the Future Sixth Cultural Period. 254  1915 [*]
. 1916-12-21 pm  Lecture: Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny 173  1916 [*]
. 1918-02-10 pm  Dead Are With Us: Lecture
From: The Dead Are With Us
182  1918 [*]
. 1918-03-21 pm  Dreams, Hallucinations, Visions, Somnambulism, Mediumship
From: Manifestations of the Unconscious
67  1918 [*]
. 1921-01-01   Lecture: The Proclamations to the Magi and the Shepherds 203  1921 [*]
. 1921-12-26   Lecture: The Revelation of the Cosmic Christ 209  1921 [*]
. 1922-04-02 pm  Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity 211  1922 [*]
. 1922-07-01 pm  Lecture III: Human Questions and Cosmic Answers 213  1922 [*]
. 1922-11-26 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture I: The Spirit-Seed of Man's Physical Organism 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-01 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture II: Moral Qualities and the Life After Death. Windows of the Earth 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-03 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture III: Man's Relation to the World of the Stars 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-15 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture IV: Rhythms of Earthly and Spiritual Life. Love, Memory, the Moral Life 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-16 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture V: Human Faculties and Their Connections with Elemental Beings 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-17 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture VI: Spiritualization of Knowledge of Space. The Mission of Michael 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-22 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture VII: Inner Processes in the Human Organism 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-23 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture I: Midsummer and Midwinter Mysteries 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-24 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture II: The Mysteries of Man's Nature and the Course of the Year 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-29 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture III: From Man's Living Together with the Course of Cosmic Existence Arises the Cosmic Cult 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-30 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture IV: The Relation of the Movement for Religious Renewal to the Anthroposophical Movement 219  1922 [*]
. 1922-12-31 pm  Spiritual Knowledge is a True Communion, the Beginning of a Cosmic Cult Suitable for Men of the Present Age 219  1922 [*]
. 1924-01-01   World History: Lecture IX: World History in the Light of Anthroposophy 233  1924 [*]
. 1924-03-13 pm  Star Wisdom: Lecture I: Star Wisdom, Moon Religion, Sun Religion 353  1924 [*]
. 1924-03-29 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture I 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-03-30 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture II 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-03-31 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture III 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-04-05 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture IV 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-04-12 pm  Star Wisdom: Lecture II: The Easter Festival and Its Background 353  1924 [*]
. 1924-05-08 pm  Star Wisdom: Lecture III: Characteristics of Judaism 353  1924 [*]
. 1924-05-23 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture V 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-05-24 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture VI 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-05-25 pm  Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture VII 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-07   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture One 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-08 pm  Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Two 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-09   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Three 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-10   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Four 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-11   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Five 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-12   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Six 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-13   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Seven 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-14   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Eight 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-06-15   Karmic Relationships, VII: Lecture Nine 239  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-12 pm  Karmic Relationships, VIII: Lecture I
From: Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VIII
240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-12 pm  Cosmic Christianity: Lecture I 240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-14 pm  Karmic Relationships, VIII: Lecture II
From: Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VIII
240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-14 pm  Cosmic Christianity: Lecture II 240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-21 pm  Karmic Relationships, VIII: Lecture III
From: Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VIII
240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-21 pm  Cosmic Christianity: Lecture III 240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-24   Karmic Relationships, VIII: Lecture IV
From: Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VIII
240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-24   Cosmic Christianity: Lecture IV 240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-24 pm  Karmic Relationships, VIII: Lecture V
From: Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VIII
240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-24 pm  Cosmic Christianity: Lecture V 240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-27 pm  Karmic Relationships, VIII: Lecture VI
From: Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies - Volume VIII
240  1924 [*]
. 1924-08-27 pm  Cosmic Christianity: Lecture VI 240  1924 [*]

Total On-site Documents translated by Dorothy S. Osmond: 111

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