What's Old, from 1999, at the Steiner Archive
There are a lot of changes going on around the Steiner Archive:
new formats, new links, additional features. Sometimes it's hard to find
out just what is going on! Well, here is what you've been looking for —
a list of the changes, additions, and coming attractions that occured at
the Archive in 1999.
Some 1999 Changes...
Rudolf Steiner Press (as of 11/25/1999)
More changes at the Bookstore! The Rudolf Steiner Press —
one of the oldest Anthroposophical publishing companies — has
graciously allowed us to offer their books on-line here, at the
Rudolf Steiner Archive. Currently, this is the only place
to order your books, on-line, directly from this great publisher!
Rudolf Steiner Archive Bookstore (as of 10/27/1999)
The Bookstore has undergone a facelift! We're not just associated
with Amazon.com anymore: now we're providing the services of Barnes
& Noble, and Powells Books. Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble both have
great selections, while Powells deals in used, rare, and out of
print books. Check them all out!
Spiritual Science and Medicine (as of 10/24/1999)
New addition to the Lectures section:
Spiritual Science and Medicine has just been added. This is
a First Edition book published in 1948. We are using a new format
for this lecture series with a lot of search tools. Be sure to let
us know what you think before it becomes the standard for all of
our lectures.
e.Surveys and e.Polls (as of 09/08/1999)
Electronic Surveys and Polls:
Here are some interesting questions you can "vote" on — and return
later to see how your response measures up. New surveys will be
popping up regularly, so please come back and register your opinion(s).
We'd love to hear about your ideas on this new feature.
New Forums for the Archive (as of 05/29/1999)
From now on, everyone should use these new forums for any new
topics or discussions. You will still be able to reply to messages
in this "old" forums, but new postings/subjects should be made to the
new! Be sure to read the FAQ at the new site, and make your
comments there. Thank you all for using the Forums at the Archive.
The Story of My Life (unedited) (as of 05/20/1999)
Thanks to efforts of John Penner, we present a preliminary draft of
Rudolf Steiner's autobiography "The Story of My Life" — the 1928
edition. This version is preliminary, and John promises to provide an
edited and revised edition shortly: check back soon!
What's Happening Links ...
What's New? — Newest changes.
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What's Coming? — Coming attractions.
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
Links from prior years ...
What was in 2008
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2007
(updated Jul 09, 2009)
What was in 2006
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2005
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2004
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2003
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2002
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2001
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What was in 2000
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 1998 and before
(updated Oct 15, 2022)